Conscious Parenting, Pregnancy and Fertility Resources – Queensland Focus

Our family has 3 beautiful boys (born 2016 – 2021). We’re advocates of conscious birth and parenting, that honours children as Souls. Our birth impacts our confidence, and lifelong follow-through. Truly, everything that happens to us gives us a chance to grow or to hold back. To open, or to close our hearts and intuition. To live, or forever wonder.

As someone who began a family at 35, after a lifetime of health issues (including an eating disorder) and being scared of motherhood, I know that it’s never too late to rewrite history.

In numerology, PARENTING has the same vibration as INTUITION and LEADERSHIP (50/5) – it’s about an healthy throat chakra and voice. Think of intuition as an inner-tuition or teacher – guidance that comes from blending logic and heart. As a psychic, I’ve helped many parents connect with their babies. It’s the best feeling in the world!

Why Your Child Chose You – a family numerology webinar ($33, was $99) updated July 2023
Why You Chose Your Mother – a family numerology webinar ($33, was $99)

Ziggy Lionheart Posts – our baby born 20 Feb 2021
You Are An Angel – A Visit To Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary Nature calms babies!
I Choose You, Ziggy. A Story About Our 9 Life Path Baby.
Happy 1st Birthday Ziggy!
Ziggy’s Dramatic Arrival at the Gold Coast Birth Centre – A Mother’s Review (Part 1)
Ziggy’s Dramatic Arrival at the Gold Coast Birth Centre – A Mother’s Review (Part 2) 
Ziggy’s Birth Story in Numbers
My Birth Mentor Suzanne Swan from Yogababy Brisbane
Stand-Up Comedy with Sarah Yip – done while pregnant with Ziggy
More Ziggy Lionheart posts

Pregnancy Diaries: ‘I recovered from decades of anorexia to have kids after wanting to be a mum for 14 years’ 9Honey article, 18 Jan 2023
Meditation and Infertility Chat with Emma Dean, Musician and 1 Life Path Pioneer (she announced her pregnancy after this call!)
Hong Curley’s Powerful Kindness – Four Lessons from the Author of Freedom to Love – 31/4 Lifepath (new interview from 2023)
Elon Musk Psychic Predictions – His Spectacular Business and Personal Numerology Revealed I talk about psychic children and parent-child numerology connections in this video reading.

Blog Posts – Fertility, Parenting and Birth
7 Discoveries About Babies That Blew My Brain – A Psychic’s Tale
Children’s Lines in Palmistry (see potential children in your hands)
When Will I Have a Baby? A Spiritual Look at Conception, Miscarriage and Self-Healing
It’s Never Too Late for a Happy Child(hood) – Healing Your Inner Child
I Eat Meat And I’m Spiritual. A Story About Iron, Eating Issues And Motherhood
Bellydancing – A Cure For PMS? My Story
Talk to your baby bump – they have travelled across the galaxy to meet you!
My Psychic Baby News and 6 Holistic Fertility and Pregnancy Tips
Baby Due Dates and Caesareans – You Are Not An Accident
You Labour the Way You Live – On Conscious Birth, Life and Death
My Psychic Baby News & 6 Holistic Fertility and Pregnancy Tips
All Family and Parenting posts

The Spiritual Meaning Of Mastitis (A Breastfeeding Post)
Can You Have Psychic Boobs – 7 Tips for Spiritual Breastfeeding
10 Ways Making Breastmilk is Like Making Money
21 Amazing Benefits of Breastfeeding – Healing for Mums and Babies

The Village School Gold Coast – The Future is Now
Crystal Healing at Flourish Kinder on the Gold Coast
Birdwings Forest School

Blog Posts – My Experiences
The Egg Crack Challenge – A TikTok Trend Not To Follow!
You Can’t Not Belong – Four Ways to Forgive Your Family (Especially Your Parents)
Little Professors – My Psychic Son and His Sweet Sayings
Meet Yarraka Bayles, Mother of Quaden Bayles – A Family of 1 Lifepath Pioneers in Numerology!
Repeating Numbers & Signs from Your Children
Hello Tink! Why I’ve Asked My Spirit Baby To Wait Two Years
Part 1 Hello Charlie! My 333 Angel Baby Arrives
Part 2 How Charlie Got His Name – Kingfisher Totems & The Holy Grail 
Happy 1st Birthday Forrest! Here Comes Your Sibling!
11:11, Forrest Gump and Choosing the Right Baby Name
Forrest’s 11:11 Birth Story – A Piece of Chocolate Cake
The Medical Stigmata in Palmistry aka Why Having a Baby is a (Working) Holiday

Recommended Books and Movies (A-Z)
Birthing from within, Pam England and Rob Horowitz
Birth Time – The Documentary
Book Review: Brave New Humans – The Dirty Reality of Donor Conception
Ina May Gaskin’s work and Dr. Sarah Buckley’s work
Listen by Patty Wipfler – see StayListening – The Secret to World Peace? My Favourite Way for Calming Angry Toddlers (and People)
Operating Instructions, Anne Lamott
Raising Your Spirited Child by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka
Spirit Babies by Walter Makichen – see this blog
The Complete Secrets of Happy Children by Steve Biddulph
The First Forty Days by Heng Ou
The Discontented Little Baby Book, Dr Pamela Douglas

Conscious Parenting Resources (Queensland focus)
The race is won before you’ve begun. I did clearings on my mind, body and Soul before each of our kids arrived. There was nothing I didn’t look at, because I feel that a peaceful birth is the gift of a lifetime to both parent and child. Here are some of the actions I took, and therapists I recommend (A-Z).

Acupuncture – Tia Yoong (my therapist in 2020-2021) Also Savitri Wiednya (Gold Coast)
Art Therapy and Counselling – Alison Lee from Heartwork
Attachment Parenting – MamaManon, Lou Harvey-Zahra, Marion Rose
Australian Bush Flower Essences (ABFE)- I did White Light Essences – click for review and Numerology Workshops with Ian White before Charlie
Chanting – Deva Premal & Miten, Dave Stringer, Sacred Earth, Snatam Kaur
Crystal Healings/ Readings – Deniz Akan, Vicki Haspels
Hypnotherapy – Julia Chai
Journalling – I keep daily diaries for my pregnancies and children
Organic food – Gold Coast Organic Farmers Markets
Past life regressions – I offer these as does Vicki Haspels.
Postnatal Doula – Kate Porter (Sacred Birth Keeper)
Reflexology – Sand from The Footprint Connection
Supplements – Pure Natal, Magnesium, Floravital (Gluten-free) I take Zinc Picolinate as I am an undermethylator. Also see my post on iron in pregnancy.
Tribe of the Tree Flower Essences
Yoga – Yogababy (Pregnancy and Active Birth Classes) – Suzanne is a 29/11 life path like me)

Note: I tried placenta encapsulation for all three births, but had mixed results so it’s something I’d encourage you to research first.

Friends of the Birth Centre QLD
Red Tent Australia

Want to learn numerology? Check out my 11:11 Patreon groupclasses and meditations.

Connect with us
Seeing repeating numbers or at a turning point? Book a reading series with me. Around your birthday is ideal, as that’s when you change personal years.

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