Life Path 33
Life Path 33 – The Master Healer
Are you a Life Path 33 in numerology? Then you are a Master Healer, here to express double communication! Check the sum of your DOB at Find Your Life Path. If the final sum equals 33* then you are a 33 Lifepath – Master Healer. For example, 13/07/1993 = 1+3+0+7+1+9+9+3 = 33/6 Life Path. Also see Life Path 6 for tips.
*In traditional numerology, your DOB must add to 11, 22 or 33 using at least two methods to be a ‘true’ Master Number (see my post on Master 22 Lifepaths). I don’t fully agree with this approach. I feel that adding a DOB from left to right is the most accurate way to determine a lifepath (see Dan Millman’s The Life You Were Born to Live).
If someone’s DOB adds to an 11, 22 or 33 using this technique but not others, I talk to them about Master Numbers anyway. I believe that in these times of 11:11 Ascension, everyone is being stretched to their potential.
NEW: Watch 2 x 1.5 hour classes on 33 and 6 life paths in my Patreon – recorded July 2024
Join us for $11/ 22/ 33 a month, no contracts. Includes lots of tips not in my blogs and personal Q&A
A huge majority of my clients have Master 33 energy (at one point, they were 33% of my waitlist!
I’ve also had almost entire classes of 33s learning numerology. No surprise as I have 33 in my name chart.)
The numbers in your life path reveal important age turning points e.g. 33/6 Lifepath Albert Einstein began courting his wife, returned to teaching physics & changed citizenship at 33. No surprise, as 33 is about mastering positive transformations.
Note: I use life path and lifepath interchangeably on this site.
Life Path 33 Summary
“Flying to the stars? 33s take you far. “
As a life path 33, you are a gifted speaker and authority figure, here to catalyse global awakening, one conscious interaction at a time. 33 looks like people talking, a butterfly or four leaf clover (if you reverse one of the 3s). It is about luck that comes from positive intention and follow-through.
As with the Master 11/2 life paths and Master 22/4 life paths, a Master 33/6 journey is about collaboration rather than competition. See The Old vs The 11:11 Way.
You have returned to Earth to heal the 6th or Third Eye Chakra in yourself and others (foresight, insight, mental health, comfort) Like other lifepath 6s’s, you are a visionary who often takes on major responsibilities.
There is a secondary emphasis on healing the 3rd or Solar Plexus Chakra (your confidence, ego, imagination, inner child and personal power).
Pros: Courageous whistle-blowers, cheerleaders who turn grief into hope.
Cons: Forgets self-care, can get lost in people’s issues and drown with them.
Lifepath 33’s are here to demonstrate that we get what we give x 10.
Dec 2023 – Check my video with Tiarnie Vidler on Key Astrology Themes for 2024! She is a 33/6 life path.
TIP – 2022 was a Universal 6 Year for Earth. Both 6 and 33/6 life paths were in the spotlight. I’m seeing lots of 33s come in for ‘debriefing’ and healing in 2023.
Recommended Reading
(in order of relevance and lifepath)
Master 33 Lifepath Numerology – The Pros and Cons of Being a Master Healer (and Spiritual Party Animal!) Includes Famous 33’s.
*NEW* Numerology for Linda Burney, a Master 33/6 Life Path Whistleblower and Indigenous Politician
Author Vex King on being a Whistleblower, Master 33/6 life path and ‘too honest’
Singer Lewis Capaldi – His Angelic Numerology, Predictions and 33/6 Life Path
Interview with Tiarnie Vidler on Astrology-Numerology Syncs, the ups and downs of being a 33 life path and why it’s about being a truth rockstar not a scapegoat or victim. A must-watch!
Interview with Hanssøn and Sarah Yip on Master 33/6 Life paths, Numerology and Making Miracles Video below
The Butterfly Effect – What My Dying 33 Lifepath Friend Wants You To Know One of the most profound blogs I have done, here is Butterfly’s final public conversation with her advice for other 33’s. Butterfly’s wisdom has helped me many times over the years, she is one of the reasons we now live on the Gold Coast (a 33/6 vibration place).
Kookaburra Proves There’s Life After Death – My 33/6 Lifepath Friend’s Last Laugh A video of a spiritual messenger bird after Butterfly’s passing. 33/6 Lifepaths come here to open our Third Eye Chakras and ESP, they provide proof that love exists across space and time.
2022 Election Numerology for Scott and Jenny Morrison – 33/6 life paths
Happy True You Year! 6 Reasons To Love 2022, A Universal 6 Year Of Visionary Love In Numerology
Tightrope Walker Nik Wallenda – A Daring Master 33/6 Life Path He crossed Niagara Falls at his life path turning point age of 33
Markus Zusak – a 33/6 Life Path Master Healer and Author of Bridge of Clay
Ben Zabel, a Master 33/6 Lifepath Shining a Spotlight on Mental Health
Quote: “Many people have asked me about 33/6 lifepaths and depression in the past. 33 is about double inner child healing, and unless a 33/6 lifepath has big goals they are kicking, which shine a light on injustice, they go into a slump…”
Farewell Bob Hawke, and Thanks for all the Chocolate (A Master 33 Lifepath in Review) Quote: “At 33 years old, his lifepath turning point, Bob’s fourth child Robert Jr. died in infancy. 33 is associated with Christ Consciousness, and Angels (MICHAEL, BLESSING, WAKE UP CALL and ANGELIC add to 33/6), and I can only surmise that this tragedy would have left a scar in his heart, especially considering the baby was named after him.”
Numerology for Natalie Cook – Olympic Gold Medallist and Master 33/6
Quote: “As a 33/6, this is the age at which Nat began to express her full spectrum of leadership, communication and healing abilities. This was the year that Nat married Sarah. In a romantic twist, Sarah (a 31/4 Lifepath) was 31 that year, so she was in her Lifepath Peak.”
33/6 Numerology Tips (Angelic and Christ Consciousness Energy)
I note that self-care also has a 33/6 vibration!
Master Number Couples in Politics – 11/ 22/ 33’s in The Spotlight
Captain Marvel’s Master 11 Numerology – Brie Larson & Jude Law’s Superhero Lifepaths Jude Law is a 33/6. Quote “Around his adult lifepath turning point of 33-34, he appeared in The Holiday, his first modern role after many period dramas and sci-fi movies. Soon afterwards, his career skyrocketed. At the time, he was active in charity work with his ex-wife, Sadie Frost. He also admitted to an affair with his children’s nanny, which led to a separation from Sienna Miller just before he turned 34.”
Agatha Christie’s Words On Depression- 33/6 Lifepath
Quote: “At 33, Agatha wrote her 3rd book, left her daughter at home and travelled the world with her husband…they were one of the first Britons to do stand up surfing in Hawaii (a 33 vibration).”
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Seeing repeating numbers or at a turning point? Book a reading series with me.
Around your birthday is ideal, as that’s when you change personal years.
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