11:11, Forrest Gump and Choosing the Right Baby Name in Numerology

One of the benefits of doing numerology and psychic readings in Brisbane, is that I analyse names and dates of birth (lifepaths) for a living. So when it came to giving my baby bump (see his cute ultrasound on the right) a nickname, my partner and I followed our intuition.

We came up with the names Forest, or Forrest, as we love the bush and trees. Not only do these words add to Master Number 11 (my lifepath), my last name Yip means ‘leaf’ in Chinese, and his father grows bonsai.

Both of us see 11:11, which represents new beginnings, the Age of Aquarius, and the equality of all Souls. 11 forms a bridge between Heaven and Earth, and even looks like an equals sign on it’s side.

1+1+1+1 = 4, and the 4th Chakra is our Heart Centre. So 11:11 is a wake up call from Spirit, asking us to grow to our full spiritual height, similar to trees in a forest. Can you see the forest for the trees? 11:11 is about seeing the bigger picture – that, despite our differences, we are all energy beings wanting to evolve. Everyone is a teacher and a student in different areas. When we die, our bodies are ‘recycled’, like leaves on the forest floor, but our essence stays alive.

After debriefing from this lifetime, we are given a choice to come back to Earth (perhaps with a different lifepath), to rest for a while, or to visit other dimensions (something I’ve learned from Past Life Regression). Now, back to Forrest…

The day that my husband and I discussed the first name Forest for our son, we talked about what spelling he would prefer. Imagine our delight when, that night, we turned the television on to the opening scene of Forrest Gump, the heartwarming movie with Tom Hanks (I love his quote ‘Like is like a box of chocolates’. I’m used to synchronicity, so was amused rather than amazed – I figured that Forrest’s Soul was simply helping us out!

Even better, a week or so later I was listening to the radio when the presenter mentioned an Australian businessman called Andrew Forrest. I thought ‘there’s that spelling again’. The very next day, I received a ‘spam’ email, supposedly from Andrew Forrest. My husband also met a guy called Forrest (!) So from then on, we knew that Forrest was the winner. I had been calling him ‘The Bump’ so ‘Forrest Bump’ was an easy change.

A similar series of ‘coincidences’ helped my sister to name her son Phoenix last year. Even her sceptical husband noticed how often they were seeing ‘Phoenix’ on TV, or on signs. Phoenix suits his name to a tee, as his arrival was a huge rebirth for our family.

Babies know what names will suit their journey and they give their parents multiple clues about their preferred lifestyle and purpose – it’s all about tuning in and trusting that your child is a fully formed Soul.

NEW Class (August 2020)! Click on the child to buy Why Your Child Chose You – A Family Numerology Webinar. This eye-opening class explains the new children (born 2000-), their psychic abilities, lifepaths, compatibility with you and specific talents, as revealed by their DOB grids. This is an exclusive workshop with insights you won’t find anywhere else online. Includes detailed templates to do your own family numerology chart. This $33 package includes 4.5 hours of video and 80 pages of illustrated notes. Buy it now for instant download. Your children and partner will thank you for this Soul-level understanding of their journeys.

As an aside, I won’t be finalising Forrest’s full name until he is born (he ended up telling me his middle name a few weeks after he was born, through telepathy).

The reason for this is that, in numerology we believe that you should select a baby’s name in relation to their date of birth and lifepath. Find your lifepath. Being a true nerd, I’ve already created a spreadsheet with Forrest’s possible lifepaths, but it’s up to him exactly when he’s born.

I believe that a baby chooses their day and time of birth, even if they are a caesarean. In my books, you can’t get it wrong. Spirit will simply overrule you if you try to resist destiny.

For example, perhaps you book surgery, but the doctor is not working that day or is delayed. Or you try to induce the birth, but 40 pills later, baby is still snugly in your tummy (true story from a friend!)

Although I am a fan of natural, drug-free birth, I don’t believe we should feel make people feel guilty for having a caesarean section. Part of being a conscious parent is making the best choices we can, based on what we know at the time. (Note: Forrest telepathically told me just before I went into labour, that he didn’t mind if we had a caesarean, which helped me to relax. We ended up having a natural waterbirth).

Similarly, have fun choosing your baby’s name – it’s not rocket science. Just keep an eye out for signs and clues. Pray or meditate for guidance (see tips). Keep a list of names that keep popping into your head, as they are probably coming from your baby’s Soul. Remember that your child will have free will to change their name as an adult, if needed.

I’m often asked about name changes in readings – in my experience, they take a few years to have an effect and are best made during personal years of change, after professional consultation with a numerologist or adequate research. Find your personal year forecast

All names take time to grow into. I used to hate Sarah because it was so common, but I now like it, as people can spell it and it helps me to stand out in the psychic industry, where so many people use pseudonyms. Hopefully Forrest will love what we choose for him, too! I believe that we all come from Heaven, and have Divine wisdom to impart.

Related Links
Family and Parenting blogs
Why Your Child Chose You – A Family Numerology Webinar
Baby Due Dates and Caesareans in Numerology – You Are Not An Accident!
Forrest’s 11:11 Birth Story – A Piece of (Chocolate) Cake (he was born 16 Feb 2016)
How Charlie Got His Name – Kingfisher Totems & The Holy Grail – Part 2 (the story of naming our second child, born 30 August 2017)

Want to learn numerology? Check out my 11:11 Patreon groupclasses and meditations.

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