11:11 World Changers - Spiritual Business Program - Round 5

11:11 World Changers is my 'gold star' program for women leaders, who want high level spiritual business support for 6+ months. Round 5 starts 30 January 2025.

Are you seeing 11:11 and repeated numbers like 111, 222, 333, 444, 555 and 777?
Have a spiritual business or want to create one?
At a career crossroads? Ready to step into your greatest role/s?
Looking for 1 on 1 and group support to make quantum shifts?
Then 11:11 World Changers could be for you!


I can send you sample group calls, just let me know of your interest by clicking below. Thanks.


World Changers includes insights, speakers and proven techniques to bring your spiritual business into abundance AND the spotlight.

World Changers is for women:

-who have a business and want to run it on a more spiritual level OR
-who are ready to start a spiritual business OR 
-who are making major career changes for work/ life balance AND 
-who want to develop their spirituality in a safe, guided way. 
-who are facing big odds to becoming a leader in the public eye.

What's involved?

A combination of powerful 1 on 1 and group calls to enhance your confidence, trust and results at work. 

  • Monthly 1 on 1 readings. Calls may include clairvoyance, numerology, palmistry, Tarot and business energy analysis and/ or Holistic counselling and visualisations. Phone/ Zoom/ In person sessions available (Gold Coast, Brisbane). 100’s of testimonials are here and further down Sarah is one of the most accurate, practical and professional psychics in Australia.
  • Benefits: Acceleration of your 11:11 awakening and business  success through predictive guidance (including forecasts). 
  • Group calls from 30 January 2025 (12pm – 1.30pm AEST, monthly calls on a Thursday). Include channelled meditations, coaching and interviews with high calibre guests (examples are below). 

  • Benefits: Profound insights, creativity, community and global connection. “Once a World Changer, always a World Changer”. I pride myself on long-term capacity-building.

  • SMS/ Whatsapp support, a Kajabi site with replays and meditations and a private Facebook group.


  • Benefits: Continuity, celebration and encouragement, and a user-friendly portal, which will be kept online for a minimum of one year after creation. 

  • Opportunities to connect with Sarah’s network of tried-and-tested business and spiritual professionals, many of whom she has worked with for over a decade. Some of my colleagues. 

Watch lessons with Michelle Worthington & Hong Curley below (from past rounds)

Since 2007, Sarah has guided 5, 200+ clients, including successful managers, entrepreneurs, coaches and healers. She runs a 6-figure business, including coaching and Patreon groups, readings and classes.

What's the investment?

  • World Changers is a high level program and the exchange involved reflects the commitment required, support provided and experience of the teachers. I tap into your Soul contract and help you stay in sync with your Guides and messages for 6 months or more. This means that your business/ career growth and extraordinary levels of healing are assured. 

  • The investment for Round 5 is $440 a month for 6 months (30min monthly reading/ coaching + sms support + monthly group coaching call/ replays.) Group calls will be stored in an online Kajabi library which may be available to future members. Prices are  in AUD and include GST. Ongoing members can move to quarterly reading/ coaching after one round has been completed. 

  • For context, new client readings with me start at $2200 for 3 calls. My rates are professional as I take your future seriously. Everything I say is recorded and questions are welcome. For more, read If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional, wait until you hire an amateur. Hundreds of testimonials can be found here. 

  • The round is capped at ~20 participants for quality interaction.  

  • There is a selection process, including a complimentary 15min call, then a paid initial reading ($660/ 1 hour for new clients or $385/ 30mins for current clients with a chart on file). If your application is successful, you’ll be invited to join 11:11 World Changers.  

  • Some partial scholarships are available (filled for Round 5 at this stage). Weekly/ fortnightly/ upfront payment methods also possible, contact Sarah to discuss please. Additional monthly 1 on 1 time can be purchased with Sarah as needed.

  • A non-refundable* deposit of 1 months’ fees is required to save your place (this goes towards the last month of the program). Occasionally, this can be waived. A minimum of 1 months’/ 4 weeks’ notice is required in the rare event that you wish to leave the program. If required, Sarah will endeavour to provide additional support, to help you meet your objectives. These goals will be discussed during your first 1 on 1 with her. *The program deposit can be transferred to readings with Sarah, if notice is given in writing before Round 3 begins. 

What will we cover over the 6 months?

Here’s an idea of what we discussed in the past 4 rounds. Please note, speakers are TBC for Round 5. The order of topics is aligned to the chakras as this is the basis of my numerology system. Round 1 had fortnightly calls, Round 2 onwards had monthly calls. Find your life path (LP) using your DOB

Root Chakra – Cosmic connection and blessed beginnings

Rounds 1, 2 and 3: Deniz Akan (Dimensional Healing) 1 LP
Round 4: 
Lotus Kruse (Wildly Desirable Living) 4LP

Sacral Chakra – Spiritual contracts and partnerships

Round 1: Karen Jacobsen (The GPS Girl), 4 LP and Sarah Jayd (Spiritual Events Directory, 33/6 LP
Round 2: 
Jane Sleight-Leach (Life 2 Project), 11 LP, Justine Turner Day (The Book Sitters), 5 LP and Caroline Byrd (Soulbyrds), 5 LP
Round 3: Toni Relly and Vicki Haspels
Round 4: Bonus call with 
Patreon members – 888 Lion’s Gate with Caroline Byrd (Soulbyrds)

Solar Plexus – One size does not fit all

Round 1: Melanie Spears (The Gratitude Diary), 8 LP
Round 2: Chezzi Denyer (It’s All True Podcast), 1 LP, Emma Dean (Singer), 1 LP and Karen Jacobsen (The GPS Girl), 4 LP
Round 3: Caroline Byrd (Soulbyrds)
Round 4: Linda Thackray (The Face and Body Interpreter), 4LP and Meliors Simms (Holistic Tooth Fairy), 4LP

Heart Chakra – A fiercely loving community creates success

Round 1: Jill Genet (Conscious Consulting NZ), 11 LP and Dr Mahdi Mason (Land Healer), 5 LP
Round 2: Hong Curley (Imperial Doctor), 4 LP,  Dr Toni Reilly (Past Lives), 5 LP and Linda Thackray (The Face and Body Interpreter), 4 LP
Round 3: Tia Yoong (Pulse Acupuncture), 3 LP and Jo Hayden (Hand Intelligence Australia), 8 LP
Round 4: Hong Curley (Imperial Doctor), 4 LP

Throat Chakra – Freedom comes from playful + potent choices

Round 1: Veronica Grace (Healer), 8 LP and Amanda Morrison (Psychic Medium), 33/6 LP
Round 2: Carol Fox, Caroline Byrd and Michelle Worthington (International, multi-award winning author), 5 LP
Round 3: Chezzi Denyer and Karen Jacobsen
Round 4: Sarah Maxwell (In the Game Coaching), 4LP

Third eye chakra – Spiritual education brings collective elevation

Round 1: Linda Thackray (The Face and Body Interpreter), 4 LP and Carol Fox (Leadership Speaker), 3 LP
Round 2 and 3: Group roundup

Crown – Love is all there is – step into the spotlight

Round 1: Grace Chon (Photographer and Akashic Records Reader), 5 LP

What results can I expect?

So far, I’ve worked with over 40 women in World Changers. My team and I have helped them to create:

-significant career promotions and payrises (many members are in managerial and executive/ founder roles.)
-huge deals and contracts (e.g. property sales, successful grants – I have worked in fundraising and helped investors)
-new and revamped businesses (e.g. using numerology and intuition to update names, marketing and websites.)
-spiritual and creative careers, after leaving 9 to 5 jobs which left them drained and unwell.
-higher self-trust and confidence. A number of members have found their voices and spoken up!
-closer relationships with their mentors, employers, colleagues, clients and loved ones (especially their partners and children). I am passionate about bringing people together for 11:11 collective healing. 
-at least two pregnancies!

Feedback from past and current members

Antonella Spatola, ESD Coaching Australia and Wisdom for Women, 31/4 LP Heart Healer (Rounds 1 and 2)

"Sarah's integrity, attention to detail and gentle nature makes working with her a truly insightful and fun experience. She has a way with words that brings out my creative side, which allows more expansion and success in my business. I have followed Sarah's work for years and it's clear to see how other successful people incorporate her teachings in their own areas of life.

Re: World Changers - Sarah's 1 on 1 calls were so healing and needed. I got so much from these sessions and still the messages vibrate within me. There 
were so many little nuggets that no one else could find. Sarah supported my journey in exploring the untapped areas from my past and how they subconsciously impacted the building of my business. I received validation and confirmation that I am on the right. There were many belief systems that Sarah addressed, which has left me me feeling more in control of my direction. 
Forever grateful. I loved listening to the group speakers' stories." 

Felicity Horsley, Performer and Artist, School of Wild Wellness (Rounds 2 and 3)

"Joining ths program has been a godsend, even just being part of the container has changed my life, giving me buoyancy in difficult times. It has connected me to an incredible group of fellow participants and women rocking their businesses. The guest speakers and team Sarah gets in as part of the program are awesome. The readings and 1:1 sessions with Sarah are truly MAGICAL. Sarah has powerful psychic skills yet is completely down to earth, authentic and very funny! With a unique and genius way with words. I always gain really interesting insights and feel seen and understood in a rare way. I absolutely recommend this incredible woman and her mission. Truly grateful, Sarah. Thank you." 

Fiona Stott, Valley Organic Healing, 34/7 LP Spiritual Teacher (Rounds 1, 2 and 4)

"I highly recommend Sarah every chance I get, no matter where you are on your journey of awakening. Sarah's highly tuned psychic abilities are second to none, giving you insight, direction and connection through her readings and clear communication with spirit.

Sarah's dedication to helping people and humanity grow and evolve can be seen through the huge amount of preparation and energy she puts into everything she does from readings to teaching and forecasts. 
Sarah is a true professional who works from her heart.

11:11 World Changers has boosted my self-belief, helped me open my business up energetically and find direction with clients. The on going calls have helped me to treat my business as a friend whom I trust and support. I 
love being part of your Patreon too, such a great mix of beautiful souls. The guidance and light you bring makes a huge differenceThank you Sarah, you truly are a gift to humanity

Merendi Leverett, Healthpreneur and Holistic Healer, 35/8 LP Boss (Rounds 1, 2 and 4) Mum of 5 kids!

"I've never felt so confident and stable. I don't worry about money anymore, I have flow. My intuition/ self-trust has improved. I enjoyed the guest speakers and how some gave us a healing or reading during calls - that was so powerful and inspiring. I really enjoyed the 1 on 1 calls as they were tailored to what was going on for me. I enjoyed the meditations that we did as a group, in 1 on 1s and that were sent via SMS. The meditations always helped shift stuff for me on an emotional level." 

Danielle Neale - Senior University Leader and Entrepreneur (Round 1)

"I was referred to Sarah about a decade ago and highly recommend her valuable coaching, personal and business advice.  Sarah is a key person to have at hand. Besides her unparalleled commitment to her work and the extensive detail she provides, I most appreciate her gentleness, compassion and humour. She uses visualisation, meditation, analogies and comedy to convey critical life changing messages for coping with what's to come. When I have followed her suggestions, I’ve had remarkable results and her predictions have often been extremely accurate.

As she says, there is always choice, and what I get from her is important guidance about how I can choose to handle upcoming challenges and make the most of being in ease and flow. I also highly recommend her Patreon group. Sarah maintains a community of outstanding, dedicated, next-level healers around her and I've often followed her recommendations with excellent results.
I am so grateful for all that you do Sarah." 

Sela Moon, Musician and Singer, 35/8 LP Boss (Rounds 1 and 2)

"I enjoy the thorough details of what’s coming up for me. Bringing to light a lot of the things that need to be heard and felt. Your intuitive guidance is on point and much appreciated. Been working with you for some time and I don’t regret one bit." 

Danielle Drew, Nurture Our Nature Forest Therapy, 33/6 LP Master Healer (Rounds 1, 2 and 4)

(Danielle started her business upon signing up for Round 1!) "I most enjoyed the connections made with others in the group. I think without this support from the group and Sarah I would still be talking about my business plans and not putting them into action. When I started the program I was full of fear and self doubt! Six months later I feel my confidence has grown and I am much more trusting of my own intuition. The regular fortnightly calls were motivating, inspiring and full of very useful knowledge and skills."

Carol Fox, Confident Communication for Leaders, 30/3 LP Artist, (Guest Teacher) 

"Spot on reading today Sarah - love the combination of science, numerology and your intuition. Love your work - highly recommend your sessions to anyone- brilliant for insights into business, relationships, health."

Why study with me?

As one of Australia’s top psychics, I am known for my numerology, palmistry and clairvoyant readings, workshops and media forecasts. A scientist-turned-reader, I am accurate, compassionate and friendly. Since 2007, I have helped 5, 200+ people to find their purpose. I specialise in working with high flyers who see 11:11 and repeating numbers to navigate rapid increases in intuition, which bring rapid changes in their relationships, careers and health. See The 4 Stages of 11:11 Awakening. I’m regularly featured in the media and have met, profiled and read for many top entrepreneurs and thinkers, including these famous people.

I have a waitlist year round. 
I spend months preparing for my programs and classes and tuning in via monthly forecasts. I am passionate about teaching and have run over 100 workshops on spiritual topics. 

FYI, I am a Master 29/11/2 Life Path who picked up numerology at age 29, my life path turning point age. 
Find your life path I have 3 psychic sons. For me, people come before profit, and they always will. 

Want to study numerology rather than leadership and spiritual business? Check out my Patreon community from $33 a month. We have 50+ replays on topics including numerology, palmistry, psychic kids, past lives, dreams, body healing and more!

Also check out Change for Good – a Spiritual Money Workshop for 3.5 hours of financial healing tips! Now 50% off ($49.5)

Disclaimer: I recommend that all participants in 11:11 World Changers seek appropriate, ongoing financial, structural and legal advice from qualified professionals. As with all coaching programs, individual results may vary. 

"11:11 Starseeds need a Constellation to succeed"

Welcome to the 11:11 fun!

Please sign up for articles & invites. Your details will be kept private. You’ll also receive a free 11:11 healing meditation! Cheers, Sarah and the Angels.