Review of the ABFE White Light Essences – Powerful 11:11 Healing Tools

The White Light Essences by Australian Bush Flower Essences (ABFE) are an amazing way to clear obstacles from your path. However, they are not for the faint-hearted. Here’s my candid review of the Water, Earth, Fire and Devic Essences from 2017. It’s taken me a while to publish this post, due to birthing Charlie at the same time. Amazingly, I was taking White Light Essences – Angelic Essence when he was born and his 21/3 lifepath corresponds to ‘Angel’ in numerology. We are so in tune.

Meditation tips with Ian White – April 2022
Numerology Chat with Ian White –  July 2020

In numerology, WHITE adds to 29/11, as does LIGHT. So you could say these are also 11:11 Essences to help you to awaken. No surprise that I’m reviewing this range, as I’m a Master 29/11 Lifepath, aka Spiritual Messenger, who connects people who see 11:11 and StarseedsFind your lifepath

As I discuss in this video, Why Do I See 11:1111:11 is a Spirit sign to start again. It appears once you are ready to open your Third Eye Chakra, and to embrace radical change. During this transition (often 5 to 9 years or more), the symptoms of Ascension are intense. So it pays to find supportive people and healing tools, to help you stay centred while your wings unfurl.

As an ex-scientist, I am still sceptical of certain modalities, which operate under a ‘spiritual’ banner. Sometimes a ‘new age’ idea is just a ‘new cage’. See my posts on spiritual whitewashing, for example. It’s only through experience, that I’ve grown to trust remedies, such as ABFE. I particularly like Emergency Essence. Once, baby Forrest was crying from exhaustion in the car. A few sprays of this mist and he calmed down. No wonder so many people use essences on their babies and pets. They really work, and are so affordable. In my reading for Nat Cook, I mention how Abund Essence led to our meeting, and helped me to find the guts to send Ellen Degeneres a reading. Natalie said she also takes essences, which I thought was wonderful.

With Ian White while I was pregnant. Ian let me teach some numerology in his class!

The White Light Essences were created by Ian White, Founder of the ABFE in 2002. They took over four years to produce, and are clearly imbued with great love. Ian is a down-to-Earth 31/4 lifepath in numerology, aka the Heart Healer. 4’s are practical geniuses, who’ve come here to reconnect themselves, and others with their compassion. See my psychic reading for Ian.

Unlike flower essences, the White Light range contain no plants. They are vibrational remedies, made in some of the most magical places on Earth. I attended the White Light workshop with Ian in Brisbane in March 2017.

I enjoyed testing these essences on myself. Being pregnant, I was looking for a way of preparing for my Charlie (born August 2017). These essences turned up at the right time. That said, some practitioners don’t recommend the White Light range during pregnancy as they can be strong. Ideally I would have taken them in consultation with a flower essences practitioner (e.g. John Le Gros in Brisbane – see photo, he’s also a 29/11!)

To ensure the results were credible, I kept up my usual diet (organic produce from Spray-free Farmacy), exercise regime (yogababy classes plus Calligraphy yoga with Tracy Gray) and self-care (acupuncture with Michael Brownmassage with Helena Wilson), while taking the White Light Essences. I also diarised my feelings.

With John Le Gros, an ABFE Practitioner and Teacher in Brisbane

My Review of the ABFE – White Light Essences (WLE)
There are seven White Light Essences. They come with a CD of beautiful music. Although I tried them at the workshop (as single doses coupled with meditation), I only reviewed four of them (for 2-4 weeks each) in this post. At the time, I was about to give birth, so please forgive me. I often felt ‘previews’ of the essences before I took them. I guess that’s how alive they are (it probably helps that I am an empath). Please note, the ‘purpose’ text is paraphrased from the WLE Essences workbook.

1) White Light Essences – Water (Ian recommends taking this one first)
Created: On Heron Island (Australia) and Iona (Scotland)
Purpose: Allows you to let go of the past – to intensely experience your own emotional disharmony so that it can be purified and released. It’s for those going through grief, shock, estrangement. It helps you to deal with crises before and after they happen.

I had an intense past-life memory of being a girl in a slum, whose mother treated her like a slave, then died, leaving her shackled to a chair. I visualised helping the girl escape her prison, bulldoze it and build a park/ playground instead. I pictured her returning to the site as an old woman, who’d gone on to have a wonderful life. This exercise left me feeling incredibly peaceful, like I’d gone somewhere I’d never been. As a child I often wanted to run away from home, but I never knew where to go. Even in my dreams, the world would end at the bottom of my street.

At-home: Within 24 hours of the workshop, I recorded three meditations (you can buy the Angel track via my store). This was something I’d wanted to do for years. Within 3 weeks, I’d Skyped my family in Singapore (for the first time*), restarted piano (first time in years), attended a Red Tent Circle (first time in months), discussed a budget with Kris (one of my great fears), and Forrest started walking (also one of my biggest worries)! *This ended up being the last time I saw my Aunty alive – so profound.

Not only that, I cleared thousands of emails, decluttered the basement, which I’d thought about since 2015, and did the Story Bridgeclimb with Kris (that’s 1138 steps at 20 weeks pregnant! The group applauded me at the end. See photo below.)

I also had writers’ coaching with Heather Plett (another 29/11 lifepath), and wrote a past life/ horror story (not posted yet) about a Chinese concubine, who was buried alive in a tomb with her sister, many centuries ago. This was an actual practice back then.

Pros of Water Essence: I cleared so many fears I’d been carrying for years, if not lifetimes, and finally asked for help in the areas I’d been avoiding. I banished my fear of heights, by recalling memories where I had conquered even greater obstacles.

Challenges of Water Essence: Ian said some people cry while taking this remedy. I had big outbursts, vivid dreams and a few fights with Kris. This essence brought things to a head, including my workaholism. I had to reduce my hours, due to mood swings. I developed an urge to research domestic violence, and to visit my grandma’s ashes in Singapore. But, as soon as I said I was going overseas, I got hit with so many bills I couldn’t afford the flights.

The Spirit signs were unbelievable. The morning I drafted a blog on domestic violence, Bianca Girven and Rosie Batty, I took a call from a client who talked about this issue, while I had the post open. Total goosebumps moment.

2) White Light Essences – Earth (after Water, Ian says you can take the other essences in whatever order feels right)
Created: Patal Bhuvaneshwar (India)
Purpose: Heals internal structure and order in life. Helps to ground those doing Spiritual work. Recommended for those who wanting more patience, a greater connection with their home, family and inner peace.

Workshop: Boy, did I have fun! First, I felt I was a worm, happily eating and pooping dirt in darkness. As someone who’s had digestive issues since birth, this was liberating. Next, I partied with some gnomes under a tree, who delivered nutrients to its roots and had to move each time it died. Then, I saw my grandpa (who’s passed) reading a story about a little girl (me) and I saw my future flash by. I came back, feeling hopeful and grateful for the simple things in life.

At-home: Within 24 hours of this essence, I went to Northey Street City Farm (where we have a plot) and lay on the grass, watching clouds for the first time in months, while Forrest played in the dirt. I also had a mediumship session with Caroline Byrd, where my grandma came through and told me to stop working myself to death. Her words not only explained my Googling re: domestic violence and fascination with suicide victims, it cleared my desire to travel. I got all the answers I needed on the spot.

I completed a six week Money Love course with Lotus Kruse, which cleared much of my shame. My taste returned. I restarted ‘date nights’ with Kris with a massage at Pho Thai Spa (where I had my hen’s party). We attended the funeral of his Uncle (also a 29/11 lifepath), where I talked about Spirit Babies and miscarriage. I had long chats with my mum and sister, and cancelled my Vistaprint web hosting after years of terrible service.

Sweetest of all, I did a reflexology course with Sand from The Footprint Connection, and with her and Helena Wilson’s help, released a right ankle injury from 2005 (related to bullying at the United Nations). This twisting probably caused the tear I had during Forrest’s birth. So I killed two birds with one stone. Not only can I ‘put my foot down again’, I’m less scared of tearing during Charlie’s birth. Note: I had no problems at Charlie’s birth, it was a breeze.

Pros of Earth Essence: I repaired my body, many relationships, took a long look at my spending, opened up with Kris, began planning for the future again, simplified my life, started cooking more and going for long walks with baby Forrest.

Challenges of Earth Essence: I had an unusual number of confrontations over money and power. While on holiday, my accommodation forgot I was coming, so I had to walk, heavily pregnant in the cold and dark looking for a key. When I ordered CDs of my Angel Meditation, they blamed me for an error. A racist ‘fan’ attacked me on Facebook. My lower body froze, and I felt scared a lot.

3) White Light Essences – Fire
Created: Katajuta/ the Olgas (Australia)
Purpose: Increases motivation, passion and ability to complete your goals. Reminds you why you chose this set of incarnations and gets you back on purpose. Recommended for those who want their spark/ energy back.

Workshop: I relived a memory from my stint with Parks Australia in Kakadu in 2003. While on graduate rotation, I went out fire-fighting with the rangers but was hopeless. Not only did the smoke make me cry, I’m scared of flames. What was I thinking? Even at school, I asked my classmate to light my Bunsen burner.

After this flashback, I heard my inner voice say to my younger self ‘Don’t worry Sarah, you’re going to become a psychic and even more sensitive. Stop trying to be so macho – this job’s not for you.’ Then I saw scenes of witches being burned at the stake, and felt myself both watching and being in the fire (painlessly). My Guides told me that I came to Earth to create an education system that would empower people to harness their magic. I awoke, with a deep knowing that the physical world (even fire) cannot harm me. I mention this inspiring experience in my 2019 post, 7 Signs You Were a Witch in a Past Life.

At-home: This essence was so strong, I couldn’t take it for more than a couple of weeks. I started eating a lot of sugar and salt. Then, within 24 hours, Forrest came down with a 39.5 degree Celsius fever, and I broke out in eczema (read about the metaphysical meaning of eczema). This was the first time he’d been sick. He ended up being down for five days – the doctor said it was probably an infection.

Despite being worried about baby (he slept all day and stopped walking), I felt okay, and set up a downstairs office and psychic library. I had so many ideas I thought my brain would pop. I cleaned my car and Kris’s car (first time in years) and finished work tasks at warp speed. I even hired a babysitter and assistant, without doubting myself like I normally do.

Plus, Kris and I began joint psychic readings, which has been a miracle for our marriage. We love working together on great causes.

Pros of Fire essence: My mojo came back, roaring like a lioness. I had epic amounts of inspiration and found myself jumping on opportunities (like buying secondhand equipment for my office). It felt like the ‘old me’ returned – the Sarah who never backed down from her dreams. I started acting like a leader and being more upfront with people. I also wrote an article on the meaning of sick kids.

Cons of Fire essence: The eczema and junk food cravings! Also, I felt quite ruthless and aloof. I was so focused on bringing my ideas to life that it was hard to feel empathy. That said, when Forrest got sick, I questioned if I had caused it by taking Fire Essence. When I shared this thought, one of my healers begged me to stop taking the essences until after giving birth. I didn’t agree with him.

I rationalised that, Forrest not only chose me as his Mum (knowing I am a mad scientist), but that he had to get ill at some stage. A psychic friend said later, rather than causing his pain, it’s more likely I knew Forrest was due for a fever, and took Fire Essence to help myself cope with the workload…I feel this is more true.

4) Devic Essence (I postponed taking Air, based on intuition)
Created: The Chalice Well Garden, Glastonbury (England)
Purpose: To establish links with the Devic kingdom (including plants and animals), restore simplicity and work/ life balance. Good for those who feel stressed, as it brings back joy. Helps you be passionate about your lifepath (provided you are already tuned into it).

Workshop: This was the only essence where we did our meditation outside. After the dose, I heard a child laughing (in my head) and Charlie (my unborn baby) began dancing in my belly. I saw myself making dandelion chains as a young girl, and feeling like I had all the time in the world. I saw devas (spirits) inside crystals, and thought of a baby bird I found when I was 8 or 9. Sadly, it died after a few days because we didn’t know what to feed it. I came back, feeling innocent and kind-hearted.

At-home: Within 24 hours, I began drawing, clarified my purpose, restarted chanting, blogging (I had stopped for 8 weeks), and having fun. I posted on Facebook, seeking psychics in Brisbane who wanted referrals, as I had to close my books due to pregnancy.

As soon as I did this, someone (who’s never had a reading with me), accused me of being greedy, a profiteer and not a Lightworker, because I (somewhat unwittingly) referred to people charging less than $150 hour, as ‘hobbyists’. As someone who’s done more than a thousand readings for under $100, I just meant that I needed people who read full-time. That’s hard to do if your rates aren’t at a certain level, because you burn out (as I did, many times).

I was appalled by how personal the replies became (she even questioned my anorexia), and ended up:
a) posting A Poem For My Critics to defend my heart,
b) posting my first live video on Youtube, a reading of the poem that’s reached 5, 000 people on facebook, and
c) clearing my belief that ‘I’m guilty/ greedy’, simply because I’m happy in my business and family life.

I also did another round of furniture moving to create a ‘man cave,’ where Kris, Forrest and Charlie can hang out. Take that, critics 🙂

Pros of Devic Essence: My voice returned (I bought my first keyboard, a lifetime dream), I laugh more, I’m dealing with painful problems in new ways, and I updated my 11:11 Clocks page after letting it moulder a bit. I’m also spending every spare moment outside, watching Forrest try out pots, feeling lucky to have him.

Cons of Devic Essence: I had to use all my wits to stay positive in the face of my nightmare (being shamed in an forum that my friends see). My sleep has been weird, and I’m still figuring out how to juggle new biz ideas with a toddler and being 31 weeks pregnant.

Most of the text above was written in 2017. It’s been good to look at it, years later. Taking the White Light Essences really did help me through a tough time. Although I haven’t added my reviews of Air Essence, Higher Self Essence or Angelic Essence to this post, I hope you’ll find the above information helpful.  While I did enjoy taking the latter three essences, I haven’t had a chance to write up my notes yet. Until then, I wish you all the best on your journey.

True story – I was taking Angelic Essence when Charlie was born, and he is a 21/3 Lifepath Angel Artist in numerology (!) See Hello Charlie! My 333 Angel Baby Arrives – Part 1

Flower essences are one of the most brilliant and gentle way to rebalance yourself. Good on you for thinking outside the box!

Recommended Links
Meditation Tips with Ian White April 2022
Numerology Chat with Ian White July 2020
ABFE White Light Essences page
My BridgeClimb while Pregnant – Action is the Most Spiritual Path
Psychic Reading for Ian White, Founder of the Australian Bush Flower Essences
The Spiritual Meaning of 9 Common Diseases (inspired by Forrest falling sick during ‘Fire’ essence)
3 Ways That Letting People Down Can Raise You Up (inspired by Ian and the White Light course)
Caroline Byrd, My Soul Sister and Psychic Mentor since 2009 (a post inspired by ‘Water’ essence and my deceased grandma)

Want to learn numerology? Check out my 11:11 Patreon groupclasses and meditations.

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