21 Amazing Benefits of Breastfeeding – Healing for Mums and Babies

It’s amazing how the Universe can read our minds. After spending the past month wondering whether to wean Forrest, I received this beautiful article on the benefits of breastfeeding from Maternity Glow. Kate runs a great site and facebook page, with posts on everything from co-sleeping to baby gear guides.

I was glad to hear from her, as Forrest recently sprouted his first two teeth. As a result, I’ve gone from loving breast-feeding to mixed emotions. Baby’s current game is to bite me and laugh (!) Argh.

So I’ve been juggling breast-pumping, with a little goats milk formula, solids and feeding whenever I can psyche myself up. I’ve had to be more assertive with Forrest and use my little finger to break his sucking before he ‘gets the chomps’. He mainly bites at the start or end of feeding. Predicting his behaviour been a great test of my psychic powers. I’m determined not to give up yet.

Dental wars aside, I’m proud we’ve gotten to eight months of nursing. It hasn’t been easy, as I’m still seeing my eating issues (Orthorexia) counsellor, running a business and planning a wedding for next year. That said, I’ve found breastfeeding miraculous for bonding and healing mother and baby.

Although giving birth took effort, I believe you can do almost anything for 15 hours with help. On the other hand, breastfeeding a baby 2200+ times really builds your stamina and courage, especially when you’re a bit body-shy like me.

It’s so nice having a baby squeal and kiss you before feeding. You feel like such a goddess. Holding Forrest not only brings happy tears for me, I feel 100% connected to Universal Love every time he feeds. It’s kept my Heart Chakra open, and forced me to look after my health in a way I’ve never done before. It’s like winning the Lotto every day. I also experience many epiphanies while nursing – see my story about Kauai from this article:

“I was seeing 111, 333, 444, so I knew my Guides wanted to chat. While nursing Forrest, I felt inspired to Google Kauai in Hawaii and found a kayak tour.

Check out the 2nd review! ‘Forrest, our guide kept us entertained and educated the entire trip.’ It was only posted 24 hours prior and was the first link I clicked. No coincidence. Forrest is truly my teacher. He’s always sending messages of hope.”

I encourage you to check out Kate’s infographic and fascinating article on 21 Amazing Benefits of Breastfeeding.
Here’s a summary:
#1. Breast milk is a superfood.
#2. Breast milk is amazing at fighting off viruses and bacteria.
#3. Breastfeeding plays a role in the prevention of SIDS.
#4. Breastfeeding helps you bond with your baby.
#5. Breastfeeding offers long-term protection from serious illnesses.
#6. Your breast milk was specifically designed for your baby.
#7. Breastfeeding helps reduce obesity.
#8. Breastfed babies have a lower chance of developing some forms of cancer.
#9. Breastfed babies have higher IQ’s.
#10. Breast milk helps premature babies.
#11. You lose pregnancy weight faster.
#12. Breastfeeding helps reduce the size of your uterus.
#13. Breastfeeding alleviates postpartum bleeding.
#14. You get a lighter period (or none at all).
#15. Breastfeeding is cost-effective.
#16. There’s nothing to pack!
#17. Breastfeeding releases hormones.
#18. Breastfeeding moms have strong bones.
#19. Breastfeeding can decrease cancer.
#20. Breastfeeding is empowering.
#21. Breastfeeding helps combat postpartum depression.

Please note, this blog post is not an advertisement, but a mutual promotion for breastfeeding.

Further Reading:
Conscious Parenting Resources

7 Discoveries About Babies That Blew My Brain – A Psychic’s Tale

Can You Have Psychic Boobs – 7 Tips for Spiritual Breastfeeding

10 Ways Making Breastmilk is like Making Money

Alicia K. on Friday, 21 October 2016 2:34 PM

Breastfeeding has many emotional benefits too, for both mother and baby. The bonding that is experienced is beyond anything else. I loved breastfeeding after I got over the initial soreness, the breast infections, etc. It’s not easy but it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. Because it is also time intensive, you must dedicate yourself to your baby and by doing so, you feel the love grow by the day. There is nothing more perfect for us to enjoy in life than the love of a faithful mother.

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