Here 7 facts about Elon Musk from my one hour psychic predictions video! This has taken me months to create. If only he believed in telepathy between loved ones! He thinks you need to drill into skulls and install microchips to accomplish that (?!) Hopefully his kids will show him the way.
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2024 correction – Elon’s turning point at 34 years old was launching the Falcon 1 and SpaceX securing a big U.S. Airforce contract, the NASA contract came after.
1) He’s a 34/7 life path Spiritual Teacher and Eternal Student, here to heal his Crown chakra (spirituality). At 34, his life path turning point, he secured a last-minute NASA deal for SpaceX and his triplet boys were born. Maybe they pushed through the contract? They turned up in my dream, poking me to see if I was ok to do this reading. I was like ‘I have 3 sons, trust me!’ Find your life path and read more on psychic kids
2) Elon has a 57/12/3 Destiny Artist name, so he’ll have career shifts at 57 (politics?) At 12 he sold his first computer game for $500 (it was his mother’s life path turning point).
3) His business name choices are fortunate. Tesla adds to 12/3, his Destiny number. The Giga Tesla factor is even located at a number 7 address in Texas. Perhaps Elon knows numerology – wouldn’t surprise me. SpaceX adds to 23/5, the vibration of ‘life’.
Twitter adds to 34/7, his life path. I see him buying it after obstacles. The platform will be chaotic before finding a middle ground. Give it a few years. Follow me on Twitter @sarahyip1111
4) Other 34/7s are Ashton Kutcher, Mila Kunis, Elle Macpherson, Freddie Mercury, John Deacon, JFK, Taylor Swift and Johnny Depp (!)
5) His mum Maye Musk is a 36/9 life path Old Soul. When she was 36, Elon sold his first game – families have joint destinies. Elon’s dad is a 27/9. They have been estranged since Elon’s 9PY.
6) Elon’s son X was born 4 May 2020 – Star Wars Day. At 13, his life path turning point, Elon has a peak. I see them working together. X’s mum Grimes is great and I see her and Elon staying close. He may enter a big relationship by 2024-2025. See my post on Star Wars numerology
7) Until June 2022, Elon’s in a 3PY which brings career success AND one of the hardest years of his life. So far, he’s had daughter Exa, wants to buy Twitter and is the richest man in the world.
I feel digestive/ blood sugar/ solar plexus issues with Elon. He needs stress relief. He swore when I contacted his Soul. I said I was the diamond in his pocket (Gangaji quote).
Hope you enjoyed this writeup!
P.S. Elon’s DOB grid shows devotion (2,6,9) and intuition (7,8,9). He’d be less hyperactive if he ate healthy and lived in nature. Imagine if he got into Reiki (34/7 vibration) – he’d sleep sooo much better…
P.P.S I am aware Elon has a potty mouth (he literally writes his Tweets on the toilet) and has been the subject of lawsuits and many controversies. Although I do not agree with many of his statements, I find him interesting overall.
Researching him has inspired me to open an office as of today and to get back into designing art. His mum Maye worked 5 jobs to support her 3 children when they escaped from DV and moved to Canada. She’s also very fascinating.
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