Your Personal Year in Numerology – What Does The Future Hold?

This page helps you to calculate your personal year in numerology, so that you can prepare for success instead of being shocked by change. As they say, ‘Planning halves doing’. ‘Failing to plan is planning to fail’. A little self-awareness goes a long way. You can throw seeds at the ground and hope they sprout, or you can water them and harvest abundance.

Update: Join Your 2025 Numerology Forecast from 24 November 2024 to learn more about your life path predictions and 2025’s energies. Earlybird spots now open. 

Tip: the best time for a numerology reading is around your birthday! And if you love numerology, be sure to check out my classes. Join my Patreon for 55+ replays and monthly life path lessons! Membership is from 33 AUD a month.

Since the beginning of time, people have wondered:
Do I have a purpose? Is there a pattern to life?
Is there a higher order I can trust in, and
Are lucky people born or made?

My answer to the first three questions is YES. See my Find Your Lifepath page to discover your life purpose. In terms of luck, it’s a mix of A and B. Some people have performed good deeds in past lives, which gives them a head start in this body (like a low golf handicap). Still, you can boost your fortune, by ‘going with the flow’ and working with Spirit. Breathing helps too! So, let’s find out what Personal Year you are in, to help you make the most of life’s opportunities.

Why Your Personal Year Starts on Your Birthday, not Jan 1

I believe that the Personal Year starts on your birthday – after all, your birth date was something you chose. Other people say that it starts on January 1. There’s a theory we have a 3-6 month overlap of Personal Years, due to free will and the impact of ‘Essences’ – this are more noticeable if you were born from August onwards.

Having tested both systems with clients, I stick by the birthday as the turning point. I believe the change on Jan 1 is due to the Universal Year (e.g. 2020 is a 4 Year, 2021 is a 5 Year etc.).

When I follow the birthday system, my parents were both in a 1 Personal Year (New Beginnings), 2 Personal Month (Partnerships & Females) and 29/11 Personal Day when I was born. I am a 29/11 Lifepath. This is no coincidence.

The pattern disappears when I use the January 1 system. This doesn’t make other psychics wrong. Even native French speakers pronounce the same words differently. Each to their own. You attract the clients who believe what you do. Test my words and see what works for you…

Calculating Your Personal Year in Numerology

The simplest way to find your personal year is to add up the date of your last birthday from left to right. You can use the calculator on Find Your Lifepath if needed. Now reduce this sum to a number from 1-9 (some people like to include Master Numbers 11, 22, 33).

For example, Carly’s last birthday was 18/12/2019.
1+8+1+2+2+0+1+9 = 24 = 2+4 = 6 Personal Year
Carly is in a 6 Personal Year from December 2019 to November 2020. From December 2020 she goes into a 7 Personal Year.

Note: When doing forecasts, I change the Personal Year from the 1st of the month of your birthday, rather than the exact day, for simplicity. You are welcome to test other theories.

In longer readings, I add the un-reduced birthday to the year.
For example, Carly’s last birthday was 18/12/2019.
(18) + (12) = (2+0+1+9) = 42/6 Personal Year – this can give advanced information on chakra healing and lifepath or other numerology activation.

Personal Years in Numerology 1-9

We live in 9 year cycles. If you want a sneak peek at 2021, think about what you were doing in 2012. You’re reliving (and building on) that lesson this year. Life is that predictable. We can forecast the sunrise, the gestation of an elephant and crop times for corn. Why not the cycles of a person?

I’ve included general descriptions below. In my readings I look at your full DOB and name numerology to explain your timings over a lifetime, so that you can enjoy the ups and downs instead of fighting them.

A heads up – the Personal Year that matches your Lifepath will always bring huge opportunities to succeed.

1 Personal Year – Beginnings. Healing the Root Chakra (self-confidence, ancestral connections, leaps of faith and your birth story). You’ll feel the need for big changes, such as moving country, changing career or chasing a lifelong dream, especially from September to November. I started my psychic business and had my first child Forrest in 1 Personal Years.

2 Personal Year – Partnerships. Healing the Sacral Chakra (emotions, balance, conflict resolution and intimacy). You’ll want to slow down, smell the roses and heal. Many people meet a partner or deal with females and their feelings now. I had many relationship changes and intuitive breakthroughs in 2 Personal Years, particularly May to July. 

Sometimes our 2 Personal Year is a highly charged Master 11 Year – these years bring extra opportunities for growth and being a Spiritual Messenger. See my 11:11 page as repeated number sightings are likely. 

3 Personal Year – Creativity. Healing the Solar Plexus Chakra (personal power, choices and inner child healing). Time to travel, take up a hobby, have kids, juggle jobs or release frustration. You’ll feel the need to speak up, work in productive teams and clear the air. A good time to pick up new ideas, especially in February and November. I studied Holistic Counselling in my 3 Personal Year. 

4 Personal Year – Love. Healing the Heart Chakra (forgiveness, structure, delegation and commitment). Health, finances, males and discipline issues come to the fore. May-June is a peak period for letting go of your old belief systems. Listen to your heart. If it needs you to slow down, trust it’s for your highest good. I often read for people in 4 Personal Years as it’s when they ‘go back to doing what they love’ and let go of people-pleasing.

If your 4 Personal Year is a Master 22 Year expect double potential for changing the world through patience and dedication to big picture projects or cooperative ventures. During my 4 Personal Year, I was training an assistant and learning the hard way that self-care must come before self-sacrifice. More on forgiving your family and parents. Also see this post on how letting people down can raise you up.

5 Personal Year – Freedom and Risk. Healing the Throat Chakra (truth, intuition, moderation, inner voice and listening). You’ll be pushed out of your comfort zone. New ideas rush in and demand your attention – May and September can be pivotal months for expansion. A time for experimental, short-term projects. In my 5 Personal Year, I had a breakup on 11.11.11, started this blog and left my career to launch my psychic business full-time. It was a heck of a ride! More on the Throat Chakra and relieving a stiff neck. 

6 Personal Year – Vision. Healing the Third Eye Chakra (sixth sense/ ESP, mental health, community wellbeing). A common time to move or renovate your home, especially from April. You’ll want to nurture yourself. Work/ life balance becomes a priority. Family and loved ones may need your assistance. It’s common to meet Soulmates and/ or decide to separate if your relationship has outgrown its purpose

If your Personal Year is a Master 33 Year it can be a massive opportunity to be a whistleblower, high flyer and/ or spiritual rockstar in the spotlight. In my last 6 Personal Year, I spent time on the Gold Coast (a Master 33 vibration place) eating healthy food with friends. I also did self-improvement courses and met my ex husband. Water and your Third Eye Chakra.

7 Personal Year – Wisdom. Healing the Crown Chakra (self-respect, spirituality, wisdom). You’ll crave peace and simplicity. It’s a period of learning by experience. You may feel withdrawn and sensitive or go on breaks from your partner or family for personal or work reasons. That’s why it’s called the 7 Year Itch! Big months for change are March, July and December. Miracles are common as we are learning we are more than a body – our Souls will be craving prayer, nature and answers to our deepest questions about the meaning of life.

In my 7 Personal Year, I had to surrender to the process big-time. Not only did I struggle financially, my anorexia peaked and I had to move house. I asked Spirit for help and next thing you know, I was asked to do commercial radio (see the interviews) and everything turned around! 

8 Personal Year – Abundance. Healing the Karmic Chakra (abundance, lifelong patterns, giving back to the world and standing up for your values). Back to work – you’ll be needed on every front and must stay strong to make the most of opportunities. A time for big investments, sharing wealth and keeping promises. See my post on boosting your cashflow through chakra healing. Good exercise and sleep regimes will be crucial, especially in February and November when everything’s happening. Your physical circulation always reflects your social courage and financial flow.

As I wrote in this post about Adriano Zumbo (see point 2), we are heavily tested in our 8 Years on our integrity. It’s a time to light up the world, not burn out. In my 8 Personal Year, many of my dreams came true through effort, faith and help from powerful people – I read for various celebrities and met inspirational people such as Ian White from Australian Bush Flower Essences and Nat Cook. Note: 2024 is an 8 Universal Year. 

9 Personal Year – Conclusions. Healing the Soul Blueprint Chakra (universal healing, rewriting history, receiving your good and preparing for the next cycle). Congratulations! You’ve completed this round of life lessons. Well done. People will return from the past to help you to succeed. It’s time to wind things up, so that you can embrace a new life next year. A holiday or detox in September is deserved. You’ll need it by then! 2025 is a Universal 9 Year for humanity…

In my 9 Personal Year, I finally fell pregnant, resolved my eating disorder and moved into my dream place. I also went to court to defend my rights (I won) and studied Past Life Regression, which has transformed everything. This is a time to be the change you want to see, and look past your pain to the evolution possibilities. What you master in this lifetime stays with you forever – the long way to the top is worth it.

Personal Months and Days

Personal Months and Days are simple to calculate. You just add the month to the Personal Year to find your Personal Month. You add the day to the Personal Month to find your Personal Day. e.g.

If I am reading for Carly (born 18/12, as above) on 22/12/2020. Carly is in a 7 Personal Year and December is the 12th month So December is a (7+1+2) or 1 Personal Month for Carly. 22 December is a (2+2+ 1) or 5 Personal Day.

This is a good day for Carly to get out of her comfort zone and take risks

True story – I plan my readings and workshops on ‘power days’ for myself and clients. It’s what many high flyers, politicians and celebrities do, even if they don’t admit it in public! I say this based on actual experience.

September is ALWAYS a big month as it’s double energy (e.g. if you are in a 1 Personal Year, September is a 1 Personal Month). I call it the double trouble or double bliss month. It’s a productive time for people who are on track with their life purpose, but a testing period for those who have resisted necessary changes.

Recommended Links
I teach monthly in Patreon (from 33 AUD a month, no contracts)
Numerology Books and Blogs I Recommend for 11:11 See’rs in Australia and Worldwide
Find Your Lifepath (essential to know when it comes to numerology!)
Products and Classes – many affordable webinars on numbers are here

Want to learn numerology? Check out my 11:11 Patreon groupclasses and meditations.

Connect with us
Seeing repeating numbers or at a turning point? Book a reading series with me. Around your birthday is ideal, as that’s when you change personal years.

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