The Village School Gold Coast – The Future is Now

School of the future! Wow, The Village School Gold Coast is amazing.

No shoes, no uniform just a cutting edge syllabus, mixed age classes for accelerated learning and peer support, sensory room for quirky kids, 2 hr daily beach trips (plus a Nippers swimming program) and a child-friendly vibe.

Not only is the school Wi-Fi-free, it has EMF protective curtains, filtered water, salt lamps, an art therapist and the principal talks to kids about numerology, if they are interested *swoon*. Find your life path, or spiritual job description in numerology

The teacher student ratio is 1 to 9 or 1 to 14 (which makes sense. I can’t understand large class sizes apart from as a cost-saving measure. Imagine parenting 25 kids at once – that’s not natural).

This new, independent school is the brainchild of Bianca Nuss, a 27/9 life path Old Soul I met through Hong Curley and the late Stephanie Sinclaire-Lightsmith.

When Kris and I read for Bianca years ago in a 360 degree psychic reading, we saw that her school would be a success (though not an easy one to get going). Over time, Bianca and her team have tirelessly fought for funding and support while raising families and running businesses.

Their school is in the middle of Coolangatta shops. It’s called the village school because the students meet the locals and use nearby facilities rather than being isolated on a campus.

A new concept, which enables the teachers to switch up lessons and the classroom setup to meet the kids’ interests.

When Forrest was born 5.5 years ago, I said to Kris ‘by the time he goes to school, one will open up with the magic we believe in’.

So, nice work Bianca. Thanks and we look forwards to watching the school blossom and grow into a constellation of high vibe hubs.

Comment on the Facebook and Instagram posts.


Related links
The Village School Gold CoastFacebook and Instagram
Kids on the Coast article, The boutique new Gold Coast primary school that we ALL want to go to! (external site)
Conscious Parenting, Pregnancy and Fertility Resources – Queensland Focus

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