Classes with Sarah in Patreon

11:11 Numerology Made Simple

Want to learn numerology? You're in the right place! We love spirituality, numbers & more

As of September 2024, our group now has 150+ members and 55+ replays available. Join us for regular meditations and classes from $33/ month. 

As The Numbers Queen, I’ve helped millions of people to discover their lifepath and the reasons they see 11:11. It has been a difficult and rewarding journey ‘flipping’ from fundraising to life as a professional numerologist and educator. 

My mission is to transform the public’s perception of psychics and their own intuition from scepticism to trust. I do this through readings, webinars and myth-busting, which move people from the Old Way (capitalism – head over heart) to the 11:11 Way (collective wellness). Some feedback from 2023 members is below:

My life continues to improve since joining the Patreon group. I’ve made some necessary changes thanks to my intuition being stronger due to self-trust. I love Sarah’s articles and forecasts, my heart and soul appreciates her generous guidance during the group calls.” Zorica

In this fast-paced world, full of distractions attempting to pull you away from your true essence, this Patreon group is a safe space to explore your divine nature through meditation, breath and conversation, connecting with like-minded people around the globe.” Sian

To have the opportunity be part of a community where all voices are heard even if having a difference of opinion is rare and wonderful to find. I felt uplifted from the get go. I am excited to be able  discuss ideas with like minded people.” Sandy

I had been seeing repeating numbers like 11:11, so I googled it. Angel numbers came up and I went down the rabbit hole. Sarah came across as the genuine article with no fluff or b*shit, just a really honest, humorous, family orientated human being who I felt that I could trust. (In the group) I feel I am in a safe space with people who have experienced similar Soul “awakenings”. Sarah has helped me make sense of a lot of things in my life and has allowed me to work on who I am truly meant to be in this life, and to listen to my Soul. 

Since joining the group I feel more spiritually connected to myself. I also realise that I’m not a weirdo, I feel validated because other people from all backgrounds have experienced uncannily similar experiences. I feel less alone in the world. The (regular) calls keep it real. Sarah makes the whole experience personal, even when you are in a group situation. She connects with every member.” Bec

Your Ongoing Support will help me to:

– Gather an online community of active supporters who believe numerology can change lives (you get exclusive access to a private Facebook group). You intention and time is as important as your pledge as it creates an energetic safety net I can feel. I am so looking forwards to getting your feedback on what you want to see at and what you want to learn.

– Protect my research and deeper work from plagiarism and trolling. As much as I love Facebook and blogging, I’m continuously finding people copying posts (some of which take hundreds of hours/ up to a year to write) and using them to flog businesses or to create courses (?!) I need to set up a safe space to ensure that my words are not misused to create fear or to manipulate people. Patreon is a cost-effective way for me to start setting boundaries.

– Take time out from readings to create more content(ment) including: world-first numerology shows where I interview people who have overcome extreme odds and bullying, blog posts that challenge spiritual bypassing and tokenism, and live comedy gigs which reframe psychic work as a way for women, sensitives and the voiceless, to disrupt conventional thinking. One reading helps one family, while one of my blogs can reach 20, 000 people a year. See my media page for outreach I do e.g. my 2022 interview on The Morning Show about 11:11

If you’re reading this page, you may be familiar with the level of commitment I bring to the numerology industry. Since 2012, I’ve created over 687 detailed blog posts and 2399 Facebook posts while doing an average of one reading a day, all while having three sons and recovering from serious health issues. This work is a 24/7 calling for me and I am at a turning point.

You can choose from one of the below membership options – prices include G.S.T and are in AUD:

Free Spirits


Per Month

11:11 See'rs


Per Month

11:11 Tribe


Per Month

A message from Sarah...

Please make a monthly pledge and help me to create a world of 11:11 Oneness, where people come before profits. Note: Pledges are in AUD and include sales tax. They are deducted when you sign up and then monthly.

My goal is to free at least one person from the fear of the(ir) dark every day and for the children of the future to know they are powerful creators. I am here to prevent the trampling of spiritual knowledge by narcissists and to open people’s minds to their infinitely encouraging inner voice. As Oscar Wilde said, ‘who, being loved, is poor?’

11:11 is a double peace sign from above, letting you know that you are love. Join us now and feel the goosebumps as you become part of an ethical and inclusive spiritual revolution.