Life Path 1 Numerology – Prime Minister or Bad Boy? Pros and Cons Explained

Want to get it done? Find a Life path 1! Numerology reveals why you returned to Earth – your spiritual job description. Just add your date of birth up from left to right. Then reduce the sum until you arrive at a single digit between 1 and 9. If your DOB adds to 11, 22, 33 or 44 do not reduce this as you have a Master Number lifepath. More info at Find Your Lifepath

I dedicate this post to Dee, Debbie Davie, Deniz Akan (my favourite crystal healer) – see photo below, and Dan Millman. FYI, I use the terms life purpose, life path and lifepath interchangeably. Post last updated October 2024.

Life Path 1 Numerology

If the sum of your date of birth adds up to 10/1, 19/10/1, 28/10/1  (e.g. 27/1/1980 = 2+7+1+1+9+8+0 = 28 = 2+8 = 10) or 37/10/1, you have a 1 life path in numerology.

Each lifepath is different, as we ‘bloom’ at our lifepath age turning point (so a 10/1 lifepath will mature earlier than a 37/10/1 lifepath – famous examples are below).

Please note, all Lifepath 1’s have minor turning points at age 0-1 and age 10 as well (as a preview of their mission to come). Due to free will, there can be a year either side of these change periods where things accelerate.

Purpose is subtle, it’s different for each Soul depending on your history.  Someone may seem successful before their lifepath age turning point, but at a Soul level they may not feel fulfilled until, for example, they have a child or give back to the planet in a specific way.

The combination of numbers e.g. 2 and 8 suggest which chakras we need to express the most.

No matter which ‘1’ you are, you’re here to be a pioneer and action hero/ heroine. You won’t be happy until you reach your version of the top. Lifepath 1’s are better at starting than finishing projects. They have the charisma and drive to get what they want, as long as they’ve found their passion.

They’re single-minded and have a burning need to ‘be someone’ (puns intended).  Research the Root Chakra (survival instincts, your body and family tree), as this is the chakra you are healing in yourself and others. Mastering new beginnings is the theme of your life!

A good start is my article on 111 Numerology, an extract is below.

“Seeing 111 could be a reminder to balance your base chakra and make sure your dreams are rooted in reality. Our root chakra is an energy centre located in our lower spine, legs and feet. Place your hands on your tailbone/ lower back – this is the centre of the chakra. Massaging it is a great way to get the chi flowing.

When your root chakra is in balance, you feel at home in your body – safe, energised and able to move forwards in life. You find it easy to stand on your own two feet, look after your body and support yourself. You finish what you start, because you are grounded, healthy and proactive in chasing down your dreams. People see you as reliable and long-term focused. You’re not afraid of criticism because you know who your supporters are – your family and/ or tribe keep you strong.

When your root chakra is out of balance, you feel uncomfortable in your body, leading to symptoms such as fatigue, spinal and joint pain, cold feet, hoarding, insecurity, infertility, weight issues, addictions, money problems, and impatience. It’s tempting to take shortcuts and gamble because we’re in fight or flight mode, looking for a quick fix. There can be fear of the future, insomnia,nightmares and a reluctance to ask for help, often due to past-life* or childhood trauma. It’s like you don’t feel at home anywhere.”

Fun fact – Lifepath 1’s have an uncanny knack of becoming Australian Prime Ministers!  Tony Abbott, Julia Gillard, John Howard AND Paul Keating are all Lifepath 1’s. Not to mention Peter Beattie and Anna Bligh (Queensland Premiers). 

Kevin Rudd was the odd man out. He’s an eccentric lifepath 7 (his campaign motto was Kevin07!). Scott Morrison and Bob Hawke are both Master 33 lifepaths, as is the NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. Find your lifepath

In the United States, many Presidents and political figures have 11 lifepaths, including Barack and Michelle Obama, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Colin Powell, Jackie Kennedy Onassis etc. 11’s are a supercharged version of the 1 lifepath. You need double energy to run a big country. Famous 11’s

Pros: You can trust a lifepath 1 with your life. Think Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible (he’s a 28/10/1 lifepath and in the last movie, there was literally a line ‘he’ll get it done!’) They’re everyday heroes with stamina to spare. People believe in them and they can lead others to safety and freedom.

They’re loyal, courageous and will back you up in a fight. 1’s motivate others to confront bullies. They show you that life’s never over until the Spirit leaves the body and you can always reinvent yourselves, i.e. live to fight another day. Their perseverance in the face of opposition is unbelievable, and stoicism and pain threshold are second to none. They often start from scratch, e.g. Hugh Jackman was poor before he became famous, which has kept him humble and easy to work with. I’ve written about Hugh Jackman, anti-bullying, autism and psychic ability.

Cons: A lifepath 1 without purpose can develop addictions and anger. They hate being controlled or told what to do, even when it might save their life. They can be overly arrogant, blunt, insecure and rebellious at times. Must learn to delegate what they can’t do, otherwise they just implode inside. There can be a tendency to copy others, especially before their lifepath turning point age.

Our lifepath is often a wound we are healing, so 1’s may have been slaves, handicapped or suppressed in previous lives, and it’s imperative that they look after their mental/ physical/ spiritual/ financial health so they can  stand on their own two feet.

Impatience is their nature – I once had a 1 lifepath man walk into my numerology talk, pay money then leave as soon as I finished discussing 1’s. He said ‘I just wanted to know about myself!’ So I gave him a refund and we all laughed.

Ideal Careers for lifepath 1s: Anything where they get the credit. I met my husband on his TV show – see the video of our first meeting (scroll to the end of the page). 1’s love recognition and the chance to prove themselves. They make excellent actors, firefighters, entrepreneurs, policemen/women, politicians and athletes. They need adventure, travel and variety to keep growing and stay sane. Many talk show hosts and comedians are 1s, see Tim Ferguson

Lifepath 1 relationships: A 1 needs someone who can keep up with him/ her. They are competitive and proud, and need a partner who will support their dreams while keeping their private life under wraps. Lifepath 1’s have high drives in bed – hence the term one-track mind! You have been warned. You will be dating a winner, who hates to lose and can be self-focused (they’re teaching people ‘as within, so without’ – inner work is the best thing we can do to clean up the planet).

Famous 1 Lifepaths in Numerology

If you find a ‘pure’ 10/1 Lifepath, they are still a child – see my post on psychic babies. They are likely to know their life’s purpose early (age 10-11) and be wise and strong compared to their peers.
For example, a parent may leave at that age, or they have to grow up quickly.

Famous 10/1’s
Quaden Bayles, indigneous and disability rights activist – see his numerology reading

19/10/1 Lifepaths – see this post on Karmic Numbers 
You’re a natural guide who will provide enormous inspiration to the world through conquering huge odds. Think of a Phoenix – you’ll rise and fall many times in your quest to learn about humanity. You will be supported in this journey by other Old Souls and Spiritual Helpers – don’t be afraid to reach out for healing. Ups and downs in the public eye are common. See this guide – Choosing a Healer – The Good, Bad and Downright Confusing

Famous 19/10/1’s include:
-Irena Sendler, humanitarian worker
-Sir Isaac Newton, scientist (Steve Jobs was compared to him and they were both 1 lifepaths)
-Osho, mystic  (he was extremely provocative and intriguing)
-Rupert Murdoch, media figure
-Sarah Lincoln Grigsby (Abraham Lincoln’s beloved sister)
-Walt Disney, artist (you don’t create Disneyland unless you need hope yourself – he started in animation around age 19)

28/10/1 Lifepaths
You’re a street-wise fighter for independence. The 2 gives you diplomacy and intuition while the 8 shows someone who never gives up. You have magic powers from past lives, including good instincts and healing hands. Alternative medicine benefits you. You have power struggles with parents and/ or bosses until you realise that they’re just doing their jobs.

You can go far in life IF you stay fit (running/ aerobics/ martial arts are good) and embrace being a black sheep. Routine is not for you! Words like FROG, LEADERS, HERO, STARSEED, NEW AGE, EGYPT, TURKEY, INDIA and SAMURAI have a 28/10/1 vibration in numerology.

Famous 28/10/1’s include:
-My friend Deniz Akan, a sound and crystal healer – I’ve referred at least 200+ clients to her!

-Alanis Morisette, musician (1s have a distinctive voice/ character)
-Anna Bligh, ex-QLD Premier (also Queensland’s first female Premier. 
See her palmistry and numerology reading)
-David Letterman, talk show host (1’s love to run their own show)
-Dido, musician (who collaborated with Eminem below)
-Emma Dean, musician (and a wonderful life/ creative coach I’m working with). See music video.
-Eminem, musician (1’s can be bad boys, see my comment about authority issues above)
-Empress Josephine, wife of Naooleon, also a 1 lifepath. 
-Erykah Badu, musician (won a Grammy, had a breakup and was beginning in movies around 28)
-George Clooney, actor and director (1s have charisma plus)
-George Lucas, director (magic and Jedis unite – see my Star Wars post)

-Hugh Jackman, actor and director. His anti-bullying work is amazing, see my post on Asperger’s.
Also see his video on The Greatest Showman below – it’s a great example of a 1 ‘getting it done’.
-Janet Devlin (X factor contestant with an ethereal ‘one of a kind’ voice – see her Youtube channel) I definitely think she has ‘alien’ energy. Read more on Starseeds and 11:11 spotting.
-Lorna Jane Clarkson, an Australian entrepreneur I’ve read for.
-Lorna Wing, autism awareness expert
-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  and
-Dr. Maya Angelou (both were leaders for social change) And Still I Rise is incredible
-Miley Cyrus, rockstar
-Nikola Tesla (emigrated to the US at 28, his turning point age)
-Paul Keating, ex-Australian Prime Minister
-Peter Beattie, ex-QLD Premier
-Robert (Bob) Katter (independent candidate with his own party, who went into politics ~ 28-29)
-Scarlett Johansson (also hot, and very independent)
-Sean Connery (hot again – the ‘one’ Bond everyone agreed on)
-Steve Jobs (Invented Apple Lisa at 28, before his breakthrough Mac, and was in a paternity suit)
-Tony Abbott, ex-Australian Prime Minister. More on him below.
-Tiger Woods (1’s love to win). His ex-wife Elin Nordegren is a 2 Lifepath. They would have been the perfect couple (Tiger in charge and Elin as his cheersquad) if only he could have controlled himself.
-Tim Ferguson (top Australian comedian, I believe his Dad passed when Tim was around 28. I am pretty sure Tim is a Starseed, he loves Star Wars!) Profile on Tim from July 2023
-Tom Cruise (a very controversial man) Katie is a 1 lifepath, see 37/10/1 celebrities below.
-Tony Attwood, autism awareness expert (see this post)
-Vincent Lingiari, Indigenous rights activist 
-Yarraka Bayles, Indigenous and disability activist (mother of Quaden Bayles) See our interview Her family are all 1 life paths! We are friends, see Blackcard Cultural Tours

Prime Minister or Bad Boy? Tony Abbott was a student boxer and politician who was beaten up at a university conference (1’s attract conflict). He entered a religious seminary but left, realising that “I just didn’t have what it took to be an effective priest”. He got married and had a family instead. I’m guessing the discipline would have been a challenge given his feisty spirit and high ‘drives’.

37/10/1 Lifepaths
You’re a whip-smart thinker with plans to change the world. The 3 gives you wit and logic while the 7 makes you a spiritual teacher. You need contact with nature and swimming or water sports are good for calming you down. You bloom later than a 28/10, as the lifepath number shows the AGE at which you truly mature. You must get a good education as it helps you to believe in yourself.

Famous 37/10/1’s
-Charlie Chaplin – see his numerology reading (two parts) At 37 he settled the biggest divorce payment in U.S. history and his career was super successful, he was creating pathways for many people to follow. MAy 2020 update – I have reservations about Charlie’s integrity after reading more about his relationships, however for now, the blog will remain up.
-Humphrey Bogart (he had many forgettable roles before finding fame, at 37 he was just getting his career going)
-Julia Gillard, ex-Australian Prime Minister. My friend Karen Jacobsen included me in her video of Better Standard Than This, which puts Julia’s misogyny speech into opus form!
-Napoleon (an over achiever – he finished his studies in one year instead of three which is typical of a 37/10. They can be nerds! He said “I had but one goal; to reunite all, reconcile all, have all hatreds forgotten, bring everyone together…” Sounds like he knew his 1 purpose inside out.)
-John Howard, ex-Australian Prime Minister
-Katie Holmes (she set her mind on Tom Cruise as a kid and got her wish – 1’s are both persistent and opportunistic. Two 1’s in a marriage can be hard as both people have busy careers. I note that Katie had a 4.0 GPA and her father wanted her to be a doctor.)
-Lady GaGa, who said “I’ve always been famous, it’s just no one knew it yet.” 1’s often have groupies and she’s no exception!
-Lola Coca, musician (see our interview – she’s an 11:11 superstar)
-Prabhu Miten, musician with Deva Premal (see his numerology reading)
-Prince Harry, Royal (see my 2020 Royals forecast where I predicted his exit)

Famous 46/10/1’s include Guyala and Yilan Bayles (daughters of Yarraka Bayles, mentioned above). More to be added as I find them online!

Related Links
Interview – Emgoddess Menstrual Education with Sharon Wood (28/10/1 lifepath)
The Meaning of 111 in Numerology – Chase Down Your Dreams
The Life Line in Palmistry, Root Chakra and Being Grounded
Past Life Regression and Healing Your Root Chakra – Once a Soldier, Always a Soldier
Famous People Readings (See Anna Bligh, Miten and Charlie Chaplin)

Want to learn numerology? Check out my 11:11 Patreon groupclasses and meditations.

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