Famous People with Master 11 Numerology Life paths (29/11 and 38/11)

This regularly updated post (started in 2013) is dedicated to the famous/ celebrity 11 lifepaths, who’ve inspired me. Many of my greatest fans (and critics) have been, or are 11’s – you always attract your mirror.

Being an 11 is not for the faint-hearted. We must overcome challenging early lives, to prove to the world that love never gives up! 11 is about double beginnings and pioneering, which requires extra endings and courage. Of all numbers, 11’s need peer support and a tribe the most, because we have different paths to our families (hence the saying, ‘home is where they understand you’. We’re not just tall poppies, we’re flowers so wild we can enlighten others with a few words, musical notes or acts of kindness…

This post was last updated 11 December 2024.

Hint: Be sure to read my Lifepath 2 Post (all 11’s are also 2’s!)

Don’t know your lifepath (life purpose) in numerology? Check out Find Your Lifepath It’s the sum of your DOB from left to right.

Famous Master 11 Lifepaths, by Sarah Yip
Note: This is an A-Z list by first name. To suggest additions, add a comment, or email me.  For more info, see Find Your Life path, The Life You Were Born to Live by Dan Millman, book a reading or study with me in Patreon.

As a 29/11 lifepath, I write on Master Numbers 11/22/33/44, and 11:11 in my enews (please sign up on the homepage) and on facebook as The Numbers Queen (main page) and Master 11 Lifepath Numerology.

As per my Find Your Lifepath page, we mature and go through huge changes at our lifepath age (e.g. I picked up numerology at 29 years old, and moved from fundraising into psychic readings at 30). This is a time when we identify our purpose, and what we’re here to teach. I have added this info below, based on research, mainly Wikipedia. It’s worth studying people with the same lifepath – after all, they have faced many of the same tests.

TIP: Like this post? Check out my article on the Pros and Cons of Master 11 lifepaths

Extra Tip: MANY people with Master 11/ 22/ 33/ 44 (in their lifepath, names etc.) see 11:11, 111, 222, 333 etc. when they are ready to know their lifepath and spiritual truth. See my 11:11 Clocks page for tips and videos about this wake up call. I also see the number 11 and 29 constantly (restaurant tables, receipts, licence plates), which I blog about and document on facebook and Instagram.

Famous Pure 11 Lifepaths (still children/ teenagers)
I know a few pure 11 lifepaths (e.g. 2/2/2005). Many of them have Master 11 lifepaths as parents or close family, which is interesting! They will know their purpose/ be mature from age 11, which shows you just how advanced and sensitive they are. It’s important for them to have good role models who show them the spiritual side of life yet keep them grounded. Lots of outdoors time recommended, as 11’s need to stay connected with nature.

Ryan Kaji. YouTube multimillionaire.  Around 11, he was already a millionaire from his toy reviews. 

Famous 29/11 Lifepaths (my lifepath)

29/11’s are here to heal the Divine Feminine (2 energy – the Sacral Chakra in Yoga, or High Priestess in Tarot) and to add balance to their family unit and society. They are more introverted and in their heads (9 energy – the Soul Blueprint in Yoga, or Hermit in Tarot) than the 38/11s. They can be highly musical, poetic and artistic, with healing hands and a knack for attracting people, including partners. They benefit from clearing issues surrounding their mother, sexuality and fertility/ having kids. They are extremely charming when they feel comfortable, but intensely shy at other times (as all Master 11’s are also 2’s – see this post –  they have the choice to ‘flip’ vibration).

This is why I say ’11’s can be doorways for change, or doormats!’ Words like NUMBERS, RICH, ABUNDANCE, STARSEEDS, CHANGE, WISDOM, FIRE, LIGHT and GYPSY add to 29/11. We notice and celebrate the small details, which can bring consciousness to the world.  We can use our powers to push agendas, which may not always be light-driven! However, this behaviour tends to get caught.

A. A. Milne. Author. I think he may have met his wife around 29. Many people believe Winnie the Pooh is about mental illness. It’s pretty advanced for a children’s book!

Alexey Pajitnov
, Computer engineer. Designed and launched Tetris at age 28-30. My favourite video game! It teaches us that if we fit in, we disappear (to quote a Collective Evolution meme).

Alice Walker, Author and Activist. Co-discovered the grave of Zora Neale Hurston around age 29, while she was an editor at Ms. magazine. Hurston greatly influenced Walker’s work.

Amanda French, Author and Activist. Wrote The Last Crocodile Hunter with Bob Irwin. We met after I sent her Steve Irwin’s Numerology – A Conservation Fundraiser (a one hour video class)

Anthony (Tony Robbins), Motivational Speaker. One of the fathers of the personal growth movement. Around 28-29 he began releasing infomercials, which reached 100 million people by the time he was 31 – he also started his Anthony Robbins Foundation, and was married by 32.

Antoni Gaudí, Architect. One of the greatest exponents of Catalan Modernism – seven of his works have been declared World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. His career was just taking off around age 29. 

Barack Obama and Michelle Obama (Both 29/11s)
, Politicians. Colin Powell, Al Gore and Tony Blair are also 29/11’s. 11’s attract the spotlight and Obama’s election as the first African American President marked a turning point in history. 11 is also the number for space travel so no wonder people wonder if the Obamas are aliens?! At 29, Barack had just started dating Michelle, and became the first African American President of the Harvard Law Review.

Bob Hope, Comedian. Met Bing Crosby  (a 21/3 Communicator lifepath) around 29, and started an incredibly productive working relationship that included movies and business. I note that my son, Charlie is a 21/3 and our lifepaths add to 5, the number for throat chakra healing and expansion. Charlie’s birth definitely changed my life for the better!

Bob Proctor, Author and Success Coach. Was inspired by reading Napoleon Hill’s book at 26 (see below) to create a a million dollar income and personal development empire. He was rising quickly in his sales career around 29. I’m a big fan of his work.

Butch Cassidy, Outlaw. Released from jail just after age 29, went on to form The Wild Bunch gang. Romantically involved with two sisters at the time. Apparently felt bad about disappointing his mother and making his life ‘a wreck’, towards the end of his life.

Cathy Freeman, Athlete. One of the most inspiring people on the planet. See this extensive numerology reading and video I made for her. At 29 she won Gold in the Commonwealth Games while battling illness. She also settled a lawsuit with her ex, which caused her financial grief. 

CeeLo Green, Musician. Known as part of the duo Gnarls Barkley. I haven’t found what his breakthrough was at 29 – if you know, please contact me so I can update this post.

Chris Martin, Musician. Famous for his band Coldplay, his son Moses was born at his turning point of 29, so clearly they have important work to do this lifetime. I was born during my Dad’s turning point age of 32, and he’s helped me a lot too.

Chloë Grace Moretz, Actor

Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Poet and Psychoanalyst. One of the most inspiring writers and speakers alive today. Her first marriage ended when she was 29.

Colin Powell, Politician. His military career was taking off at 29.

Dame Judi Dench, Actor. At 29, she made her film debut. She’s made a beautiful film called My Passion for Trees, perhaps it reflects a past life?

David Beckham, Soccer Player. At 29, he was named by Pelé in the FIFA 100 List of the world’s greatest living players, and went through various dramas. While he was training in Spain, an intruder scaled the fence of his home carrying petrol, while his family were there (security guards intervened). He also intentionally fouled a player and was censured for bad behaviour on-field. On the upside, he launched football academies in LA and East London, as well as becoming a UNICEF UK Ambassador at, or around 29.

Derren Brown, Mentalist. Brought mind-reading back into fashion. At 29, he debuted his TV Show Derren Brown: Mind Control. Like Houdini, Derren is sceptical of psychics and faith healers (how ironic, as all Master 11 lifepaths are intuitive – PSYCHIC even adds to 38/11  in numerology – see the system).

Eddie Van Halen, Musician. At his lifepath turning point age of 29 in 1984, his band’s album, aptly titled 1984 went multi-platinum. Soon after that, the band went through huge changes…See my full tribute reading for him

Edgar Allen Poe, Author. Published his only complete novel around his lifepath turning point of 29. Considered the inventor of detective fiction.

Edward R. Murrow, Journalist. Went to London at age 29 (which is a 29/11 city – Sydney, my birthplace is also a 29/11 vibration) as director of CBS’s European Operations. Formed the “Murrow Boys’ team of war reporters at this time – note the number of 29’s who have career breaks at 29?

E.L. James, Author, known for the Fifty Shades of Grey series. Amazingly, she started writing after watching the movie Twilight, which was also written by a famous 29/11 Lifepath, Stephenie Meyer. 11’s activate each other, through words and media, that’s one of the reasons I love blogging.

Emma Watson, Actor, best known as Hermione Granger in Harry Potter – a film and book series, full of 11 energy (HARRY POTTER adds to 65/11, the same vibration as ENLIGHTENMENT). I’m a fan of her passion. She’s under 29, so no comment here yet.

Esther Williams, Actor and Swimmer. Australian star known for her ‘aquamusicals’ . At 29, she had her second child (her first was a 38/11 lifepath) and was in an unhappy marriage (her relationships were fairly unusual – in one of them, she was in ‘total submission’and could not have her children live with her). Within a few years of her lifepath turning point of 29, she made Million Dollar Mermaid (her favourite movie), during which she had an affair with Victor Mature and also a terrible fall, breaking her neck while diving into the water wearing a crown. Hmm – definitely a metaphor for carrying too much expectation. I note that her third pregnancy news was accidentally announced on radio (which has a 29/11 vibration) – 11s seem to attract public attention whether they seek it or not. FYI I also got my break on radio.

Etta James, Singer. Returned to recording after a period of isolation at age 29, and went on to create more hits. She struggled with drug addiction.

Frances Abbott, Designer and Yoga Instructor. Tony Abbott’s middle daughter is quite the rebel, an advocate for gay marriage and spiritual teacher. See her psychic reading.

Gabriella Laberge, Singer. 

Gabrielle (Gabby) Bernstein, Inspirational author. 

Gwen Stefani, Singer (No Doubt). I’ve always loved her music and attitude! ‘Just a Girl’ and ‘Don’t Speak’ were my favourite songs for years. Around 29, Gwen left college to tour for her album, Tragic Kingdom. I laughed when I read that Rita Ora (a singer) was influenced to perform after watching Gwen Stefani – Rita is also a 29/11 so this makes total cosmic sense.

Hannah Gadsby, Comedian. Such a funny and profound being. Around 29, her lifepath turning point age, her stand up comedy career was taking off. Her talk on her mother heckling her is priceless. 29/11/2 lifepaths often have intense mothers who inspire their children to go into the spotlight and humanitarian careers. 

Harry Houdini, Illusionist and Stunt Performer. At 29 (one week before he turned 30), he performed his most difficult escape to date from specially made handcuffs – 5000 people came to watch him break free. Around this age, he also presented his mother with a dress made for Queen Victoria (‘the happiest day of his life’) and purchased a house.

Harry Potter, Character. Based on his estimated date of birth, Harry is a 29/11. He also has an 11 numerology name. No wonder the book is full of 11 references – it’s about bringing futuristic ideas to Earth and the new children. Emma Watson is a 29/11 as well.

Henry Kissinger, Politician. Was partway through his PhD at Harvard at 29. Controversial winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Jack Benny, Comedian. Known for his loyalty to his team of writers (in contrast to Bob Hope – who incidentally was the same lifepath – keep in mind we have free will, and our names and pinnacles etc. also influence our personalities). Met his wife, Mary Livingstone, around his lifepath age of 29, she was a 28/10/1 lifepath.  

Jean Paul Getty, Industrialist. Not sure what he did at age 29, but a couple of years later, he commenced a series of marriages and divorces that distressed his father. In 1957 he was the richest living American. He went on to become a great patron of the arts.

Jennifer Aniston, Actor. She was not only appearing in Friends, she broke up with fiance Tate Donovan around her 29th birthday, going on to date and marry Brad Pitt. Lisa Kudrow is also a 29/11 – she played Phoebe in Friends.

Jim Brown, Footballer. Ended his NFL career with the Cleveland Browns at age 29. Around this time, he made The Dirty Dozen and went into acting. He was also arrested for assault and battery of a young woman.

Jimmy Kimmel, TV Host. Began his TV career around 29-30. 

John Phillips, Singer. His wife had an affair when he was 29-30. He is now known to have abused his daughter Mackenzie, who described him as ‘so dark’. 

Jonathon Safran Foer, Author. Career was taking off at 29. 

Judy Irwin, Conservationist and wife of Bob Irwin. See Steve Irwin’s Numerology – A Conservation Fundraiser She is known for her spirituality and helping Bob after his first wife Lyn passed away.

Jules Verne, Author. Married just days before turning 29. Went into business with his wife’s family at that time.

Julia Cameron, Author. The Artist’s Way radically healed my life – if you have writer’s block, you must search it out! At 28, Julia met and married director, Martin Scorsese, before having a daughter. They divorced a year later (when she was 29). At 30, Julia stopped drinking and taking drugs and began teaching creative unblocking, which later became her famous course, The Artist’s Way. How accurate is numerology, when you understand the basics? I find it spookily comforting.

Kate Moss, Model and Singer. She provided vocals for songs by Primal Scream around age 29 and was also named the muse for W Magazine. Many lifepath 11’s are picked from obscurity as she was from an airport…11’s come to show people that success is like lightning, it can strike anytime and it’s all about preparation meeting opportunity.

Keala Settle, Actor and Singer. Her performance as the bearded lady in The Greatest Showman is stunning. Check out her audition video, it’s 11 energy at its best. Her Wikipedia entry talks about working behind the scenes between roles, this is typical of a Master Number. We flicker between front and back stage. Keala was touring with Hairspray around 29-30, and has said she didn’t know how to live in that world. Many 11’s feel a bit androgynous.

Kendall Jenner, Model. Not yet 29. I note that Kim Kardashian is a Master 22 lifepath.

Ke$sha, Singer, Now Kesha Rose Sebert. Ke$sha’s music used to annoy me, until I heard she had an eating disorder too. That prompted me to look into her numbers and realise that she was a Master 11. Ke$ha had a serious childhood typical of many 11’s – she was raised by a single mother on welfare, didn’t know her father, and was not accepted by the kids at school. Despite a near-perfect SAT score, she dropped out before graduation to pursue music. At 29, she was finishing her album, Rainbow, after four years of being unable to produce, due to a legal dispute with her ex-producer, Dr. Luke. She accused him of rape, abuse and suffocating control over her life.

At age 30, not only did Kesha’s comeback album launch, Dr. Luke was removed as CEO of Sony’s Kemosabe records. If you’re ever struggled with depression or giving up, read this letter she wrote about her latest song, Praying. Here’s an extract:
Am I dead? Or is this one of those dreams? Those horrible dreams that seem like they last forever? If I am alive, why? If there is a God or whatever, something, somewhere, why have I been abandoned by everyone and everything I’ve ever known? I’ve ever loved? Stranded. What is the lesson? What is the point? God, give me a sign, or I have to give up. I can’t do this anymore. Please just let me die. Being alive hurts too much.
Many 11’s feel like this at some stage in their lives!! We tend to be late-bloomers from our 30’s, who have struggled with mental health and blocked creativity. FYI, I’ve written about the spiritual meaning of depression here. Here are further lyrics from Praying. Go Kesha!
I’m proud of who I am
No more monsters, I can breathe again
And you said that I was done
Well, you were wrong and now the best is yet to come

Kim Basinger, Actor. Around 29 she released her pictorial for Playboy and had her big break as a Bond Girl in Never Say Never Again. She was also in her first marriage, which was unconventional in that her husband changed his surname. Around this time she was also suffering panic attacks and agoraphobia – she is an inspiring spokesperson for people with social anxiety.

Lawrence Mooney, Actor and Comedian. Turned 29 (his lifepath age) in April 1994, which is when he did his first comedy gig (March 1994, according to this article or May 1994 based on this) COMEDY adds to 29/11 in numerology, so you could say he was right on time. 11 is about people standing up for their rights and social justice. I’ve always said comedy is a great way to wake up the masses. See my first gig. Moonman is on Brisbane radio with Robin Bailey on Triple M – see her psychic reading and feedback on me here. 11’s are ruled by the Moon so his nickname is apt. Am betting he’s in for a big year as 2018 adds to 11 – read more.

Leonard Cohen, Poet and Singer. Around 29, he was finishing up living in Hydra, a Greek Island where he bought a house and caroused with George Johnston and Charmain Clift. Due to financial issues and other frustrations, he began making music instead of writing, which marked the beginning of his incredible career – see this video of Hallelujah.

Liz Ellis, Netballer. Around 29, she played in her first Commonwealth Games for Australia.

Mandy Harvey, Musician. A deaf singer who earned a Golden Buzzer on America’s Got Talent 2017 – see the amazing video of her singing ‘Try’ – it makes me cry! Not only did she place 4th in the show (at her lifepath turning point age of 29), she also released a memoir! Perfect timing. She received death threats for promoting a ‘hearing’ activity from within the deaf community – it’s hard to believe people would bully her over this, but then again, it’s often a feature of a Master 11 lifepath…we’re here to heal our shadow side by burning away fear.

Mark Wahlberg, Actor and Musician. He battled drug addiction and was jailed for a violent racist attack when younger. At 30 he went into a relationship with Rhea Durham (who is a Master 33 lifepath) and they are still married. His acting career was taking off around 29.

Mary L. Trump, Psychologist and author. At 29, she had an uncomfortable encounter with Donald Trump, where he talked about her body. I mention her in my Trump Family numerology reading. 

Maryanne Trump Barry, retired United States Federal Judge. I mention her in my Trump Family numerology reading.

Meg Ryan, Actor. At 28, she starred in When Harry Met Sally, which featured her famous fake-moaning scene. At 29 she married Dennis Quaid, who she later revealed was unfaithful to her.

Melania Trump, Model and Wife of Donald Trump. At 29 she was just forming a relationship with Donald Trump, as he was campaigning. I note she’s been the topic of interesting articles like this one about her ‘creepy’ blood-red Christmas Trees. 11’s are always controversial and enigmatic. See my reading for her 

Michael Franti, Musician and Humanitarian. Had formed his band Spearhead around age 28-29.

Michael Jordan, Basketballer. Won his first NBA championship with the Bulls, started his advertising relationship with Gatorade, and began building a mansion at 28, before going on to win NBA titles at 29-30. When he was 30, his father was murdered by teenage carjackers, who received life sentences. This prompted him to retire from basketball (he had been considering this since age 29, apparently due to the pressures of the 1992 Olympics and his rising celebrity status). He surprised many people by going into baseball for a few years, before returning to basketball. I note that his sons are both 1 lifepaths, and twin daughters are 11 lifepaths. I see this a lot (11s and 1s together).

Napoleon Hill, Author. Inspired millions with his book Think and Grow Rich, which includes a section about talking to Spirits and Masters. At 29, his business went bankrupt, and his second son Blair was born deaf, with no ears, on 11/11/1912 (note the Master Numbers in his DOB – I’ve met many Starseeds and 11:11 Seer’s with an 11/11 birthday). Although they were told Blair would never hear or speak, Napoleon refused to teach him sign language, leading to many conflicts with family and educators. According to reports, Blair learned to hear and speak almost normally, as a result of a hearing aid, his parents’ dedication and chiropractic adjustments from infanthood.

Orlando Bloom, Actor. I remember the first time I saw him on-screen, it was like an electric shock! It’s funny how you can sense someone who is the same lifepath – it must be Soul-level recognition. Orlando was at peak popularity around 29-30. He’d appeared in four of the top 15 highest-grossing films of all time. He broke up with Kate Bosworth at age 29 to date Miranda Kerr at age 30.

Paris Hilton, Socialite. Needs little introduction! Age 29, she was arrested in a cocaine possession scandal in Las Vegas, and entered into a plea bargain that involved attending a drug-abuse treatment program. See my comments regarding Robert Downey, Jr. below.

Pharrell Williams, Musician. Around 29 he was having huge success with his group The Neptunes. 11s tend to do better in collaborations/ partnerships as they tend towards extreme behaviours. Thanks to my Instagram follower BabyNolo for mentioning Pharrell.

Pete Sampras, Tennis player. Around 29, he won his 13th Grand Slam Singles title, breaking a record that had been held for 30 years. It was also the last time he was ranked No. 1. A month after he turned 29, he also got married to his current wife.

Peter Garrett, Musician and ex-Politician. Known for Midnight Oil and his environmental work. I met Peter in Jabiru when I was training with park rangers in Kakadu National Park. Amazing how many 29/11’s I’ve met ‘by accident’. At 29 he was receiving international recognition in his music career.

Prince Charles and Prince William (both 29/11s), Royal Family. Prince Charles first met Diana when he was 29. Around this time he had also just started his charity The Prince’s Trust, and left the Royal Navy. Unknown to many people, Prince Charles is a huge advocate of organic farming, alternative medicine including homoeopathy and avid environmentalist. Master Number lifepaths often run in families…I guess sometimes it takes a double one to raise a double one! It’s no surprise that we often make big commitments around our lifepath age, for example Prince William married Kate Middleton less than two months before his 29th birthday. BTW I predicted Prince Harry’s exit from the Royal Family in the media, weeks before it happened! Read more

Queen Latifah, musician. Released fourth album and was in a feud with Foxy Brown around 28-29.

Robert Downey, Jr., Actor. Around 29 he was married with a child and appeared in some big movies including Only You and Natural Born Killers. His struggles with drugs and alcohol are well-documented – his father was a drug addict and Robert has been dogged by rumours of being bipolar. I’m guessing he has Composite Whorl fingerprints in palmistry. You could say he knows the ‘dark side’ of being a Master Number extremely well. We go up quickly, and down just as fast, depending on our environmental influences and role models.

Rosie Batty, Activist. As I’ve written many times, 29/11’s are Spiritual Messengers who often bring light to dark situations and cover-ups. Rosie’s story was instrumental in the establishment in 2015 of the Royal Commission into Family Violence in her home state of Victoria. Just after her lifepath turning point age of 29, she entered a relationship with Greg Anderson, the man who would murder their son Luke. Luke was born 20 June 2002, making him a 12/3 Artist and Communicator lifepath (my son Charlie is also a 3). He was killed on a Personal 11 day, months short of his lifepath turning point age of 12. See my mention of Rosie Batty in this post on Bianca Faith Girven.

Ruby Rose, Model, DJ, TV Presenter. Was GQ’s Woman of the Year at 29.

Sara Blakely, Founder Spanx. Her product was promoted by Oprah when Sara was 29, allowing her to quit her job at an office supply company, Sara was about to give up on her business and asked for a sign – she turned on the TV and Oprah was talking about cutting the feet off her pantyhose! Sara has credited Tony Robbins for inspiring her, he is a 29/11/2 life path as well. 

Shirley Temple Black, Actor. She was an early bloomer and public figure, similar to Mozart. I watched her movies constantly as a little girl, because my father adored her (an interesting coincidence, given I’m also a 29/11 and was a child prodigy academically). After retiring at 22, she made a comeback at 29 with a TV series about fairytales, that included her son as an actor. 29/11s (and Master Number holders in general) often have dramatic childhoods. I have noticed they often go through big family healing experiences around 29. I certainly did! It’s when I found out ‘by accident’, that my family have a history of mental health issues and psychic abilities.

Spencer Johnson, Author. Wrote Who Moved My Cheese? a popular self-help book. 

Stephenie Meyer, Author, known for the Twilight series. See my note about E.L. James above, who was inspired by Stephenie’s work to start writing. Stephenie has said the idea for Twilight came to her in a dream in June 2003 – when she was at her turning point/ lifepath age of 29. Prior to this, she had no writing experience. Within a few months, she had finished the manuscript (buoyed by the enthusiasm of her sister), and signed a three-book-deal (!) So she did blossom right on time.

Terri Irwin, naturalist and owner of Australia Zoo. She is the widow of Steve Irwin, and moved to Australia around 28, when she married him (11 is about double beginnings). See Steve Irwin’s Numerology – A Conservation Fundraiser

Tim Brooke- Taylor, actor, started on The Goodies at age 29-30. 

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Composer (I share his birthday). Child prodigy, known for 600+ Classical works including Eine kleine Nachtmusik, a piece I played in school assembly, long before I knew he was an 11. Around 28-29 he began doing solo performances in unconventional venues such as restaurants and apartments), and became a Freemason.

Yuri Gagarin, Astronaut. I loved this extract from Wikipedia, a doctor said Yuri “handle(d) celestial mechanics and mathematical formulae with ease.” Makes sense as he was obviously a Starseed with plenty of experience travelling the dimensions(!) At his lifepath age of 29 he was advancing through the military and training cosmonauts in the Soviet Union. He was very charismatic and known for his smile and soft spot for the public.

BONUS section – 29/11 Lifepath Healers I Love
When I took up numerology, I was astounded to realise that almost every significant healer or teacher in my life was a 29/11 or had other Master 11/22/33 numerology. Here are some of their extraordinary creations:

My 29/11 Lifepath Friends
Alexis Cartwright
, Founder of Transference Healing – I met Alexis at the beginning of my psychic journey and she showed me how generous and grounded a 29/11 lifepath can be, with loving support and protection in place. Her Animal Magic Divination cards are one of my favourite decks.
Elizabeth Jewell Stephens, Living Now Magazine – I’ve been reading this for years and it’s introduced me to so many new concepts.
Heather Plett– Author of this viral post on ‘holding space’. She is the most humble and profound creative coach. I love her retreats, too. See our 2022 interview
Jill Genet – Founder, Red Tent Aotearoa – She helped launched my psychic speaking career. I’m a huge fan of her women’s circles.
John Le Gros – Japanese acupuncturist (Japanese Acupuncture is painless) and Australian Bush Flower Essence teacher/ practitioner in Brisbane.
Jost Sauer, Author of books like The Perfect Day Plan (an excellent introduction to living in tune with your Chi cycle) – I briefly assisted at his rehabilitation clinic in Brisbane. We discovered that all the counsellors were Master number lifepaths (!)
Leonie McDonald, Naturopath – completely changed my life when I was about 29-30, she taught nutrition at AIAS and told me to quit my day job at the time because I was so stressed! She is truly an Angel.
Ross Clark, Poet – When I moved to QLD after the tsunami, Ross was one of my first friends. He shares a birthday with my son Charlie.
Susanna, my late friend who inspired me to move to Brisbane after we met in Thailand in 2005! Miss you Angel.
Suzanne Swan, Yogababy – I credit her prenatal, pregnancy and postnatal yoga education classes with giving me the confidence to birth Ziggy (February 2021) – see this post, Charlie (August 2017) and Forrest (February 2016), drug-free and peacefully. Read Charlie’s birth story.

Famous 38/11 Lifepaths
38/11’s are here to express Imagination (3 energy – The Empress in Tarot) and provide freedom of expression in society. They are more extroverted and business-minded (8 energy – Strength in Tarot and the 8th Chakra in yoga, which is about breaking Karmic Patterns) than 29/11’s. They become speakers on holistic topics (being less self-revealing than 29/11’s) and accrue abundance over time. Words like PSYCHIC, ENERGY and HEALING add to 38/11. People with this vibration are unstoppable once they trust their Higher Selves. Dan Millman talks about how their high ‘drives’ can get them into trouble at times (Bill Clinton..!)

Al Capp, Cartoonist. Won Cartoonist of the year at 38. One of the first comic strip artists to inject politics and social commentary into his work.

Allison Mack, Actor. Her involvement in the Nxivm cult is well documented and very disturbing. She is awaiting sentencing and is at her lifepath turning point age of 38. 

Amelia Earheart, Aviation Pioneer. According to Wikipedia, at 38, she became a visiting faculty member at Purdue University as an advisor to aeronautical engineering and a career counselor to women students. She also started a short lived flying school and was preparing for the round-the-world flight, which resulted in her mysterious disappearance.

Bill Clinton, U.S. Politician. At 37, he passed significant education reforms in Arkansas, which were considered the highlight of his governership. His controversial love life is well known – Master 11 lifepaths have a magnetic effect on others and are learning to use their influence wisely…

Brendan Leipsic, Hockey player.  In May 2020, he was caught in a leaked messages scandal. He made offensive comments about women and teammates that are likely to see him booted off the Capitals team.  

Coco Chanel, Designer. At 37-38, she was in negotiations to sell her perfume Chanel No. 5 in department stores. She was actively supporting artistic and charitable causes, plus sharing her home with the Stravinsky family after they left the Soviet Union after the war. I note that Igor Stravinsky was a Master 33/6 lifepath – Master Numbers often assist each other in times of crisis.

Cyntoia Brown, Prisoner. See my full post on her unfair life sentence and horrific but inspiring story.

Davy Crockett, Folk Hero and Politician. Active in politics at age 38, and decided to run for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives then.

Doreen Virtue, Spiritual Teacher. Her Angel cards have helped millions of people access their intuitive powers. In recent years, she has turned to Christianity, which is interesting as it fits her 11 lifepath of radical new starts and surprising choices. CHRISTIAN, JESUS and JEW all add to 11, and this energy could be described as ‘grassroots leadership’. I have written about my mixed feelings regarding Hay House in a separate post. 

Hayden Panettiere, Actor. Recently in the media due to domestic violence  from her boyfriend Brian Hickerson. I hope she will be okay. 

Indi Cowie, Freestyle Footballer and Coach. I came across Indi on Youtube doing some amazing football feats. She won a global freestyle football competition in 2015, here’s a video from Youtube. That year, she became the first woman to do a three revolution – three full circles around the soccer ball with the foot while it’s still in the air.  11 women in particular, often challenge male-dominated industries and open doors for others. Not yet 38.

Isadora Duncan, Revolutionary Dancer. I note that her DOB is disputed online. Around 38, she was due to leave the US after the tragic death of her children a couple of years prior, and was experiencing financial problems. Known for introducing sacred and natural movement into dance, hence her nickname ‘the mother of modern dance’. Advocated equal rights and was openly bisexual and supported Communism in the Soviet Union.

Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Wife of JFK. Her charisma and style were impeccable. Coming up to the 50th anniversary of JFK’s assassination I’ve been watching documentaries on the Kennedys…it’s interesting that Jackie was strongest under pressure (a classic 11 quality) and that her fashion choices overshadowed her husband’s politics at times. After her lifepath turning point of 38, she married Aristotle Onassis and started a new life. Her daughter Caroline Kennedy is a Master 33, which implies great sacrifice while growing up.

Jaimi Lee Kenny, daughter of Lisa Curry and Grant Kenny. Sadly, Jaimi passed away in September 2020, see this tribute post. Her mother Lisa is a 29/11 lifepath. 

Jennifer Lopez, Musician and Actor. One of the world’s most famous Hispanic entertainers, who was at her peak fame around 38. Master 11’s often come from minority groups and bring issues of race, gender, sexuality etc. up for discussion. J-Lo is particularly known for her curvy figure – 11’s are here to bring respect back to the Divine Feminine so this makes beautiful sense.

Jessie J, Musician. Watch her emotional and transformational interview on The Diary of a CEO. She’s a healer and a marvel.

Kevin Bacon, Actor. Made his directorial debut at age 38 (or close to then). Known for the ‘six degrees of separation’ principle, which is classic of 11’s – they often have big social and/ or spiritual networks.

Kobe Bryant, Basketballer. RIP Jan 2020. Kobe left basketball and formally launched his venture capital firm just before his 38th birthday. Sadly, he died with his daughter Gianna and other acquaintances. Gianna was a 14/5 Rebel lifepath who was just reaching her lifepath turning point of 14. She was born a few months before Kobe turned 38, suggesting a deep Spiritual connection. I wonder if she came to Earth to help Kobe to transition. More on Karmic 14

Strangely, I appeared on The Morning Show just minutes after they announced his death on-air. 

Larry Geller, Elvis’s hairdresser and spiritual advisor. Read more on Elvis’ (he loved numerology). 

LeAnn Rimes, Singer. In October 2020, at her lifepath turning point age of 38 she revealed her lifelong battle with psoriasis in a very moving photoshoot. As a fellow 11 lifepath who’s had eczema since birth and who had cystic acne as a teenager, I was touched by her honesty. See my blog on the spiritual meaning of eczema and rashes. 

Lionel Barrymore, Actor. Both his daughters died as infants, his second when he was about 38. Around this time, he also stopped directing silent movies and went back into acting.

Madonna, Singer. You’ve got to love her early music – I grew up with The Immaculate Collection on tape… she started the girl power movement way before the Spice Girls. At her lifepath turning point, she was pregnant with Lourdes (born just after her 38th birthday), while starring in Evita, a role she said she was ‘born to play’. She won a Golden Globe for this performance.

To quote from Wikipedia – Biographer Mary Cross writes that although Madonna was often ill during the filming and worried that her pregnancy would harm the film, she reached some important personal goals: “Now 38 years old, Madonna had at last triumphed on screen and achieved her dream of having a child, both in the same year. She had reached another turning point in her career, reinventing herself and her image with the public.”

Marc Chagall, Artist.

Mel B., Musician. Known as Scary Spice from The Spice Girls (quite a few of them are Master Number lifepaths). At 38 she revealed she was blind in her left eye due to botched laser surgery (our left eye represents our feminine side). She also became a judge on America’s Got Talent, was embroiled in legal/ contract issues and in an abusive marriage. She entered rehab in late August 2018, just before her her Personal 9 Month, Personal 9 Year of Healing and Conclusions. No surprise as this is an 11 Universal Year for the planet. All the 11’s and 11:11 See’rs are awakening! P.S. Geri Halliwell is a 33.

Mindy Kaling, Actor, Comedian and Writer. Recently seen in A Wrinkle in Time (which is super-spiritual – I loved it, great introduction to the truth of reality for kids, glitter and all). She’s 38 now and her career is taking off – woohoo!

Natasha Liu Bordizzo, Actor. Known for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and The Greatest Showman. Has a mixed-race, martial arts background – many 11’s are indefinable and stereotype-shattering like her. Not yet 38.

Nigel Westlake, Composer. At 38 he won an APRA award for the movie Babe.

Peggy Fleming, Figure Skater. Not sure what happened around 38 but she had her second son soon after then.

Roger Taylor, Member of Queen. Around his lifepath age turning point of 38, he began a new band and got married – 11 is about double beginnings. See my numerology post on Queen and Freddie Mercury

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Model. She’s still under 38 so I’ll keep watch for now.

Sarah Millican, Comedian. At 38-39, her husband suddenly left her and she turned to writing and comedy.

Tim Burton, Director, Artist, Writer and Animator. At 38, he worked on Mars Attacks! I love this – many 11’s believe in aliens and other planets.

Jane Sleight-Leach is a 38/11 Lifepath – see our interview from February 2021 on domestic violence and recovering from crises.

Michelle Buchanan, a numerologist from New Zealand is also a 38/11. She was one of the first numerologists I ever met, and I love her smile and down-to-earth approach.

Business coach Liz Cassidy is a 38/11 too, she helped me hugely in my 20’s. I still hear her kind words in my head.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this foray in 11-dom. Please, share it with any of your friends who are 11’s or into numerology…they will love you for it.

Thanks to these people who’ve helped contribute suggestions for this blog (I also referred to The Life You Were Born to Live by Dan Millman, who I’ve read for ) Some of the Master 11 lifepaths in Dan’s book, do not appear to be 11’s upon double-checking.

Dan’s office confirmed in March 2018 that, ‘it is entirely possible that some of the well-known people might not have had accurate dates of birth when Dan checked them in 1994. For the new 25th Anniversary edition of The Life You Were Born to Live, Dan has eliminated that entire section since anyone can easily look up the date of birth of any famous person.’ Based on my calculations, Dame Judith Anderson is a 28/10/1, Isaac Bashevis Singer was a 17/8, Marc Chagall and Daniel Day Lewis was/ are 37/10/1’s and Goethe was a 39/12/3 according to Wikipedia. 

Barbara Lyons, The Numbers Queen on facebook
Jason Zyzak, Life Path Master Number Society on facebook
Julie Tester, The Numbers Queen on facebook

Recommended Reading
Master 11 Life Path – home page with many posts
Master 11 Lifepaths – Pros and Cons of Being a Spiritual Messenger (hence my joke…don’t shoot the Spiritual Messenger!)
Mercury Retrograde – Even High Flyers Need a Safety Net
11:11 – Many 11 Lifepaths see 11:11  when they are ready to ‘wake up’ to their potential

Please note, some comments were migrated from my old website and original Master 11 post and I’m yet to update them with replies – work in progress!

Sarah Yip – Thanks for your support Renee. Once you know numerology, it’s hard to go back to unconsciousness. It becomes so obvious that we are protected and constantly guided home. Wishing you a powerful time of awakening, always great to meet another 11 lifepath on the rise.28 September 2017 6.21PM ReneeI read your article on famous 11’s, I found it so intriguing to see the landmarks in people’s lives at 29, you don’t really think about these things until you read it all in an article one after the other, I found it very interesting and also made me reflect on my life at 29. After reading the article I then started to think about life cycles and the major changes that occur in our lives every 9 years, perhaps this article got me thinking this way because of where I’m at personally being in a 9 year and having so much change going on. Love your work as always, I find it so refreshing to reflect on your articles at times when seeking clarity in the direction forward with life.

Sarah Yip – Thanks Anna, I add the DOB across based on experience. I have added a section on pure 11’s in the post above. Glad to know you!

Anna on 27/05/2017 10:18 PM
Hi Sarah! I am DOB 19/2/1979. I don’t know if I am a 29/11 or a 38/11… It depends,  based on if I reduce my 19 to a 1 versus a 10. What do you think? I also have a son DOB  1/12/2014… Pure 11??? Do you have a post for this? I LOVE your page so much, thanks  for everything you share, it’s SO helpful. Best wishes. Options

Sarah Yip on 11/10/2016 12:51 AM
Hi 11 Suns, welcome to my blog and thanks for your feedback. At the time I wrote this  article (2013) I had only seen 29/11 and 38/11 lifepaths come through as clients (remember, I add the date of birth straight across, there are other methods for finding 11’s in numerology). Even now, I only know of a smattering of pure 11 lifepaths (children), and have never met a  47/11. Please Google Dan Millman 47/11 for info on this lifepath. I do know that 47/11  is the vibration of phrases like ‘meditation’, ‘mental illness’ and ‘mental health’ so  these topics could be relevant to a 47/11 lifepath or person with a 47/11 name etc.  Best wishes Sarah Options

11 Suns on 9/10/2016 7:21 AM
You forgot 47/11 …!!!? Options

Jenna on 2/08/2016 3:22 AM
The number 11 has been my favourite number since I was little, my hockey number and  everything , I also see it all the time and did some research and come to find I was a  yes to a master 11 life path. I’m an extremely indecisive person that can’t figure out  what to do for my career. HELP I also want to master my psychic abilities , I have also  always been into the stars and looking up Options

LILY on 22/07/2016 12:26 AM
Thank you ! I knew I was a 11 but discover today (on Dan Millman’s site) I’m a  38/11…but I’m introvert! Too much 🙁 for imagination , yes , sure lol and agree since  some months I saw a lot 111 or 11:11 !! Have a nice day!! Options

Sarah – Please see this article on baby due dates – the date you arrive is definitely what you wanted spiritually!

Larissa Hertzberg on 6/05/2016 7:12 AM
I have read that if you are delivered via C-section, that you should use your original  due date for your numerology? Is that correct? Or should I use my actual birth date? Options

Sarah – Thanks Charles, have added him to the post now.

Charles on 31/01/2016 5:13 PM
Edgar Allan Poe was 29/11 Options

Sarah – Hi Alicia, there’s plenty of information on 11’s on this site and online. We all have an important lifepath – find yours here, 11:11 means that every one is equal.

Alicia Acker on 23/10/2015 7:43 AM I want to know more about 11 people my mother says i am meant to do something important Options

Jennifer on 29/04/2017 5:51 AM
I am so enjoying reading your articles! Having a soul # 11, personality # 11 and  lifepath # 38/11 myself I have always looked into anything I could about master #’s and  your information has alot of fresh new insight that I haven’t discovered before. I am  looking forward to reading more of your past and future blogs,thank you so much! Options

Keisha on 28/04/2017 7:28 AMHi. Im a path number 11. I always see my birthday when i look up at the clock. My birth  month and day. 12:10 Options

Anonymus on 2/03/2017 3:00 AM
Hey. I recently found this site and wanted to know which group do I belong to because  I’m 9+2=11, and I’m not sure if that counts as 29/11? Thanks in advance 🙂 Options

Ven on 5/02/2017 4:48 PM
Thank you for this article! I always thought my life path number was 2, but actually it  is 11. This helps me to understand and accept why I feel so peculiar in this world kept  wanting to go “home.” I know this might sound silly.. but I always have this strong  spiritual connection with my dog. I was compelled to calculate my dog’s life path  number, and my instinct told me it’s 11. And IT IS 11! Many people told me animals  don’t have souls, I don’t want to believe so. I believe my dog is a spiritual teacher,  a precious light being disguised in a dog’s body. Options

Christina on 27/12/2016 3:08 AM
Thank you for this! My sister introduced me to Dan Millman’s books and I cant get  enough. I feel like I’m finally “awaking” a “energy” I always knew was there, but wasn’t  sure how to bring forth…My number is 29/11, and after reading Dan Millman’s books, and  finding this website, I truly believe, I am here to bring light to this world… Options

Sarah – Hi Kim, it’s not easy having Master Numbers, but I have heaps of tips on my 11:11 Clocks page and this blog for dealing with criticism and still embodying your true self. Keep glowing beautiful healer.

Kim on 9/12/2016 10:27 PM
Hello Sarah, I really enjoyed your article. I have been seeing 11:11 ever since my  cousin passed away in 2015. I’ve even had many other experiences following that.  Recently I found that my life path is 11, and then it all seemed to make sense and come  together. I’ve always been a spiritual person, and always felt different. Anyway, just  the other day I was filling out paper work for a new job that I was possibly getting. I  have no idea why, but on all the dates with my signature’s I put the month down as 11,  instead of 12. Then I realized even my appt. Was set at 11:00. Recently I had asked to  be guided down the right path. So it made me smile because I thought maybe this was a  sign that this job would be good for me. I just thought it was neat how it happened. I  have no idea why I kept putting 11. I thought maybe this is my guide. Right when I was  leaving they actually told me I was hired. As soon as I got into my car, I even saw the  time 11:11. Excited,I told my husband. With a slight attitude he said, so what are you  obsessed with the number 11 now? Then saying I was worse than the guy off the movie 23.  I was irritated on so many different levels and reasons. It’s like I was just shot  down. But coincidence or not I thought it was neat and it made me smile. I told him  forget it, I won’t tell you nothing else. I even took this as a sign in itself to not  tell him anything. People can be very discouraging, how do you deal with that? Options

Sarah Yip on 16/10/2016 2:05 AM
Hi Jack, welcome to the community! As another 11 who sees 11:11, and works with clients  who are in the same boat, I have an idea what you are going through. Please see my 11:11 on clocks page on this website for many articles and podcasts. Basically, you are  a Lightworker and you’re at a spiritual turning point. I urge you to follow your  intuition, no matter how crazy it seems. Life will get better and better as you listen  to your Higher Self. I am proof of this. You can stay in touch via email by signing up  on my homepage. Best wishes, Sarah Options

Jack Ridgewell on 11/10/2016 4:27 PM
Thanks for the read. I really think i am going mad. I see 11,111,1111 all the time and  it drives me crazy. I am a 52 year old man who has just worked hard all my life and now  this….. Am i going mad and whats next can someone give me a hand or point me in the  right direction… Thanks Options

Lori on 2/10/2016 1:12 AM
Hi there, thank you for all the great information on your site. I was told I was a 2  life path. This fit for me as well. The idea of 2 seemed less overwhelming. I have been  to your site before and added to a 11. 29/11. I dunno, not sure what I’m suppose to  really do with this information yet. I’m still hiding 🙂 But, I see 11’s constantly  lately, its like I’m being yelled at…lol. I also just added my phone and address,  yup, 11’s. Have to say, I’m a little freaked out and unsure. Taking a deep breath and  gonna do a little research. Love and light to you!!! 😀 Options   Michael Lewis on 22/09/2016 3:47 AMAddress 1344 maturity number 11. I’ll take it Options

Steve hamilton on 13/07/2016 10:09 PMWell put sara one question i am lifepath 11 personality 11 and expression 1 how does  the 11 energy mix while in different core spots i ask because you sorta hit home with a  few remarks Options   Ajit Khilari on 13/05/2016 9:24 PMHello Sarah my birth date is 7/2/1991 which come 11 as life path number I hope I’m  correct. I read your post and yes recently I moved into new house which is in lane no  11 I read your post for first time when I started investegating on numerology. I want  to learn and know about my future. Can you please guide me. I think I’m misdirected  from my life Options

Kadee allen on 8/05/2016 12:46 AMI’m an 11/22, 4/24/90 I feel I have a really important message to share with the world,  I have a psychic ability I don’t believe has a name yet and I’ve had automatic writing  since I was 15. I believe you would help with this message, if we spoke personally,  humanities ascension would accelerate much faster. Options

Jung on 28/12/2015 7:19 PM
A lot of 11’s are delusional thinking they are special, the saying “many are called but  few are chosen” as well as the saying “Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is  not enough, we must do” applies. Options

Christina on 25/12/2015 4:57 AM
Hi, My Dob is 2/22/1976. I’m about to turn 40 and feel so lost lately. I feel stuck and  hard to admit, even depressed. Is something normal for 11s? Thank you for this… it is  very insightful. Options

Brendon Michael OBrien on 19/11/2015 2:35 PM
My birthday is May 31,1973 .What insight can you give me from this.Also how can I  figure out my calculation for my name. Cheers, Brendon Options

Tafadzwa Lee Makwanise on 29/10/2015 2:42 AM
Hey Sarah my life path number adds up to 11 when I use your method or 2 when i use the  other method,my destiny number is 11 and my soul urge number is 11 as well,i can’t say  i see a lot of elevens but i have encountered 11s or 111 a lot in my life,.i have  always felt very different since i was a child,I was quite distant and reserved and I  was always imagining stuff,.so my question is am i a pure 11 or what? Options

Zimone on 25/09/2015 8:09 PM
Hi Sarah! I’ve been very interested in astrology and palmistry and have been introduced  to it from a very young age (since my mom is a Pisces, which I’ve noticed are very  spiritual) but numerology are still very new to me, and after researching on a few  websites including yours I discovered that my number is number 1 / 09-12-1996 but  something’s just a bit strange, because to be a number 1 you have to be born on either  the 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th and I was born on the 9th? And still my calculation gets  down to number one! I’m just curious if this means anything? Options

Sarah Yip on 24/05/2015 10:26 PM
Hi Danisha, it’s wonderful to hear from you. I recommend checking out facebook pages  like Lifepath 11 (my master numbers page) – also consider looking further into  numerology and spirit guides. Education is the path to freedom and meeting like-minded  people. If you see my page on Find Your Lifepath you can read about personal years, or  you are welcome to book a reading sometime. Life is good, it just takes practice to  find our path to bliss. Best wishes, Sarah Options

danisha on 3/05/2015 6:37 PM
nice to read it!!…I’m a lifepath 11 Birthdate: 19/12/1996 and i will soon be 19( funny  1+9 = 10 and 1+0= 1) too much 1, lol and I feel like I’m no more spiritual as I used to  be yet I am attract to mysteries and it is true, the difference of thinking makes it difficult for people to understand me, and i prefer to hide myself inside a barrier  that now i am fighting to break out, it is strange , that I feel so protected sometime..you know by strange unknown spiritual being…I’m grateful for this, have you guys ever felt empty, like you have no idea what to do,where to go, or feel loss, I no  more want to continue my study, its like I want to give up on all of it, I want help? Options

Rick on 7/01/2015 2:56 PM
Hey there bday twin! I was born on 1/27 as well and have always been extremely  spiritual as of age 11. I had my most prophetic dreams at 11 that have mainly come  pass, however, there are still a few that I’m awaiting. My new years resolution for the  past five years has been to TRUST myself (intuition)! I am not a follower, nor a  leader, yet I inspire people w/o trying because I have great will power, integrity, and  on the flip side I attract a LOT of unwanted attention because of this as well. I am  also very insecure, have spent majority of my life lonely (although considered above  average in looks and character), and I expect nothing but greatness from my myself and  others. I was once a push over and very timid. I am now 33 and have grown (maturity)  great deal in the past 3 yrs. I attract a great deal of admirers, however, I repel admirers mainly because I am of great character and self worth. I am also sarcastic,  impatient at times, and will choose alone time over partying. That was a mini book, I  know. I needed to get that off my chest Options

Irina on 3/01/2015 11:03 PM
Dear Sarah, It’s my first time here, on your blog. I’m writing with one question which  torments me and I haven’t found anything online about it. I’m 29 now (born on  22.11.1985) and in the last 7 months I had the following issues with doors/gates: 1. I  could not enter one day the door from my job building, even though I was the one to  open the door every morning for 3 years and had no problems till then. The building has  no.11 as address.; 2. I was accussed by my former boss for breaking the hatch of other  door (from other apartment which belongs to the organization) and asked me to even pay  for it, because he was told I had been the last person there. It wasn’t true and I  didn’t break anything and he realised that when the repairman had told him the hatch is  fine and the problem is his own key that is broken. The apartment is no.11 as well; 3.I  parked my car near the building site next to my building block just like other 40-50  cars. And guess what -the building site wanted to create an exist exactly through my  own car and called the police to take my car from there (and made me pay more than 200  Euro, which is a huge amount of money in my country);4. 3 days ago I broke the door  handle from my own room and 2 days ago the door handle from the apartment door. I know  that 11 is often represented by a door/gate. I’m an 11 and I’ve just turned 29 (11). Do  you think I’m about to die this year, taking into account all these odd  circumstances/messages? 2014 was an awful year for me.. I quit my job, I’m in a law  suit with my former employer for not giving me my salary for several months of working,  I am full of debts now, because I have not received my salary on time.. Terrible. I  found a new job, but it is part-time so it’s not like sunshine for me, but it’s  interesting to tell you that the building I now work in has also 11 number (47) :).  Please tell me what do you think about all theses messages with doors/gates. Another  point to mention : Saturn has just entered the 11th house and it’s located in the same  spot as it was at my birthday. So sorry for my long message and full with grammar  mistakes :(. I hope you could give me an answer, because I don’t know what’s happening  with me 🙁 and what to do. Options

christmas lights installation on 19/12/2014 9:57 PM
I hope at least. Your article has highlighted what I’ve already learned since first  finding out my life path number, but your way of speaking, your insight, your own  experience has done for me what no other author has managed this far. I’m a recovering  heroin addict, on my own pretty much since I was fifteen years old, I have hope now for  a future because I have belief in the nagging voice inside that begs me to hold on and  tells me that something big is coming. Options

Sarah Yip on 18/11/2014 2:18 AM
Hi Allexa, yes this is for real. I was a sceptic too until I had a number of miracles,  including a narrow escape from the 2004 tsunami in Thailand. There is a big difference  between intuition and imagination. It takes practice to know which voice is which, but  the results are well worth it. Once you trust your self (as in, higher self) you’ll  never feel alone again. Plus you can manifest really easily. We choose our  lifepath,this is not something that’s forced upon us. Please join my facebook page https://www.facebook.com/lifepath11. You could also get an email reading to explain  your master numbers, see my Bookings page. Best wishes and thanks for connecting. Options

Allexa on 13/11/2014 8:32 AM
Hey I’m a life path number 11 so this for real? I’m still skeptical I hear voices in my  head sometimes can’t tell if I create them or if there is other being trying to  communicate to me mentally I usually ignore it. So why would God want me to be an 11? I  mean I’ll have to figure that out on my own but this whole 11 thing is really hard. Options

Tonya Martin on 9/11/2014 5:37 AM
I’m your 1500th like on Facebook I have calculated my dates back and forth always the  same 29 2+9 11 I think am I sure I’m not a 2 but the spirit directed me to this post  and its confirmation I’m indeed an 11.God bless you as you walk in your purpose. Pray  that I focus on His plans rather than my own. Tonya Options

Loretta Maxey on 15/10/2014 7:41 AM
Hi Sarah, LOVE your posts ! I was just reading one , and I was curious about your  comment that ‘ Living at an 11 house, is not for the faint hearted ‘. I am a life path  29/11, I see 7 ‘s and 11’s my whole life, so when I reads your posts it is all too  familiar. I have always lived at a 7 or an 11 house my whole life without even  realising it until recently. I am currently getting divorced, and have sold my present  25/7 house in which the sale price added up to 7. My house I have loved since I was a  little girl is a 29/11 house. I have just recently approached the owners and asked them  if they will sell it to me. They have said yes, hence my curiosity on your comment on  11 houses. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Xo Loretta Options

Sarah Yip on 11/06/2014 3:51 PM
Hi Valentina, thanks for your comment, it’s a good question! I believe that Dan  Millman’s method from The Life You Were Born to Live is the most accurate way of  reading a lifepath. He adds the date of birth straight across from left to right. This  method produces many more Master Number lifepaths (11, 22, 33) and also gives you more  detail about what kind of lifepath you are. I would say Tim Burton is definitely more  of a 38/11 (Spiritual Messenger, here to be a powerful communicator) than a 20/2  (Diplomat and Peacemaker). This is a personal decision. If you have further questions  please post to my facebook page The Numbers Queen. Happy calculating! xx Sarah Options

Valentina on 4/06/2014 1:08 PMHi! I’m from Argentina. I have a doubt on calculating my number path. some people say  that it’s not correct the way you say.For example, Tim Burton -born August 25, 1958  8+2+5+1+9+5+8 38/11 BUT 8 7 5 2O/2 ( 3 cycles. Month-day-year) Which one is correct????  Thank you!!! Options   World Famous Astrologer on 6/05/2014 6:14 PMGreat blog here.. Options

Sarah Yip on 4/04/2014 11:23 PMDear Thomasina, thank you for your generous feedback and honesty. It’s really good to  hear from a fellow eleven and I can tell you have a very courageous soul. I wish you  all the best on your spiritual and material journey. Please stay in touch via my  facebook page The Numbers Queen. I post about 11 there almost every week…light and  luck to you xx Sarah Options

Thomasina on 22/03/2014 11:04 AM(Please note this post has been edited for length) I just wanted to thank you for your  comments, thoughts , and most efficient break down of the 11’s character, soul and  inner most secrets. If that makes sense. I’m an eleven. And my entire life has been a  whirlwind of bad choices and bad luck. A year ago numerology became a part of my life,  at twenty eight years old I had finally found something that made sense to me.  Something other than spirituality…numerology has been the closest I’ve come to  feeling like I am not insane, and my chaotic inner battle is not my own doing and  destruction. I hope at least. Your article has highlighted what I’ve already learned  since first finding out my life path number, but your way of speaking, your insight,  your own experience has done for me what no other author has managed this far. I’m a  recovering heroin addict, on my own pretty much since I was fifteen years old, I have  hope now for a future because I have belief in the nagging voice inside that begs me to  hold on and tells me that something big is coming. The voice has been there forever. I  just tried hard to block it out. I feared my sanity was diminishing. But you have truly  inspired me. Seriously…It’s more important than one can imagine to finally believe  there’s a reason for me and everything I have suffered and done. Thank you so much!

Want to learn numerology? Check out my 11:11 Patreon groupclasses and meditations.

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