Numerology – Spiritual Meaning of Seeing Angel Number 111

What are the possible meanings of seeing 111? Based on my readings and 11:11 research with thousands of people, here are some tips.

-Your root (1st) chakra is, or needs, healing (safety, physical self esp. feet and legs, ancestral and family tree).

-It’s time to stand up and run your business (aka busyness/ life).

-You’re a 1 life path Pioneer and Catalyst and/ or have strong 1 numerology. Find your life path

-Someone with a 1 life path is vibing you – contact them.

-You’re in a 1 personal year of beginnings. Find your personal year

-Or maybe your (body) clock is stuck in the past! Time to reset.

Hint: meditation can clarify the messages. Numbers are Angel language and seeing them is a reminder that you come from Heaven. Be a source of hope today instead of injecting fear.

For a blog and playlist see my longer post from 2016, The Meaning of 111 in Numerology – Chase Down Your Dreams & Heal Your Root Chakra

Extract: “Seeing 111 could be a reminder to make sure your dreams are rooted in reality. Place your hands on your tailbone/ lower back – this is the centre of the root chakra. Massaging it is a great way to get the chi flowing.

When your root chakra is in balance, you feel secure in your body…You finish what you start, because you are grounded, healthy and proactive…

People see you as reliable and long-term focused. You’re not afraid of criticism because you know who your supporters are – your family and/ or tribe keep you strong.

When your root chakra is out, you feel uncomfortable in your body, leading to symptoms such as fatigue, spinal and joint pain, cold feet, hoarding, insecurity, infertility, weight (wait/ passivity) issues, addictions, money problems, and impatience (tip: use the affirmation, I’m patience!)

It’s tempting to take shortcuts and gamble because we’re in fight or flight mode, looking for a quick fix.

Tip! The more fears you conquer, the stronger your will to live. The more fears conquer you, the less your will to live. Please, ask for help if you are experiencing depression (13 11 14 Lifeline).

When I’m seeing 111 (like this week), I contact my 1 life path friends like Deniz Akan from Dimensional Healing and Yarraka Bayles from Murri Menu (see our interview on 1 life paths). I also do yoga, get spinal healing from Mashenka Barlag and clear my home/ detox my life.

#rootchakra#chakrahealing#mentalhealth #111 #angelnumbers#numerology#sarahyip#thenumbersqueen

Related Links
Class – Change for Good – A Spiritual Money Webinar for 11:11 See’rs ($49.50, was $99)
The Meaning of 111 in Numerology – Chase Down Your Dreams & Heal Your Root Chakra
The Life Line in Palmistry and Grounding Your Energy
Past Life Regression and Healing Your Root Chakra – Once a Soldier, Always a Soldier?

Want to learn numerology? Check out my 11:11 Patreon groupclasses and meditations.

Connect with us
Seeing repeating numbers or at a turning point? Book a reading series with me. Around your birthday is ideal, as that’s when you change personal years.

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