There’s nothing more powerful than a women who knows her body! Sharon Wood from Emgoddess offers training, mentorship and coaching to provide women with the tools they need to thrive throughout their menstrual cycle.
This interview covers:
-Sharon’s journey as a ‘black sheep’ who educates women on a socially taboo topic (menstruation). What it’s like to live life as if ‘your time will come’. My turning point in recovering from anorexia and having a baby involved a drawing someone made me, saying ‘your moment is coming’.
-How unlocking the secrets of your cycle is the most powerful tool for self-discovery and abundance you have. Sharon’s clients include CEOs and Olympians, who want to work with their bodies rather than against them.
-Sharon’s 28/10/1 Lifepath (The Pioneer) and how she’s healing her Root/ Base (1st) Chakra – physical vitality, family tree dynamics and the embracing of our common humanity (blood ties). Find Your Lifepath
-How women who are no longer menstruating can still chart their cycles using the Moon. The overlap with respecting our bodies, natural cycles and Mother Earth (an anagram of Heart). The use of menstrual / Moon cups.
-Why creating menstrual cycle charts by hand is more cathartic than using an app (our hands are the tips of our Angel Wings/ Heart Chakra). FYI 2020 is a Universal 4 Year of Heart Healing for our planet.
-Wordplay for empowerment – a W.I.T.C.H is a woman in total connection with herself. A she-devil is ‘she who has lived’ (anagram of devil).
-My training with Red Tent Australia to facilitate women’s circles (events to be announced soon). A red tent is where women would traditionally gather to rest and nurture themselves while menstruating.
A quote from Sharon’s Facebook: “I believe that women’s bodies are truly amazing, yet many of us are not connected to the abilities and functions our bodies do for us. When we are not in sync with our cycle, we are not in sync with our lives. Drifting along day by day, wondering why we don’t feel full of life and energy. Time to connect to your Empowerment Cycle.”
Connect with Sharon Wood (Emgoddess and Perfect Potion)
Website – Emgoddess (online course, book and personal/ group coaching)
Facebook: Emgoddess
Instagram @ emgoddess_app
Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more interviews like this one!
FYI I teach regularly with Perfect Potion, keep an eye out for future workshops. I specialise in helping people who feel they were past life witches, wizards and healers regain their voice and powers. Sign up on my homepage to receive updates or email me if you want to be notified when events are planned.
Related Links
7 Signs That You Were A Witch, Wizard or Healer in Your Past Life
Numerology and Palmistry for Salvatore Battaglia (Perfect Potion Aromatherapy), a 26/8 Spiritual Warrior Lifepath
Red Tent Australia – a non-profit organisation with the aim to connect, collaborate and create a community of strong and educated women in a supportive & nurturing environment
Embrace Your Natural Rhythm with Sharon Wood (interview with Nicole Van Hattem)
In this interview, Sharon also talks about the Hecate aromatherapy blend of essential oils from Perfect Potion’s Emgoddess range. This blend of grapefruit, clary sage, frankincense, juniper, lavender, fragonia, Australian sandalwood, lemon, patchouli, geranium, cypress and Atlas cedarwood pure essential oils boosts your inner strength and deepens your intuition.
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You can also check out my events, including palmistry and numerology
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