Quaden Bayles, a Pure 10/1 Lifepath Pioneer and Child Activist, in the Spotlight

Born 13/12/2010, Quaden Bayles is a pure 10/1 Pioneer lifepath. He has come to Earth to be one of kind and to heal his birth story, family tree and 1st/ Root Chakra (independence, survival, physical body, backbone).

June 2020 Update: See my in-depth interview with Yarraka Bayles on Youtube, a world exclusive look at her family’s 1 lifepaths and journey. This is also a blog post and Patreon transcript.

His known name has a 45/9 Old Soul vibration, giving him perception beyond his years and a global / humanitarian touch. He’ll know his lifepath by age 10 (this December). I wish him well.

Update 27 Feb: Quaden’s family has declined the crowdfunded trip to Disneyland and asked at the funds raised by Brad Williams go to grassroots charities*. They are also working on a Quaden’s Law reform package. *Dwarfism Awareness Australia, and Balunu Healing Foundation

I am not surprised by this development as the family has a history of activism and philanthropy. FYI, Brad Williams is a 27/9 Old Soul lifepath, note the sync with Quaden’s name? They have a similar level of spiritual maturity.

Just like another famous 1 lifepath, Prince Harry (whose exit from the Royal Family I predicted), Quaden will stand up for or to his family in his own special way if needed. 1s are here to heal toxic masculinity, among other facets of society, so it was inspiring to see him lead the NRL Indigenous All Stars out at the football.

I am aware there are some controversial videos of him online (many of which are hoaxes). No surprise, as he has come to be a public provocateur. Many politicians and activists are 1 lifepaths, especially in Australia. See Lifepath 1 Numerology – Prime Minister or Bad Boy? 28/10/1 and 37/10/1 Lifepaths Revealed They known how to attract a crowd.

FYI I worked in an Indigenous community (Jabiru / Kakadu) in 2003, when I was still a graduate in parks management with the Australian Government. It was a great privilege and the kids used to take me to see some of the rock art that’s hidden from public view. 11:11 Starseeds indeed.

Please do not post offensive comments below, or you will be blocked and reported. I am a numerologist, this is not a forum for attack. I was sad to have to remove a number of people from my social media when I first mentioned Quaden. Let’s hope the truth triumphs over trolling.

FYI Quaden’s mother, Yarraka Bayles (who is a 28/10/1 Pioneer lifepath in numerology – yes a 1 like Quaden!) commented on this post on my Facebook page The Numbers Queen with:

Yarraka Bayles Oh wow thanks so much Sarah. I contacted you a few years ago and haven’t had a chance to connect so this is just awesome. Love your work and look forward to connecting more. Much love and gratitude 🙏🏿❤️🙏 ” Thanks Yarraka! I am so glad we could reconnect, take care xx

Related Links
About a Boy – Australian Story

Living Black (SBS Documentary on Quaden from 2015)

Meet Yarraka Bayles, Mother of Quaden Bayles – A Family of 1 Lifepath Pioneers in Numerology!

Greta Thunberg – A Pure 9 Lifepath and Old Soul on a Global Mission (FYI, Quaden has similar numerology to Greta, they both have the 1-2-3 Line of Logic and Performance in their dates of birth, giving them public speaking skills and instinctual wisdom)

Thoughts on Asperger’s Syndrome, Anorexia and Psychic Ability – Part 1 of 2 This post mentions Hugh Jackman, he’s a 28/10/1 Pioneer lifepath (Quaden is also a 1 lifepath) and online bullying etc.

7 Discoveries About Babies That Blew My Brain – A Psychic’s Tale This post talks about the numerology of the new children (born 2000-) and how they are here to bring us all back together through sensitivity and cooperation. I am often dismayed at how outdated and condescending parents can be towards their kids. Too much protection leads to learned helplessness.

These Souls are far more prepared for modern life that we think. I have been doing energy work with my children since before they were born, we had telepathy before Forrest was even conceived. Let them shine!

On that note, here is another post you may enjoy:
Conscious Parenting Resources (Queensland)

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