Your April 2022 Numerology Forecast and Video
April 2022 Numerology. Comment 111 on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube if you like this post! We are in a 6 Universal year, 10/1 month. A time for beginnings, full circle
April 2022 Numerology. Comment 111 on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube if you like this post! We are in a 6 Universal year, 10/1 month. A time for beginnings, full circle
What are the possible meanings of seeing 111? Based on my readings and 11:11 research with thousands of people, here are some tips. Perhaps: -Your root (1st) chakra is, or
A Zen master will say, ‘Kill the Buddha!’ Kill the Buddha if the Buddha exists somewhere else. Kill the Buddha, because you should resume your own Buddha nature.” Shunryu Suzuki
A Reminder to Be Kinder! Loving my shirt from Quaden’s Worldwide Tribe, screen printed by his aunt Kaiyu with proceeds going to a future First Nations foundation. On the back,
Everything you’ve ever wanted, is on the other side of forgiveness. My greatest pain this lifetime has been finding compassion for myself and others. This makes sense, as my Master
Leanne The Barefoot Medium has been a dear friend and psychic colleague of mine since 2013. I was working at her spiritual shop in Brisbane when I got my big
Yarraka Bayles from BlackCard is one of the most switched on, inspiring and conscious parents you will meet. Mother of Quaden Bayles, she is an activist for Indigenous and disability
There’s nothing more powerful than a women who knows her body! Sharon Wood from Emgoddess offers training, mentorship and coaching to provide women with the tools they need to thrive
Here are my Royal Family predictions for 2020! Please, comment on the Yahoo facebook post to support my work. I’d love to write more for them. You don’t find info
Part 1 – Flamingo to the core! Felt bad leaving Forrest on my night off, but I needed to sing and dance as a superhero bird for Emma Dean‘s new
They’re calling it ‘the funniest video of the year’. It’s not every day that a clip of a work-from-home Dad generates 30 million hits on facebook and countless memes (see
This is the followup to my article: Charlie Chaplin’s Numerology – The 37/10/1 Lifepath Who Stood Up To Hitler – Part 1 Enjoy! Pic of Charlie from Wikimedia “Life is