9 Lifepath Kids – My Tips For Handling Old Souls In Young Bodies!

Forrest (channelling James Dean* here) always attracts 9 life path’s, because he is an 18/9 Old Soul lifepath. Find your lifepath. As a fellow 9 friend Jody pointed out, even our clock looks like a 9! See pics. The first time I saw Forrest in spirit, he tapped his watch and said ‘hurry up and conceive!’ He really is my timekeeper and often interrupts readings if I go over.

When in balance, 9’s tend to be punctual, as they hate disappointing others. When Forrest is away, I see his name and / or 9.09 everywhere…only recently did I realise that 9+9=18! Duh : D Now I know that it means he is thinking of me.

Many people with 9 lifepath kids ask us how we cope with their ferocious amounts of energy. Um – lots of outdoor walks, tumbling, socialising (9’s love hanging out with those on the same wavelength, whatever their age or walk of life), family singalongs, dancing to music, playing with dogs and super fit babysitters is our trick. Also, minimal sugar and technology before bed. Luckily, 9’s are independent as they seem to be firstborn, only kids or have busy parents! They are healers and often turn up after miscarriages or illness. They have a deep need to connect all people and help the Universe (so learning languages and taking them travelling is also great). More on Lifepath 9 Numerology – The Pros and Cons of Being an Old Soul

*FYI James Dean was a 24/6 Visionary lifepath, who died at his lifepath peak age of 24 – spooky, huh?!

Further Links
Class – Why Your Child Chose You – A Family Numerology Webinar ($33)

Robert Irwin’s Pure 9 Life Path in Numerology
Life Path 9 – The Old Soul
I Choose You, Ziggy. A story about our 9 life path baby (Ziggy and Forrest are both 9’s. Note: Forrest and I were both diagnised with autism after this post was written, see 5 Awesome and 5 Awkward Things To Say To Me About Autism! A Mum With Autism Speaks)
7 Discoveries About Babies That Blew My Brain – A Psychic’s Tale
Conscious Parenting Resources (QLD)
Forrest’s 11:11 Birth Story – A Piece of Chocolate Cake!


Want to learn numerology? Check out my 11:11 Patreon groupclasses and meditations.

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