Good news! I appeared on The Morning Show on Channel 7 today, to deliver a Chinese New Year astrology, talk about 11:11 and 2020 numerology forecast. I also did brief readings for Larry Emdur and Kylie Gillies (both 32/5 Lifepaths, aka The Rebels).
This was a dream come true. I was thinking about contacting The Morning Show and within days, their producer called me. She is a Master 22 lifepath who sees 11:11. Even better, she suggested we meet on 27 January, which is my 39th birthday! Great work, Universe! Find your lifepath
Many of my colleagues have been on The Morning Show, including John Edward (a 36/9 lifepath Old Soul), Mitchell Coombes (a 31/4 lifepath Heart Healer), Max Coppa (also a 31/4 lifepath) and Jackie Gillies (a 26/8 lifepath Spiritual Boss). I’m excited to be talking about 11:11 on mainstream TV.
FYI in numerology, every name and word can be reduced to a vibration (see the system I use).
Let’s look at The Morning Show’s numerology!
285 4695957 1865
=15 + 45 + 20 = 80/8 Destiny The Boss (sum of letters, overall theme)
=5+6+9+6 = 26/8 Soul Urge The Boss (sum of vowels, emotional life)
=2+8+4+9+5+5+7+1+8+5 = 54/9 Inner Dream The Old Soul/ Global Thinker (sum of vowels, appearance to others and deepest desire)
An 8 vibration is about healing the Aura, breaking Karmic Patterns and connecting you to the big picture. It resembles a racetrack because it’s about helping the human race to come together.
Words like God, Faith, Hope, Think, Hearts, Eternity, Commitment, Happiness, Medicine and Swimming have an 8 vibration so you can see it’s all about circulation, flow and connection.
8 even looks like an infinity symbol or eternity loop – what goes around, comes around. In my classes, I joke that you can’t win with an 8 lifepath in front you, and you can’t lose with an 8 lifepath behind you.
With such powerful name numerology, no wonder The Morning Show has been going strong for almost 13 years!
See Your Life Purpose and Name Gifts Revealed (webinar) to learn more about my system. This video and notes package includes templates to analyse your own numerology and kickstart your spiritual awareness.
Thanks to everyone who sent support and birthday wishes to me for my debut on mainstream TV.
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Related Links
WATCH the replay of my Year of the Rat and 2020 Numerology Forecast on The Morning Show (27 Jan)
Media and Events
Larry Emdur’s Numerology – A 32/5 Lifepath Teaching the Game of Life
Happy 2020! The 11:11 Love is Rising – A Numerology Forecast Preview
Your 2020 Numerology Forecast (webinar and notes, includes Chinese and Western astrology tips, as well as tips by lifepath)

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Seeing repeating numbers or at a life turning point? Book a psychic reading series with me. Around your birthday is ideal, as that’s when you change personal years. If you’d prefer a shorter reading, please see Kris Anderson, my amazing husband. We also read together for a unique 360 degree perspective on your life’s journey and way forward.
You can also check out my events, including palmistry and numerology workshops. Not in Brisbane or the Gold Coast? I have webinars too.
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