The Old Way:
One God or Boss
One career for life
One marriage for life
One dimensional success
One size fits all (not)!
The 11:11 Way:
Many roads to bliss
(Higher) self-employed
Soulmates who keep you moving
Multi dimensional spiral learning
Every one equal in their diversity
So many healers and readers say to me, I want to quit my job and do this fulltime. I say, why? What do you need to prove?
It’s ok to have a basket of services. Don’t buy into the myth that success needs to look a certain way. Be aware of capitalism and head-over-heart philosophies, as they are particularly toxic to women and sensitive people.
Find the mix that keeps you healthy, ‘cos that makes you wealthy. 11:11 means every one is equal at the Soul level, and here to rise in love.
Want to know more? Check our Change for Good – A Spiritual Money webinar for 11:11 See’rs
#1111 #angelnumbers #starseeds #chooselife #diversity #letgo #patriarchy #healthiswealth #onesizedoesnotfitall #soulmates #numerology #thenumbersqueen #sarahyip #brisbane #psychicdevelopment
The Telepathy Tapes podcast about autism & psychics knocked Joe Rogan off No.1 on Spotify!
Happy new year! Please check out The Telepathy Tapes! A show about autistic psychic children and families, it briefly took no.1 spot on Spotify knocking