Kookaburra Proves There’s Life After Death – My 33/6 Lifepath Friend’s Last Laugh

Sarah and Forrest with Kookaburra
Sarah and Forrest with Kookaburra

Is there life after death? I think so, but until now, I’ve never had solid proof like the video you’re about to see. This post is dedicated to Butterfly (see previous post), who passed away last week, leaving four amazing children.

The Background
As mentioned in this post, Butterfly was a Master 33 lifepath in numerology (a Master Healer and Spiritual Party Animal). She was a fountain of positive energy, grace and good humour. She was also one of the most sacrificing people I’ve ever met. Even on her deathbed, she was giving me teething advice for baby Forrest. Unbelievable. Find your lifepath

The last time I saw her, I had a feeling we wouldn’t meet again, so I asked her to send me a sign once she had left her body, as we both believe in the afterlife. She said she would, and we hugged.

What Happened Next
A few days ago, Butterfly appeared to me in a dream. So I knew she had slipped away before the public announcement, which was a bittersweet feeling. Being psychic doesn’t make life less painful, it just allows you to see the big picture behind every event.This perspective is priceless, especially when it comes to death and illness. It means that you can help other people, from a place of objectivity and kindness.

Within 24 hours of hearing the news, a Kookaburra landed on my balcony (see photo at the top). No big deal right? Wrong. This wasn’t just any Kookaburra. Not only did it sit next to us for 40 minutes, posing for photos and letting me pat its tail – it also responded to the name Butterfly.

You Must Be Kidding?!
As someone from a sceptical science and business background, this encounter knocked my socks off. I watched videos of the incident over and over again, trying to determine if my eyes had deceived me. After deliberation, I can honestly say they didn’t -the Kookaburra was definitely a messenger sent by my friend.

Watch this incredible 50 second video, showing its response to my question ‘Butterfly, if it’s you, can you give us another sign?’ I have a longer version of this, proving that the bird only opened its mouth once in the 8 minutes I filmed it. This was no accident. BTW, this video comes with a mild language warning.

In case you are still sceptical:
-Yes, I had witnesses (a friend Maha Laxmi Grace and my son).
-Yes, Kookaburras have appeared in our garden before, but a wild one has never stared at me or sat so still. This bird literally eyeballed me the same way Butterfly used to. She had big brown eyes too.
-No, I didn’t hire a tame Kookaburra to make a spoof video.
-No, I wasn’t drunk, sleepy or hallucinating (I am still breastfeedingand had just had a nap).
-No, I haven’t edited the video, apart from cropping it.
-No, I didn’t ask the Kookaburra the same question over and over until it responded (Puh-lease – I had a baby in my lap wiggling like mad! And if you follow my blog, you’ll know that my life is full of coincidences like 11:11 clocks and instant manifestation)

Most of all –  I didn’t know that Butterfly loved Kookaburras until I showed this clip to her daughter today. She confirmed that her mum mimicked Kookaburras all the time, and tried to turn them vegan (you’ll hear me joke about this in the video).

Kookaburra Animal Totem
Kookaburra Animal Totem

In Pythagorean numerology, 
KOOKABURRA adds to 41/5, the same vibration as words like YIN YANG.
 This bird is a cosmic reminder to laugh often, and to embrace the light and dark sides of life. After all, Kookaburra’s beauty comes from its contrasting feathers. 5 energy is about Throat Chakra healing, which makes sense as Kookaburra is famous for its laugh. A Kookaburra animal totem can relate to hunting down your goals and having good vision (clairvoyance).

Ok, I Believe You – Now What?

Butterfly was super-connected to the Spirit World, and did Angel Card Readings like me. That’s what brought us together – our love of cards and numerology. So it’s no surprise that her Soul has been sending strong signals. I’m not the only one who’s experienced heightened synchronicity – other friends have also been spotting butterflies in unusual places.

I went to a surprise fundraiser on the weekend, where the theme was, you guessed it, butterflies!The organisers initially had no idea why I was so emotional. It gets better – at 3.33pm today, while driving back from Butterfly’s wake, we passed Hope Street. Given that 3 energy is about Solar Plexus Chakra healing (optimism), this seemed very fitting.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this celebration of Butterfly and reminder of your immortality. You are an infinite being, with past lives and a unique job description in this lifetime. The sooner you realise this, the more fun you’ll have!

Now that you’ve read this post, expect Butterfly Magic to enter your life too. Butterfly loved nothing more than seeing people happy and opening minds. She was always making new friends.

In numerology, BUTTERFLY adds to 39/12/3, the same vibration as words like FREEDOM and NEW YORK – home of the Statue of Liberty (see the system I’ve used here).A butterfly animal totem is all about transformation, free will and savouring the miracle of life. Butterflies are exquisitely sensitive to their environment (my friend was a vegan), and seeing them can be a reminder to care for your body and surroundings.It’s also common to see butterfly spirit signs when you’re at the start or end of a cycle (find your personal year here). They’re a symbol of perfect timing and the rhythm of life. Butterflies remind us to gently release our old cocoons and limitations in order to fly.

True story: after the breakup on 11.11.11 that kick-started this blog, I moved house. As I opened the door to my new place, a black Orchard Swallowtail butterfly followed me in. It sat on the wall, as if to welcome me, before fluttering back outside. I had never seen a butterfly do that – it was a gift.

Want to learn numerology? Check out my 11:11 Patreon groupclasses and meditations.

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