“I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable…but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.” Agatha Christie, 33/6 Lifepath.
Agatha received six rejections (note the synchs with her 6 lifepath) before going onto literary fame and selling 2 billion books, including 6 romances and 66 detective novels (!)
Brought up by a psychic mother, Clara, Agatha was an avid reader and happy child. Her strong family connection helped her endure a difficult marriage to Archibald (a 38/11 lifepath, the vibration of Healing), which included infidelity and depression. Clearly, having two Master Numbers together triggered them both into consciousness.
I see many 33s go through depression, 33 even looks like a butterfly if you reverse one of the 3s – the dark night of the Soul is a cocoon metaphor. It also looks like birds flying or lips speaking up. I wrote about my late friend Butterfly’s advice to young 33’s in a previous blog post.
At 33, Agatha wrote her 3rd book, left her daughter at home and travelled the world with her husband…they were one of the first Britons to do stand up surfing in Hawaii (a 33 vibration).
Later on, she remarried Max (a 25/7 Teacher lifepath, the vibration of Soulmate) and they stayed together for 46 wonderful years. Agatha was an expert on poisons and I am sure she was a past life healer, as witches adds to 33/6 too!
I am sharing Agatha’s quote as I read it in Courage to Change today (an amazing read – see my post on Al-Anon). Many of you wonder if the pain leads to gain. It does, but only if you transform it through movement and expression.
You must follow your heart even when all others abandon the way. This is a quote I saw at the Brisbane Quantum Healing Centre run by Vivian Tong (where I do readings, she is one of my 33 lifepath friends. My friends Laura di Mambro (Conscious Life Events) and Guy Bennett (Brisbane Kinesiology Centre) and Sarah Watkins (Spiritual Events Directory) and Jen Lean (here’s our last podcast) are also 33s.
Did you know, no more 33s will be born for several years now? This is truly a special path which requires lots of TLC and education to embody fully.
Related Links: Find your lifepath has many lifepath 33 posts and profiles of famous people. Also see The Spiritual Meaning of 9 Common Diseases
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