He’s brought together 10, 600+ healers and psychics around the world! Meet Lawrence Ellyard the founder of IICT (International Institute for Complementary Therapists). He is a 33/6 life path Master Healer and entrepreneur from Byron Bay, NSW, Australia.
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We discuss:
-The power of connecting healers in a society that fears magic.
-His turning points at age 33 (Reiki school/ birth of his first child).
-How a respect of the Divine feminine is part of being a male healer. I’ve been attracting lots of male clients and students lately.
-Why I LOVE having insurance as a palmreader and numerologist.
-His past life connections and 11:11 friendly workplace. More on past life regression.
-The importance of healers charging for their gifts so as not to create karmic debt and strings with clients…and much more.
As the saying goes ‘if you think it’s expensive to see a professional, wait until you see an amateur…’ Like Lawrence, I detest fakes and want to raise standards everywhere I go. People deserve awesome!
I’m also passionate about sensitive people claiming their place in the public eye, hence my 11:11 World Changers work.
Thanks for the opportunity Lawrence and team. Catch up soon xx
P.S. No joke, my reading after this was for a healer who wants to go public but had an insurance issue in her day job recently…
I’ve been threatened by a client who said she would sue me for ‘not being accurate’ enough – so being part of IICT and knowing I’m not working alone, helps me sleep at night
Note: This a shoutout for a colleague and not an ad.
IICT #InternationalInstituteforComplementaryTherapists #LawrenceEllyard #Reikihealer #psychicreader #33lifepath #numerologist #numerology #thenumbersqueen #sarahyip
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