Larry Emdur’s Numerology – a 32/5 Lifepath Rebel Teaching the Game of Life

Click on the screenshot to watch the replay of my Interview on the Year of the Rat, 2020 Numerology, 11:11 and Famous 4 Lifepaths in the Spotlight!

Larry Emdur is one of Australia’s most enduring and hilarious TV hosts. I talked to him and his lovely co-host Kylie Gillies on Channel 7’s The Morning Show today, Monday 27 January, which is also my 39th birthday. Nice gifting, Universe! I’ve been watching Larry’s jokes since childhood so this is going to be an awesome adventure.

In preparation for my mainstream TV debut, I wrote this post on Larry’s numbers as a 32/5 Rebel lifepath, because once a scientist, always a scientist. I like to prepare for what’s ahead.

2022 Update: Watch my Year of the Tiger, 2022 Numerology and 11:11 interview with Larry

Update Watch the full replay of our interview on The Year of the Rat (5.5 minutes plus accompanying article). FYI I sent this blog to Larry and he said thank you, he really liked it, especially the positive parts (!) Thanks Larry.

Kylie Gillies is also a 32/5 Lifepath. That’s right, out of the 40+ lifepaths possible on the planet, Larry and Kylie share the same purpose – to turn heads and bring up the truth. Wow. Their DOB grids are also similar, see image.

Their lifepaths give them a 1 compatibility partnership (5 + 5), which triggers fresh starts, physical healing and inspires people to stand up for themselves. I feel that Larry and Kylie have worked together before in a past life, creating spaces where people could flourish.

FYI, another famous pair who are both 32/5’s are Beyoncé and Jay-Z! Rockstar potential, ahoy.

Larry’s Magical Numerology
I’ve hand written Larry’s chart (not pictured for confidentiality) and discovered some fascinating things about him. See below.

Born to be Wild – Larry’s 5 Lifepath
Larry’s DOB, 9/12/1964 gives him a (9+1+2+1+9+6+4) = 32/5 or 5 lifepath.
I call 5 lifepaths the Spiritual Rebels and Freedom-seekers. The number 5 faces half forwards and half backwards because it’s about healthy change and a reality check. It resembles someone running or the front of a bicycle or propeller, reflecting 5’s love of movement and occasional escapism. Find your lifepath See how the ‘5’ is the centre of attention in the image below? Just as a star has 5 points, 5’s always stand out for their uniqueness.

He’s come to heal his Throat Chakra (5th chakra), which includes his neck, con-neck-tion/ connection to truth, inner and outer voice, hearing and integrity. Words like INTUITION and PARENTING have a 5 vibration in numerology (see the word analysis system I use), suggesting that our inner-tuition or teacher is a voice that can help us grow, from birth to death.

It’s likely that in Larry’s past life or in his family tree, there has been a suppression of free speech or a fear of speaking up, creating restlessness and sensitivity. Perhaps he was persecuted in other incarnations (see my post on Past Life Witches and Wizards) for being ahead of his time.

Mr Flexible – Larry’s Versatile DOB Grid
Larry’s DOB can be mapped in a 3 x 3 grid to see patterns of strength and opportunities. See image. Larry’s DOB numbers are placed in the grid in a certain order (e.g. 1 always goes in the bottom left). He has quite a full grid, which makes him adaptable and able to turn his hand to anything.

FYI, the new generation have few numbers in their DOB grids, which makes them specialists who need a ‘big village’ to be happy. Larry could have a positive influence on these children and teens, by encouraging them to be more independent. I’ve added Larry’s lifepath (5) in brackets to show potential lines, discussed below.

Larry has no 3-5-7 in his DOB Grid, which gives him the Line of Scepticism and Inquiry (see David Phillips’ book Discovering the Inner Self). In my experience, this quality means that Larry learns ‘like a sponge’ and is able to mimic other people and their thinking. This gift would be evident from young.

It takes him time and experience to learn to trust his own judgement. Before he gets to this stage, he may be prone to making up his mind too quickly and intellectualising his feelings/ doubting the Spirit World. After he’s discerned that there’s more to life than meets the eye (usually through big wake up calls), he could be a great teacher. No one is more convincing that someone who’s converted themselves from logic to heart-based living.

If Larry is on purpose, working his 5 lifepath energy to the max, he gains a 1-5-9 Line of Leadership and Determination (which many Baby Boomers have, e.g. if they are born in the 1950s). This gifts him a survival instinct and a desire to finish what he starts. It’s the ability to raise himself without much support, a quality essential for Souls coming to Earth during the post-water period when millions of people were recovering from shell-shock.

When in flow, Larry also gains a 4-5-6 Line of Total Commitment, which is a rare formation suggesting absolute sacrifice and devotion to whatever he is focused on. This can bring high expectations and the occasional quarrel with others as Larry could get annoyed if people make silly mistakes! At times like this, it’s good to remember that Earth is a school of self-paced learning and that it’s okay to fail forwards. No risk, no reward.

An Old Head on Young Shoulders – Larry’s Known Name Numerology
I believe that we choose our DOB and lifepath before birth, giving us a fixed direction of growth. Our name shows how we wish to ‘make a name’ for ourselves and express our energy.

When we change our name or use our free will to make choices, we alter our future life, love and career opportunities. That’s why psychic predictions can never be 100% accurate. Thank goodness. How boring it would be to just join the dots!

In the image above, I’ve analysed Larry’s known name (Larry Emdur), which is appropriate for a celebrity, because so many people identify them with this moniker, so it has a life of its own.

The sum of all letters in ‘Larry Emdur’ give a 54/9 or Old Soul Destiny, suggesting that Larry will succeed by dispensing wisdom that lasts the ages. 9 looks like a person with a big head and they can seem like they know-it-all. At the same time they think deeply about their actions and how to make the world a better place. Larry has made money from property investment, which I find attracts people with 9 numerology, as they like to leave a legacy. I note that this name ‘peaks’ in maturity at age 54 (when Larry made his short film) – he’s in a good space to birth new ideas.

The sum of vowels in ‘Larry Emdur’ give a Karmic 16/7 Soul Urge, meaning that Larry has a perfectionist streak and asks good questions. It’s important he keeps an open mind to the unseen world otherwise it will shock him awake (!) Read more on Karmic Debt Numbers 13, 14, 16 and 19

Please note: ‘y’ is only treated as a vowel if it stands alone in the name, see my Products page for a webinar on lifepath and name numerology with templates ($99 for a 2.75hour video and 68 pages of illustrated notes).

The sum of consonants in ‘Larry Emdur’ give a 38/11 Inner Dream, which reflects someone who others see as a Spiritual Messenger with high psychic ability. I note that Larry’s career went through a shift at 38 when The Price is Right was briefly revived on TV. 11 is about double beginnings. I believe Larry’s son Jye is also a 38/11 lifepath.

A Cosmic Guardian – Larry’s Birth Name Numerology
Larry has kindly provided me with his full birth name, which I won’t repeat here for privacy. Suffice to say, it suggests that he’s a natural parent and guardian figure (87/15/6 Destiny), who craves stability in his private life (31/4 Soul Urge) and has a wonderful healing year in 2021 at age 56 (56/11 Inner Dream). Larry is known for his close relationship with his wife, Sylvie, son Jye and daughter Tia.

As his Destiny (15/6) somewhat opposes his 5 lifepath, it’s evident that Larry’s greatest challenge is to believe in himself. Many famous people have a similar inner conflict in their charts, it gives them a trial by fire start to life that forces them to deal with their insecurities early on (in Larry’s case, from age 15 when he realised that he thought differently to everyone around him!) I note that he dropped out of school at that time to become a copyboy in the newspaper industry.

Inner and Outer World Traveller – Larry’s Lifepath Age Turning Points
I use the add-across system for lifepath calculation because it preserves important age turning points – in Larry’s case, ages 5 and 32 are pivotal to his development as a Spiritual Rebel. 32/5s generally love to move around and many have seen the world multiple times (or astral travel!)

In other numerology approaches, the day, month and year of your DOB are reduced first but this doesn’t feel right to me, as I like to know ‘all’ the ingredients in the food I eat, so to speak! I encourage you to experiment with different methods and find what works for you.

Although this may seem a long blog, it’s only a fraction of what I talk about in psychic readings (which are 2 x 1 hour or 3 x 1 hour for new clients, if you work with me one-on-one). So I’ll do my best to keep this short and sweet.

Larry Emdur’s Lifepath Age Turning Points
I’ve based the summary below on many facets of Larry’s numerology.

Age 5 (1970) Larry went through changes that sparked his radical nature, perhaps from going to school and ‘knowing’ he was different.
Age 11 (1976) Larry had intuitive experiences/ new beginnings that helped him to see both sides of life
Age 15 (1980) Larry’s career was forming, this is when he left school
Age 16 (1981) A challenging time when Larry had to make a name for himself and overcome great resistance/ stay faithful to his vision
Age 21 (1986) Larry was finding his passion and shining bright

Ages 31-32 (1996-1997) Larry finished his First Pinnacle (life chapter) and also went through his lifepath age turning point of 32. He had just married Sylvie and was hosting The Price is Right. Their children were born within a few years of this spiritual reunion.
Age 33 (1998) Larry was teaching people to overcome prejudice and to trust their instincts. This was the year The Price is Right was cancelled.
Age 37 (2002) A challenging time when Larry may have felt alone – he was learning to believe in miracles and leaps of faith/ Divine timing.

Ages 40-41 (2005-2006) Larry finished his Second Pinnacle and had difficult new starts which detoxified his attitudes towards male authority figures. He changed network contracts during this period. Larry’s chart suggests he matured into his lifepath from age 41, that’s when he lost any lingering fear of speaking up. He began co-hosting The Morning Show from 2007.
Age 45 (2010) A peak time in Larry’s life, he was in the Sydney to Hobart yacht races around this period. 5 lifepaths are forever young and I love how Larry is always surprising people with his choices.
Age 49-50 (2014-2015) Larry finished his Third Pinnacle and again had some tough starts. The Lindt cafe siege may have been part of this evolution, I wrote about my 11:11 awakening experience at the site of the siege here. Larry was on Dancing with the Stars, plus he won Men’s Health Man of the Year at 50 after an amazing body transformation.

Ages 54-56 Larry is in a positive time to manifest his deepest dreams. He’s in a Personal 6 Year of Love and Vision until December 2020, which highlights his 6 Destiny, work/life balance, family expansion, home improvement and career possibilities. See how 6 looks like someone with a food baby or pregnancy? It’s about nurturing ideas to fruition. Find your personal year. His film ‘Larry Time’ is already picking up awards. I’m looking forwards to seeing what else he creates!

I hope you’ve enjoyed these insights into Larry’s Emdur’s numerology.
As an aside, my father is also a 32/5 Rebel lifepath, who worked in TV broadcasting. I was born when my father was 32, his lifepath turning point.
So I enjoyed turning into Larry’s chart and watching this video of his daughter Tia surprising him for his birthday. Larry has overcome great hurdles to help people win at the game of life. Lifepath 5’s teach that the answers are within us, which is the perfect fit for a game show and TV host.

FYI, Ellen Degeneres is also a 32/5 Rebel lifepath, who I have profiled (I sent her a reading for her birthday). At 32 she was just getting started on screen. J.K. Rowling is another 32/5, whose first Harry Potter book came out around her 32nd birthday, check out her profile.

As you can see, numerology is amazingly accurate with forecasting your spiritual tides. It’s the best technique I’ve come across for turning sceptics into believers (including myself – remember, I was a scientist). When you ‘speak numbers’, the Universe responds with abundance. It pays to discover your life purpose, as then you can experience strength in numbers.

Recommended Links
REPLAY of our Interview on The Year of the Rat
Find your lifepath
Famous People readings
Ellen Degeneres sees 11:11 too, so I’ve sent her a reading!
Harry Potter and 11:11 Starseed Numerology

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