Do you want to make a change for good in 2021? Then check out my next webinar on money as healing for the masses! It’s time to swap your fear of lush figures (be they financial and/ or physical) with a lifelong reconnection to your greatness and spiritual power.
6 December – Replay now on sale ($99) Use Coupon CHANGEFORGOOD11 for $11 off until 31 December 2020.
Why I’m running this workshop: In numerology, 2021 is a Universal 5 Year of Freedom and Change, bringing clearing for our collective Throat (5th) Chakras, i.e. our inner and outer voices and choices. As they say, the best way to predict your future is to create it. With the world in crisis, and capitalism (head over heart living) crumbling, now the best possible time to upgrade your thinking around money, abundance and receiving.
Note: Bookings close 5pm AEST on Thursday 19 November to allow me time to prepare and tune into your energy.
What: Online webinar via Zoom call (free login from PC or phone). A video replay will be sent to all participants within a week of the class. The webinar will also be sold from my Products page from December.
When: 9.30am – 12pm Brisbane/ AEST time, Sun 22 November 2020. Please note, the classes usually run over time (up t0 30-45 minutes) as I stay for questions after the call. You are welcome to leave earlier as needed.
Who: This webinar is suitable for ages 16+ and requires no prior knowledge. That said, you might like to watch my latest class, 2020 Energy Update – 11 Ways to Recover Your Trust as it’s on special for $33 and covers the spiritual meaning behind COVID-19 and major events this year, including the global shift to sustainable economies and home businesses.
Investment: $110 pp, includes 2.5 hour live webinar call, a link to a video recording and notes package (usually a 60-80 page illustrated PDF). Pay via Paypal or bank transfer (email me for details). Use coupon code 1111Change for $11 off (first 30 people only) Patreon supporters receive a further discount, join the community here.
The class includes a roundtable welcome, question time (recorded and unrecorded) and a number of unique group meditations and energy clearings. FYI, I keep these webinar calls affordable so that people from all backgrounds can participate. That’s part of the 11:11 way.
Here’s what we’ll cover (running order is subject to change on the day):
-Why financial education is like sex education – a human right that many people (especially women) have been denied, due to society’s desire to keep us creatively sterile and compliant. A true teacher wants you to reproduce your best ideas, not sell yourself short. They yearn for a world of equals.
-How to heal your addiction to instant gratification and people-pleasing when it comes to money, success and approval. How to turn your paycheck into a playcheck. Why Learning is L-plate earning.
-The connection between keeping score and divorcing ourselves from nature. Ever seen a tree counting its leaves? No? That’s because it’s too busy reaching for the sky! It knows that inner growth is the key to future security. It works in harmony with its environment instead of destroying it.
-The power of working through your wounds to become a Divine womb and wand for new beginnings. After all, the word wealthy can be broken down to weal-thy. A weal is a word for bruise. When you can put your greatest life bruise (weal) behind you (thy), you become wealthy. I know this because it is the story of my life!
-What seeing 11:11 and repeating numbers can teach us about multiple streams of prosperity (in work, love and spirituality). How to balance your outcomes instead of obsessing over your income. The numerology of wealth (24/6) is the same as truth, because only when we know ourselves as Souls can we reliably make money and happiness in a way that expands our communities, not just our egos and karmic debts!
-PLUS, 9 practical, daily ways to start increasing your material and energetic bank balances, using ethical principles and technologies like numerology, palmistry, active and guided meditation, manifestation command exercises (what I call Spirit Guide haggling) and creative wordplay (they call it spelling because it’s magic).
-and so much more!
Remember – Money is an anagram of ‘my one’ because it shows how much time and energy you invest in YOUR dreams versus the dreams of others. Make 2020-2021 the years you beat the odds and become a magnificent change-maker instead of a grumpy compromise-taker!
Having more wealth is not evil, no matter what certain religious or authority figures say. Evil is the word ‘live’ backwards (just as Devil is the word ‘lived’ backwards, and She-Devil is a rearrangement of ‘she lived’). It’s a judgement used to trap people into ignoring their path to joy.
What qualifies me to run this class? I am a former environmental scientist and UN worker, who has created a successful business in the notoriously flaky psychic industry. In the past decade I’ve gone from charging $15 to $1100 and up for a new client reading series. I’m consistently booked up in advance (next spots are May 2021) and actively promote and mentor others to raise standards in my local community and online.
Between 2007-2011, I helped to raise around a million dollars in long-term income for charity through fundraising campaigns. I’ve also volunteered since I was eight years old. So I know what attracts flow.
Apart from helping hundreds of clients each year to find their purpose and highest path to freedom and abundance, I have a happy, peaceful life with my husband (Kris, also a psychic) and kids (no.3 is on the way). I also have bulletproof faith in the goodness of the Spirit World. For me, people come before profit, and they always will.
If my words and story resonate with you, let’s take back your power!
I look forwards to seeing you on the call. Thank you for all your support. 11:11 means Every One is Equal – We are One Love in Action.
Disclaimer: This webinar does not contain financial, legal or investment advice. For those matters, I urge you to consult a professional. Also, please be assured that I will not be selling any other products or services in the class, apart from the classes, courses and readings already on This class is not about buying steak knives. It’s about having great lives!
Related Links
Facebook Event (Click Going or Interested to stay updated on social media)
The Old vs The 11:11 Way
Are You Honest with Money? 8 Chakra-Based Tips for Creating Cashflow
8 Benefits of Running Your Own Business (and Life)!
Podcast with Leanne The Barefoot Medium on Boundaries, Money & Resilience – 37/10/1 Lifepath
Will This Help Me Live Longer? The Question That Clears All Fear (aka Don’t Sell Your Unicorn for a Hot Dog)
Tips: Please do not turn video on after we have started recording – there is an opportunity to chat via video after the webinar. You’ll also need to mute yourself during the webinar. It’s best to download Zoom beforehand and familiarise yourself with the dashboard before the event.
-The class may run over time (30min+ depending on questions). You are welcome to leave at anytime, as a replay will be sent.
-Full payment is required to save your spot. Credit is valid for 12 months after purchase, if you give me 72 hours notice via email ( of postponement or cancellation. No refund is given for postponement or cancellation within 72 hours of the webinar start date and time, however exceptions may be made at Sarah’s discretion for genuine emergencies (e.g. serious medical issues). In these cases please allow 3-4 weeks for the transfer.
Please note: this webinar will be recorded and sold from as an online product. Your voice may be heard and your image may be seen on the call e.g. if you ask a question during the Q&A (non-recorded Q&A will be also offered during this webinar).
By booking this webinar, you agree to hereby release Psychic Readings by Sarah and Sarah Anderson nee Yip from any infringement or violation of personal and/or property rights of any sort whatsoever based upon the use of the recording. If you have any issues with these terms, please let me know asap.
You will be sent a link to view a recording within 1-2 weeks of the event, barring any technical issues which prevent a recording being made. A copy of the slides will also be sent to you for reference. Thanks for your understanding and I look forwards to seeing you soon.”