Your June 2022 Numerology Forecast and Video

June 2022 Numerology. Comment 333 on FacebookInstagram or YouTube if you like this post! We are in a 6 Universal year of third eye healing and a 12/3 Universal month. A time for honesty, childhood healing, creative solutions, humour and teams of opposites.

Hint: The video below includes bonus tips extending my forecast. I cover the price of being a Pioneer (a word that’s triggered my social media fans), standing up for yourself (even to loved ones) and the value of ‘hybrid vigour’ i.e. helping those you’d normally shun!

Tarot: 6 is the Lovers while 12 is The Hanged Man. This month will help us to embrace new perspectives, get out of our heads and observe with wonder as life births through us. To question sacrifice and control and replace them with flow.

Chakras: The 3rd or solar plexus chakra includes our self-respect, ego, guts, imagination, fears and inner child.

Who’s in the spotlight? Those with 12/3 and 3 numerology plus anyone who sees 1212 (next stage after 1111), 123, 1234 (signs for progress) and 333 (a gratitude aka ‘great attitude’ code) will be busy in June. 2022 is a huge shift for 33s and 6s as well. Find your life path

12/3 energy words include: art, sex, baby, family, charity, freedom, brave, lesson, doctor, writer and daughter. Totems are Duck and Butterfly. Also Eagle (see Your 2022 Numerology Forecast for predictions, healing tips and animal meditations)

Tip: Pointed conversations can be fun. Love (your) triangles! Instead of judging confident people, why not celebrate the chance to redefine your beliefs?

The higher you go, the stronger the winds. It’s time to pack a thick skin (or jacket, if you have Silk/ Psychic skin in palmistry like me) because leadership is calling, esp. if you’ve been hiding.

Dates: Mercury Direct (3rd) Saturn Retrograde (5th), Full Moon (14th) Solstice (21st), Neptune Retrograde (28th) New Moon (28th/ 29th). Astrologers like Tiarnie Vidler (33/6 life path and Vanessa Montgomery from Astro All-Starz (30/3 life path) are good to follow!

P.S. Tarot cards for this month: Page Wands, Death and 9 Pentacles are explained in this helpful chat.

Loved this? Come for a reading or buy Your 2022 Numerology Forecast replay, now $33. I also teach in Patreon (next call is 14 May, our topic is dreams and past lives). Join from $15 a month.

Wishing you a month of respect.

Related Links
Class – Intro Meditation on Sat 7 May Replay will be on sale soon
Class – Change for Good – A Spiritual Money Webinar for 11:11 Seer’s (50% off) Now $49.50

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Want to learn numerology? Check out my 11:11 Patreon groupclasses and meditations.

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Seeing repeating numbers or at a turning point? Book a reading series with me. Around your birthday is ideal, as that’s when you change personal years.

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