Welcome to the next Mercury Retrograde. They say that planning halves doing, so here are the dates for your calendar:
4 May 2015 Pre-shadow began (on Star Wars Day!) A Mercury Retrograde is nothing to fear. It’s simply a time to finish projects, declutter and regain your sense of humour and peace. That said, people who are control freaks struggle under a Mercury Retrograde because their plans tend to unravel. My suggestion is to take a holiday (preferably booked before 18 May) and allow yourself time to hibernate. Take a journal and jot down any ideas – it’s amazing how creative we can be when we’re relaxed. As the Workaholics Anonymous quote goes, “rest is the best reward you can give yourself” – check out more of their affirmations. I used these often when I first made the switch from a 9-5 job to owning my own business. If you can’t go away, plan a stay-cation and cuddle up with some blankets and books (it’s winter in Australia, after all). This is a great time to receive inspiration and to re-connect with people from the past. You may be surprised at the synchronicity over the next few weeks e.g. thinking of someone just before they phone you. This Mercury Retrograde is in Gemini. As Mercury rules Gemini, expect things to be a little wilder* than usual. Definitely back up all your IT equipment and data and allow for transport delays (see articles below). *This could also be the case if you are a Lifepath 5 in numerology or have many 5’s in your DOB or chart. Find your lifepath here. The number 5 reflects the Fifth or Throat Chakra, which is the con-neck-tion point between our heads and hearts. This Mercury Retrograde will show you where you are or aren’t listening to both sides of the story. Even the image of a number 5 faces half forwards, half backwards. It’s about objectivity and integration. The word INTUITION adds to 50/5 in numerology, so many people will feel extra-psychic and sensitive right now. Welcome to my world! The Throat is our intake point for nourishment, both spiritual and physical. During this Mercury Retrograde, you may find you want to change up your diet (what you read/ listen to/ eat/ drink – see my take on weight loss, eating disorders, water and alcohol). You will also find that you’re less tolerant of people who want to force their opinions down your throat! Remember, you teach people how to treat you – it’s better to say something when they cross the line than to let things build up. As they say, the secret to dealing with anger in a healthy way is to ‘get angry at the right person at the right time, in the right amount’. Anger is a gift when it’s used to create positive change and accountability. Personally, I’m giving up takeaway for a while. Why? Because when I eat home cuisine I feel far more satisfied and digest my food better. It takes 10-20 minutes for your stomach juices to get ready for a meal, so it’s good to cook rather than reheat food. When I swallow fast food that’s been made by a stressed teenager on minimum wage I can taste their frustration! Same goes for smoothies that take seconds to make…they’re fine in moderation but I end up feeling grumpy and impatient if that’s all I have. The way a food is cooked impacts how we feel once we’ve eaten it. So here’s to some yummy slow-cooked soups and stews this Mercury Retrograde. Cooking reminds us that life is about making the most of your current ingredients/ situation. A good chef never blames their pantry. Whipping up a feast sure beats stewing over things you can’t change – like the planets! Here’s a recipe for my favourite soup – it’s full of nutrients for your Sacral Chakra (creativity and emotional balance). I prefer to use organic ingredients, but if you can get local or home grown that’s great as well. Leave the skins on if you’re using organic vegetables, but wash them under filtered water first. Sarah’s ‘I Love Pumpkin’ Soup (Serves 2-3) 1kg chopped pumpkin, sweet potato and carrots
1L vegetable stock (I use a vegan Chicken-Style stock) 1-2 teaspoons chopped ginger (more if you like) 1 chopped clove garlic (optional) 200-400ml coconut milk Fresh red chilli x 1 Bring vegetables, stock, ginger and garlic to boil – add water if needed to ensure vegetables are covered. Simmer until cooked (30 minutes or longer). Blend if desired. Add coconut milk and chilli to taste. Serve with coriander if you want some extra detoxing goodness! Some people add a stalk of chopped lemongrass in the soup ingredients, this has a strong taste but is delicious. Have a look at my posts on Mercury Retrograde – you’ll be glad you did! They’re full of ideas on how to enjoy this special energy. It’s Mercury Retrograde – Slow Down and Eat Strawberries |
The Telepathy Tapes podcast about autism & psychics knocked Joe Rogan off No.1 on Spotify!
Happy new year! Please check out The Telepathy Tapes! A show about autistic psychic children and families, it briefly took no.1 spot on Spotify knocking