May 2022 Numerology. Comment 1111 on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube if you like this post! We are in a 6 Universal year of third eye healing and an 11/2 month. A time for spiritual partnerships, extreme sensitivity, diplomacy and psychic messages.
Tarot: 6 is the Lovers while 11/2 is Lady Justice. This month will help us to balance our male and female sides, stand up for humanity and release superstitious fears.
Chakras: The 2nd or sacral chakra includes our priceless self, inner peace, feelings, sexuality and financial flow. It’s where we hold space and grow ideas to fruition. Site of patience.
Who’s in the spotlight? Those with 11/2 and 2 numerology plus anyone who sees 1111 (the Starseed awakening prompt) and 222 (a relationship harmony code) will be busy in May. Find your life path
11/2s are door openers and opportunists, who can become doormats if they don’t protect their energy. They pick up on others’ ups and downs and often need a private space to do their best work. I know this because I’m an 11!
Good news, I opened an office on the Gold Coast on 1 May 2022, exactly 11 years after starting self-employment. Stay tuned for new classes and group/ family events in Mudgereeba soon.
11/2 energy words include: light, fire, wisdom, Starseeds, manifestation, abundance, duality, synchronicity, personal growth, enlightenment and climate change.
Totems are Horse, Monkey and Squirrel (11s rarely sit still). Also Sloth for their 2 side (I featured a Sloth meditation in your 2022 forecast replay).
Tip: Stop acting nice and start breaking the ice. Ask the questions out loud that keep circling in your head, around people who want you to succeed. Stressed leaders and parents create tense teams and kids who won’t listen. Prioritise relaxation, especially in Mercury retrograde (10 May to 3 June.)
Dates: 1st New moon/ Solar eclipse, 4th Star Wars Day, 10th Mercury retrograde, 16th Full moon/ Lunar eclipse, 30th New moon. More on Star Wars Numerology
P.s. Angels are real. Expect lots of feathers and acts of kindness in May. Wings are opening.
Loved this? Come for a reading or buy Your 2022 Numerology Forecast replay, now $33. I also teach in Patreon (next call is 14 May, our topic is dreams and past lives). Join from $15 a month.
Wishing you a month of wonders.
Related Links
Class – Intro Meditation on Sat 7 May April Replay will be on sale soon
Class – Develop Your Intuition and Banish Self-Doubt ($33, was $66)
Class – Crystal Healing for 11:11 Starseeds ($33, was $66)
Products – Meditation Triple Pack ($22, was $30)
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