Can Spirit communicate through your phone, laptop or radio? You betcha!
Many of you know my thoughts on 11:11, the code for Oneness and Starseeds appearing worldwide. This article is about other instances where I’ve had messages from technology. Spirit, that is, your Soul, Spirit Guides and passed over loved ones, can talk to you any time. There are no limits, except what you set in place.
To contact Spirit, you just need to ask for a sign.
Here’s a sample request “Dear Spirit Guides, please let me know you’re there by giving three clear signs of your presence in the next day. If I miss them, please repeat things until I get the message. Thanks for making them as obvious as you can. Amen.”
Then, visualise turning a dial labelled Intuition in your head, from 0 to 10. Even better, do what I do and blog your findings. Our connection with Spirit is a relationship and regular contact is essential for building trust. Be patient – the results are worth it. Higher Self-trust is the key to success in every area of life.
2022 update – having tech dramas? I have had great results using the Ho’oponopono prayer on my computer, phone, anything that is glitching. Basically, when we say a word or phrase, we connect to anyone who’s ever used it as well. By saying “I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you” we bring through an incredible amount of energy to the situation. Try it!
Here are some real-life stories:
1) Magical Phones
Setting Boundaries
The Universe always magnifies our beliefs, in order to teach us the power of expectation. I used to be scared of weirdos calling my work mobile late at night. Sure enough, I manifested a series of hang-ups and heavy breathers, which were enough to send anyone cuckoo. I asked my mentor Caroline Byrd for help. She helped me to clear the fears I had around energy vampires, and the weird calls stopped straight away. It’s amazing what happens when you shift from the frequency of fear to the frequency of love. Caroline’s also the reason I’m no longer scared of ghosts.
Self-Care Rules
If I stop looking after myself (e.g. skip holidays, treatments or my exercise practice), people stop calling my phone for readings. Even the people booked in start cancelling. As soon as I take a break, or go to my favourite beach, the bookings start flying in again. Other psychics say this happens to them as well. Relaxation attracts abundance, whereas stress repels it. What a great reminder that, you can’t heal others unless you’re healthy yourself.
Dial A Miracle
During a tough time in my business, I needed to pay a bill asap. I thought ‘if only I had a client at 11am tomorrow’ and kept staring at my phone, willing it to ring. Within a few minutes, someone called and booked in for that spot.
2) Clever Computers
Don’t Mock Mercury
When I first met Kris, he didn’t believe in Mercury Retrograde (an astrology event linked to IT, phone and travel glitches). The day after I mentioned it, he went to work. Lo and behold, his colleagues were around the PC, scratching their heads. It had shut down and kept saying ERROR (see pic). After this, and a number of other coincidences, Kris started believing my predictions. Yay.
Too Hot To Handle
I once sent an email to a colleague, outlining the bullying behaviour of a workmate. Unfortunately, at that moment, the person I was accusing walked towards her computer, while the message was open. My friend freaked out. Immediately, her PC caught on fire and started spewing smoke throughout the office. So I was never found out, which is lucky because my life would have been a living hell. The case eventually went to the authorities and I was proven innocent. Phew.
Stop That Stalker!
I receive many inquiries about my business. One day, someone asked for my address and contact details. I had just hit ‘send’ on the email when I recognised the email address as that of a stalker. I screamed at my computer to stop. It shut down, as if by magic, and the email was never sent. It’s incredible how raw emotion can affect technology. Spirit can only step in when we ask for their help (or yell, in my case).
Skype Shenanigans
Since November, I’ve conducted psychic readings by Skype or phone. This has allowed me to enjoy motherhood and have a work/ life balance. Skype is very sensitive to mood fluctuations. If I start rushing, my internet or Skype will stall (it’s the same with my car GPS). If my client doesn’t like Skype or gets emotional (or one of us needs a bathroom break!) the call will keep breaking up. So a benefit of distance sessions is that I can read someone’s energy based on how easy it is to ‘connect’ to them.
7’s can be quite sceptical, as they are also often psychic. She kept saying ‘I don’t believe in Skype’ and the call dropped out several times in a row. We did a prayer asking for a smooth experience and after that, the call was perfect. Wow. If mistrust can scramble phone line, imagine what it’s doing to the rest of your life! Sometimes, we need to faith it until we make it.
Also – while reading for another lifepath 7 client, I said ‘when you’re in a relationship, it’s ok to take a break’. Her computer shut down, forcing us to take a break. I walked outside and my baby Forrest was outside the door, laughing his head off. He was due for a feed and used his Angels to kick my butt! I know this is true, because the time on my client’s message was 7 (her lifepath): 18 (his lifepath). See photo. I have created quite a munchkin…he definitely inherited his parents’ magical abilities.
Starseed FM
The week that someone told me I was a Starseed, I got into my car to go to work. Weirdly, the CD player turned itself on, without my prompting. It then played the song You’re The Star, which is an affirmation from a series by Bob Proctor. I later found out that Bob is a 29/11 Lifepath in numerology, like me.
Have Car, Will Travel
My car’s health often mirrors my physical state. Once, during a Mercury Retrograde, I fell sick but tried to keep working. No surprise, my car battery then went flat, forcing me to stay home. It wouldn’t recharge no matter what we tried. The day Mercury went direct, I jumped into the car to go to a job interview. I prayed for a miracle and suddenly the engine came to life. As I was driving away, Let’s Get It Started came on the radio. What a hoot.
Never Alone
Today, Forrest was crying due to teething. In desperation, I turned on the iPod shuffle (he loves being rocked to music). The song playing was When Something Is Wrong With My Baby by John Farnham. I had to laugh. The next track was Everytime You Cry. I felt supported, even though I’d only had two hours sleep – I knew that Spirit was around, watching over us.
Money Follows Integrity
Each time I get a spate of people wanting last-minute readings, and/ or overpaying me, I know it’s time to increase my prices. The more I respect myself, the more I succeed. A while back, I said no to a couple who were pushing for a same day reading.
As I hung up the phone, I walked into a gym playing Jessie J’s song Price Tag. The exact lines were ‘It’s not about the money money money/ We don’t want your money money money/ We just wanna make the world dance/ Forget about the price tag.’ This was my exact thought at the time, so I knew I was in alignment with my Master 11 lifepath. I also saw a big 11 written on a sign at the gym. Funny that, as Jessie J is also an 11.
Baby Loves Music
While Forrest was in utero, I asked him to use 7’s to let me know when he was coming. Amazingly, I then saw a flock of birds form a perfect 7 in the sky. He also sent me messages via the radio. At precisely 7:07, When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going came on. I knew this was a message about his birth (read about my 11:11 waterbirth experience).
Then at 7:11 (the code for leaps of faith), Take Me To Church came on, which I love. I also heard Michael Buble’s Haven’t Met You Yet – “And I promise you kid that I’ll give so much more than I get/ I just haven’t met you yet.” Talk about a tearjerker!
Finally, the radio played Love Is All Around – “You know I love you/ I always will/ My mind’s made up by the way that I feel/ There’s no beginning, there’ll be no end/ Cause on my love, you can depend.” Believe it or not, Forrest is an 18/9 lifepath in numerology, the exact vibration of the word LOVE.
I hope you’ve enjoyed these stories of spiritual comfort!
Recommended Links
Develop Your Intuition and Banish Self-Doubt webinar (now half-price, only $33)
Change for Good – A Spiritual Money webinar for 11:11 See’rs (now half-price, only $49.50)
Why Spirits Can’t Hurt You – 3 Ghost Stories With Happy Endings! (A Post On Mediumship)
Women, Technology & Your Inner GPS With Karen Jacobsen (A 31/4 Lifepath In Numerology)