November 2020 Numerology forecast for you! We are in a 6 Universal month in a 4 Universal year. This inspires psychic awakening (our 6th sense) and heart healing/ self-compassion (4th chakra).
6 looks like a pregnant woman or person with a ‘food baby’. 6 lifepaths are visionaries, who love comfort and dream of social justice. 6 is about restoring life/ work balance and creating Gardens of Eden (minus the sexism). Find your lifepath
We place too much emphasis on birth, death and elections. Yes, they matter, but the journey matters more. Just as a baby can recover from a shock entry with nurturing, we, the people, are powerful Souls who can and will make the best of whatever comes next.
Tip: November is the 11th month. 11 is about building bridges and quantum leaps. Some people think boys or girls are better, or that a perfect leader exists. Yet character is destiny, not gender. When I look at politics, I see sameness at the top with potential below. It’s time to stop ‘waiting for the old man to change his tune’ and start choosing harmony.
Feeling alone? You always have a team of Guides and ancestors. Simply ask out loud and they will come, through goosebumps (truthbumps), dreams, animals or whispers in your ear.
The climate IS changing. Em(oceans), creativity and consciousness are rising. The new children are almost voting age and soon we’ll see tone deaf dinosaurs make way for sweet song birds of light.
Finally, technology is bringing empaths into view. There is hope. I see it in my children’s eyes. I feel it in my pregnant belly. I sense it in the butterflies. The planet has not given up on us. Don’t give up on it.
Tips: Connect with your inner and outer nature every day. Plant a tree, to remind yourself this year was about fresh starts and stronger hearts. Visualise your future self sending love back.
This darkness before dawn calls for more self-care, checking in with family and flexible thinking. December is also a time for spiritual retreat, so pace yourself.
2021 is a 5 Universal Year of Change and we need to start it rested. Take care and I look forwards to your comments on the Facebook post.
Join my weekly Facebook lives on The Numbers Queen each Wed at 6pm AEST. Include a Tarot forecast and Q&A on psychic topics. Browse my previous weekly forecast videos and monthly written forecasts.
Sending 11:11 Peace Signs always, cheers Sarah
#forecast #chakrahealing #psychickids #lifeworkbalance #futureselflove
#numerology #thenumbersqueen #sarahyip
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Hello February! Comment 1111NOW on my Instagram or Facebook for luck. After January’s burst of action, we have an 11/2 month of spiritual partnerships, intuitive