Forgive Your Parents – They Didn’t Have Google!

Forgive your parents. Remember, they didn’t have Google! They had to improvise almost everything.

Case in point. As a girl, I dropped a blue ice block on the lounge carpet. My mum was SO angry. She used bleach to get it out and yelled the house down. For decades after that I felt bad when I saw the white patch. I still don’t eat blue ice blocks, 30 years later.

Today, Forrest got blue homemade playdough on the carpet. It stained because it had food dye in it. One Google search later, I got it out with vinegar and dishwash liquid. As I wiped it up, I knew this was a call to let go of past pain.

Kids are healers like that. Their lifepaths always reflect a turning point in their parents charts. I am a 29/11/2 lifepath, a Spiritual Messenger focused on healing the Divine Feminine (2 energy). At 29, I found numerology, my calling. And my mum was 29 when she birthed me.

Forrest my son is an 18/9 lifepath. 18 was one of the biggest years of my life. When he hits his lifepath turning point of 18, I will be 53, a shift period in my chart. There are no accidents. Find your lifepath

You chose your family but still have the option to move on. Google ‘Sarah Yip You can’t not belong – 4 ways to forgive your family (especially your parents)’ for a blog on this hot topic.

Thanks to my clients this week and to Mercury retrograde for all the syncs that led to this story.

Followup Post (from my Facebook Page: The Numbers Queen)

You can’t always change your parents but you can change how you parent yourself. Just because you learned a spelling error doesn’t mean you can’t update your vocabulary. It’s never too late for a happy childhood. Parent has a 29/11 energy, the same as Wisdom.

It’s about leaders creating leaders. On holiday, I read The Secrets of Happy Children by Steve Biddulph and it was life changing. I learned so much from one book. Am now reading this followup, The Complete Secrets of Happy Children.

Steve Biddulph is a 32/5 Lifepath Rebel in numerology, here to promote diversity and free speech. Find your lifepath

Steve’s book Raising Boys was one of the reasons we kept our boys at home or mainly used family daycare until age 3. I know this is not possible for everyone but it’s one of the reasons I started a business – so I could watch my kids grow up.

This is a fantastic parenting book by Steve Biddulph

As I posted my last photo about my mum, the mailman arrived with a new book, Raising a Secure Child (Circle of Security Parenting). Great confirmation that my passion for conscious parenting is something to keep writing about.

#forgiveness #youarenotanaccident #consciousparenting #lifepath11
#lifepath9 #childrenarehealers #numerology #thenumbersqueen

Related Links

Why Your Child Chose You – A Family Numerology Webinar
You Can’t Not Belong – Four Ways to Forgive Your Family (Especially Your Parents)
Family Politics, World Politics – How Numerology Can Help You Heal
7 Discoveries About Babies That Blew My Brain – A Psychic’s Tale
Conscious Parenting Resources

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