Our Pinball Whiz Kids

Lil champs! Pinball has a 30/3 vibration, the same as Passion, Happy and Family. See the word numerology system I use. 3 heals the 3rd chakra (solar plexus), our inner child, imagination, decisiveness and courage.

Pinball is such a great way to develop hand-eye coordination and strategic thinking. Our 3yo and 4yo love the game and their Dad Kris Anderson (my Tarot reader husband) is quite a whiz. He competes in competitions and has taught Forrest and Charlie. Forrest is now better than me (!)

These machines are at Retro Buzz at Carrara Markets, but parlours are everywhere e.g. Pincadia and Netherworld in Brisbane (which has amazing vegan and other food) and Time Zone Coolangatta.

The machine that Kris played today was Independence Day.

That felt meaningful given the U.S. election posts I just published to Yahoo…hmmm. A sign?!

#pinball #pinballkids #retrobuzz #carraramarkets #outdonebymyson
#303 #solarplexuschakra #numerology #thenumbersqueen #sarahyip

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