Your Mercury Retrograde 2016 Prayer – Ask, Believe, Act and Receive

We’re partway through the year’s biggest Mercury Retrograde (MR).
This is a period in astrology, which tests our patience, trust
and people skills. How are you going?

MR in Virgo highlights where we need to be more efficient. You always have enough time – everyone has 24 hours a day. Most of us also have four limbs, one heart and big dreams.

The difference is, smart people are busy building themselves up (through passionate work, enhanced fitness, personal healing and committed relationships), whereas stuck people keep tearing their dreams down (through runaway inner-criticism and letting others bully them). Find your lifepath (purpose) here.

Unfortunately, the more you stare at a rock, the more likely you are to crash into it. There’s a big difference between observing a problem versus tattooing it over your eyeballs. Creativity is needed, rather than condemnation. Instead of asking ‘why me?’, focus on ‘what are my options?’

To help you finish the month smiling (MR ends 22 September), here is a special prayer. It’s useful for when things aren’t going how you planned, be that internet connections, phone lines, conversations, even traffic jams…Just take a breath and say all, or part of this statement:
“Dear Universe, I have no idea*. Please show me the lesson here, so I can integrate it and move on. Thank you for easing my way. I trust that everything is happening FOR me right now, as a reminder that I’m an immortal Soul with free will. Thanks for the chance to BE LOVE today. If there’s anything I can do to help you, let me know. Thy will be done. Amen’
Then take another breath and notice any thoughts that arise – they are signs from your Soul and Spirit Guides, who are always ready to support you. You may feel calmer after praying, or notice goosebumps or warmth. We can’t always get what we want, but this prayer helps us to at least enjoy what we get. *Credit toCaroline Byrd (Soulbyrds) for the opening sentence.

This prayer is a spin-off from my manifestation theory “Ask, Believe, Act and Receive’. This is based on approaches such as the Law of Attraction.

Ask – Be clear that you need advice/ help/ direction. Talk to Spirit aloud as if it were your best friend or a counsellor. Don’t hold back!
Believe – Trust that the information is already welling up within you.
Act – Do something that silences your mind and opens your energy e.g. meditation, journaling, yoga, shaking, dancing, gardening, walking, swimming, even a self-Tarot reading etc.
Receive – Notice any recurring ideas (if they come up 5x in a day they’re intuition), synchronicities and sudden urges. Write, draw or photograph them so you don’t forget. I post my pictures on facebook at
The Numbers Queen for this reason.

Most importantly – implement the ideas ASAP before they expire!
This process is a sure-fire way to improve your psychic abilities. It creates a river of internal confidence, that can guide you through any challenge in life. More on manifestation.

Warning: As soon as you start using this process, life will never be the same, in a good way. You’ve giving the Universe permission to improve your life, and it’s an enthusiastic team player.

Just for good measure, here are some true stories from my week:

Last-minute changes, which turned out for the best
-When 97.3FM tried calling me to discuss the September 2016 Solar Eclipse, their phones wouldn’t work. That was lucky, as I needed to settle Forrest who’d been up all night. Perfectly, the show was about IT mishaps and the need to slow down…

-We went to Tangalooma to feed the dolphins. I often holiday
during MR, as it’s a good time to visit previous destinations. No surprise, the barge broke, so we had to leave an hour early (3.30am wake up, eek!) Despite running late the whole trip (teething baby + sleep-deprived parents = ‘lifelag’, the big cousin of jetlag), we didn’t miss a thing. The staff were so kind, we even got some upgrades.

-Outside a MR, 5% of my clients change their booking. During MR, that rate goes up to 20% at least. So there’s been lots of juggling. Each time, the change has been my advantage (e.g. more time to feed baby). In the old days, I would have panicked, but now I book people in advance so there’s always a waitlist. MR is a great time to reactive your previous clients.

Reminders that technology is fallible 
-Almost every store I walked into this week had IT problems. The phones at the naturopath went haywire. The register at the health food store crashed. The online ordering system for
Taro’s Ramen(best ramen in Brisbane!) kept adding two dishes instead of one.

Craziest of all, as soon as I walked into a gift store in Brisbane, their eftpos went down. We waited for 20 minutes, until I did a prayer (similar to the one above) and, voila, my card was accepted. When I mentioned astrology to the owner, she got spooked and told me to leave! I smiled and explained that it wasn’t me, it was ‘the cosmic weather’.

As a professional psychic in Brisbane, I never miss an opportunity to open another person’s Third Eye chakra. Someone with a blocked Third Eye/ mind is superstitious or sceptical, whereas someone with an open one has perfect clairvoyance.

People having brain explosions, including myself!
-During MR, you find out who’s been doing their emotional laundry, and who’s been ignoring their problems – they get hung out to dry!

It’s like the Universe books a house or life inspection. Things you were procrastinating on, suddenly need cleaning up. I’ve been contacting people I bickered with years ago, just to make sure there are no hard feelings.

-There have been some negative facebook messages and texts. Luckily I used to train tele-fundraisers so I’m ok with confrontation. Each time, the person has backed down after I queried them.

-I’ve had moments of anger/ anxiety/ nerves – one day I couldn’t even meditate, because my brain was so full of other people’s problems. Every time I closed my eyes I kept seeing faces.

I had to ground myself with yoga/ food/ sleep and use some essences (yay for Australian Bush Flowers Emergency Essence and Tribe of the Tree’s Up, Up & Away). I also did a past life regressionon myself to clear karma around my health and finances.

In conclusion – Mercury Retrograde invites us to embrace our past choices, release our expired ‘B.S.’ (belief systems), and strengthen our intuition. Signs like 11:11  and repeating numbers will be everywhere as a sign of reassurance and Divine Order. This is a prime time for spiritual work, emotional clearing, research andvision-boarding.

So, don’t fight the music – enjoy dancing to a groovy new tune.

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With best wishes,
Sarah Yip
29/11 lifepath & Master Numbers Teacher)
Professional Psychic Reader
Brisbane Australia
Specialising in Palmistry, Numerology & Clairvoyance
I’m an 
11:11 Clocks and Repeating Numbers Researcher
SMS 0408 898 028

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