My 97.3FM Robin, Terry & Bob Interview on the Solar Eclipse, Mercury Retrograde & September 2016 Numerology – A Cosmic Boom!

My 97.3FM Robin, Terry & Bob Interview on the Solar Eclipse, Mercury Retrograde & September 2016 Numerology – A Cosmic Boom!

Here’s my latest interview on September 2016’s astrology with the folks at 97.3FM. I am the resident psychic on the Robin, Terry & Bob Breakfast Show, and love their positive vibes!

Listen now (3min 43s) or save this as a file (3.33MB) by clicking the fourth button from the left (down arrow above a horizontal line).

Here’s the article on September’s Solar Eclipse, Mercury Retrograde, and Numerology, we discussed. I wrote a followup on Mercury Retrograde here.

Solar Eclipse Interview Summary – 2 September 2016
(T – Terry Hansen, R – Robin Bailey, B – Bob Gallagher, S – Sarah Yip)

T: It’s Sarah Yip, she’s not only really out there, she’s a psychic of all trades, she reads palms, the sky and faces, as she did when she came in and looked at your head Robin.

S: (sound clip from a previous interview) Your mouth is telling me how you relate to your body. Most people in radio have quite a thin mouth, because it’s a mental job. It’s also quite small, so you keep a lot to yourself. I feel with you I could trust you with secrets.
R: There’s a whole lot going in the sky right now, which will impact all of us. If you’ve been waiting for someone to get their just desserts, it may be the time. We find out more from Sarah after this.
R: If you’re a long term listener to our show, you’ll know that I’m pretty spiritual and I like talking about stuff like that, but I’ve got to get it past the gatekeeper/ sceptic over there.
T: I create cosmic balance in the room, like a big immovable rock.
R: Anyway there is some really cool stuff going on right now. Because Tez likes our psychic and palmist Sarah Yip –
T: I love Sarah –
R: We’re allowed to talk to her and she joins us. Hey Sarah.
S: Hello gorgeous people!
R: Hello! A New Moon, a Solar Eclipse, a Mercury Retrograde and a Universal 9 Month in a 9 Year. I have absolutely no idea what any of that means.
S: *laughter* It’s a bit of a cosmic triple decker sandwich and something that will keep us all very busy for a few months.
T: The 9 Month in a 9 Year. That’s a new one for me.
S: So basically numbers go from 1 to 9. 9 is about conclusions and getting your karmic rewards. This is a month where all over the world, you’ll see things come to a head. We’ll find out lots of secrets, people will get their dues.
R: What does this mean to us, here today?
S: It’s a Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse right now, which is the best possible time you could be reclaiming your power. Anywhere where you’ve been letting other people boss you around or dilute your mojo, this is a chance to clear that up. If you’re not at full power, you just can’t live your life purpose, you’re always stuck in the garage.
T: So the sun’s been holding me back Robin – I had to wait for the Eclipse moment and then ‘bam’.
S: It affects every one in different ways. It depends on whether you believe in it as well – there’s always that aspect. In the end, even if the ocean doesn’t believe in the Moon, it still goes up and down based on it.
R: *Ohhh* That is a cosmic boom right there, Terry Hansen.
T: I copped that one didn’t I? Will Mercury descend on me – is it retrograding at me?
S: It’s already happening – Mercury Retrograde is a chance to go slow, lots of self care. The main thing is to choose goals that really mean something to you. You’ll find that, if they’re not essential, the Universe will let them slide. This is a chance to really get in touch with your heart’s desires.
T: I am retrograding my way into Father’s Day and my heart’s desires.
S: That’s very beautiful.
B: I’m going to hide in the garage, cos that’s where the bikes are.
T: Thanks Sarah.
R: I am not sure what I’m going to do, but it sounds good. Thank you Sarah.
S: You’re super welcome. Thank you.
B: You are a child of the Universe. You have a right to be here.
R: I am, always.
T: I’ve worked out the 9’s. 2+0+1+6 equals 9, and September’s the 9th month.
R: What, have you just been sitting there, trying to figure that out?
B: September’s always been the 9th month.
R: Look at you trying to be involved.
T: 9!!!
R: Well done Terry…
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With best wishes,
Sarah Yip
29/11 lifepath & Master Numbers Teacher)
Professional Psychic Reader
Brisbane Australia
Specialising in Palmistry, Numerology & Clairvoyance
I’m an 
11:11 Clocks and Repeating Numbers Researcher
SMS 0408 898 028

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