Lotus Kruse – Alchemist, Money Coach and Guiding Light – 31/4 Lifepath

Everyone needs a Lotus! Lotus Kruse from Wildly Desirable Living is a 31/4 Lifepath (Heart Healer), who I met through Jill Genet. Jill is a fellow 29/11 Lifepath, who sees 11:11 and founded Red Tent Australia and Aotearoa, a thriving network of women’s circles. So when she raves about someone, I listen. Find your life path

It’s hard to define my journey with Lotus, because it’s more of a feeling (akin to jumping off a cliff, laughing and repeating). So far, I’ve done her Money Love program twice, and had a years of Metamorphosis sessions. I have huge respect for her. Her impact has been so big, I divide life into B.L. and A.L – before Lotus and after Lotus.

Watch a 90min video replay on Women and Money with Lotus and me, it’s available to $20+ members of my Patreon study group. Join up now! Recorded September 2024.
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In her own words, she is an Alchemist, financial therapist, money coach, divorce sherpa and transpersonal counsellor mentoring women to be super f*cking powerful, franchised and financially autonomous. She’s a champion for women to live with their desires and intuition leading the way.

Here’s an extract from her About page:
“My life has been a ride and a half, just like yours I imagine. It has felt like a big dipper and a smooth sail boat. I have had babies born and died, I’ve been married and divorced, annihilated and resurrected through the ashes of the hate mail and court system.

I’ve been deeply in love and deeply heartbroken, stretched beyond what I thought I was capable of and, through it all, I have been an explorer of my own soulscape and what it means to be truely truely (sic) sovereign in the world as a powerful woman. It has all been a big melting pot of love, musings, f*ck ups and wanderlusting.”

After Lotus and I met, we discovered she used to work for the company which helped to kickstart my psychic business. Wow! Although Lotus and I have moved on, we still believe that anything is possible when you keep creating from passionate love.

Lotus shares a 31/4 lifepath with many of my other teachers (Ian White, Hong Curley, etc.). At 31, her lifepath turning point age, she was pregnant, which makes sense as she’s taught me all about powerful mothering, self-parenting and protecting your joy. In numerology, Parenting has the same vibration as Intuition (50/5, the throat chakra number). To master either field requires a balance of inner and outer expression plus massive flexibility.

Many big names are 31/4’s, which is why I call this lifepath the Empire Builder. Think of people like Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Sir Elton John, Karen Jacobsen (the GPS Girl – see her reading), Kerry Packer, Marie Curie, Nicole Kidman, Oprah Winfrey, Sir Paul McCartney, Sir Richard Branson and so on. Although you might not like them, 4’s are some of the most hardworking, provocative and intriguing people around. They just keep turning up until their spiritual job is done, then they turn up again, just to be sure!

Join Lotus’s next Money Love – see website! “This program is about coming clean with your money and with yourself. It’s about love. Loving yourself enough to tell the truth. Loving yourself enough to earn, save and spend money in a way that serves your highest good on the planet. It’s about understanding that how you do money is an example of how you do your life. It’s about having a relationship with money that feels amazing.”

Here are some breakthroughs I’ve had after working with Lotus:

1) Installing an bookings system (Acuity) for psychic readings, after years of avoidance. This was excruciating as I was holding onto my ‘martyr’ complex. Within hours of switching from manual bookings, I had enough new business to pay for the annual subscription twice! Talk about confirmation. Acuity has not only saved me time, it’s attracted interest from overseas clients. Now, almost half my readings are for people in the United States (especially New York, which I hope to visit). For a sole trader, the stress reduction has been out of this world. I’m so glad I bit the bullet.

FYI, I was also inspired to use Acuity after attending a talk on Aspergers Syndrome by Dr Tony Attwood and Sue Larkey (see my blog on Aspergers, anorexia and psychic ability). They helped me to understand that my challenges with anorexia, anxiety and answering constant calls or emails could be linked to autism (note: I was diagnosed as ‘twice-exceptional’ in 2021). My need for quiet isn’t wrong, it’s self-compassion, which gives me the energy I need to do incredible workshops and readings. This epiphany has been such a relief, as I’ve been bullying myself for years in this area.

2) Launching online numerology classes, which attracted over 100 students in a few weeks, at a time when our family had many bills to pay. Again, this was something I’d dreamed about for years. Lotus teaches Money Love through Zoom, which convinced me that distance education can be as intimate as in-person work. 2021 update – Creating regular numerology webinars has transformed my life and helped us to have a third baby. Thanks Lotus! I also teach in Patreon now

3) Asking new clients to book a series of readings instead of one-offs. I’ve also gone back to phone calls. Asking people to commit to two or three readings straight-up is unheard of in the psychic field. However given the intensive preparation I do (hand writing charts and tuning in for weeks prior), it felt right to ask clients to meet me halfway.

Even so, I’m nowhere as brave as Lotus – she asks her coaching clients to commit to a minimum of a year of mentoring! The move back to phone calls was also due to the Aspergers’ talk I mentioned – it’s just quicker and easier for me to work this way. However I still offer in person readings on occasion. Some feedback is below.

“Having the 3 calls provided a very unique experience for me with each call being vastly different and unique. My intuition let me straight to you and I trust that things are no accident but still I can be a bit of a skeptic at times. I am so pleased with the outcome. Your gifts absolutely blew me away. The amount of information I took from these 3 calls and the healing I feel inside is astounding. With the mix of numerology, palm reading, tarot and clairvoyance things really stayed fun and interesting. I would describe the energy during the calls like chatting with a close and wise friend, very comfortable.

Each of my calls had an underlying message I clearly understood …lots of fun sprinkles in between too! Kinda like having a beautiful 3 course meal customized just for you. Separately all delicious but when put together – magical. After each one, I felt myself revisiting the previous call and just thinking “WOW. How cool was THAT?!” then looking forward to what was in store for the next. The meditations we did throughout the calls were customized and original and I still practice them often. The metaphors shared when talking STILL have me cracking up!

For me a one-off consultation would have felt rushed, especially for those interested in opportunity to really grow and heal. The new client series provides a more comfortable and relaxing space to just allow things to flow which felt so natural. No feeling pressured or focused on time. That made all the difference for me.” Kristi, 33/6 Lifepath

My all-time favourite chant (also inspired by Jill Genet) is,

“There’s a jewel in the lotus flower unfolding, deep within my soul.
And the jewel  of the lotus flower en-lightens, guiding my way home. Om Mani Padme Hum Om Mani Om Mani Padme Hum.” Hear it

This is how I feel after working for the past few years with Lotus. Thank you sister, for helping me find my courage and patience during this epically busy time of mothering babies, new marriage and an energy healing business. From the bottom of my Soul, I am grateful.

It feels fitting to share Peia’s Blessed We Are to close this post:
“Blessed we are to dance on this ground, The rhythm of saints to carry the sound. We hold a prayer for the earth, for the ones yet to come, ‘May you walk in beauty and remember your song.’ Remember why you came here, Remember your life is sacred.”

Please note, this is not a paid promotion. I wrote it as a surprise for Lotus. Seeing 11:11 is a reminder that every ‘one’ is here to reach the sky. We all deserve the freedom to grow. I am sharing my story in the hope that it will inspire you to believe in yourself and the power of sharing your fears in a safe container. Two hearts beating together can change the world. That’s the Butterfly Effect.

Recommended Links
Work with Lotus Kruse
You Can’t Say That! My Public Spat Over Children’s Lines in Palmistry (another Lotus Kruse story!)
Change for Good – A Spiritual Money Webinar for 11:11 See’rs ($49.50)
7 Signs of Spiritual Whitewashing – How to Avoid New Age Silliness!

Want to learn numerology? Check out my 11:11 Patreon groupclasses and meditations.

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Seeing repeating numbers or at a turning point? Book a reading series with me. Around your birthday is ideal, as that’s when you change personal years.

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