Here is your July 2021 numerology forecast. Comment 555 on Facebook or Instagram if you like this post! We are in a 5 Universal year and 12/3 Universal month. A time for inner child healing (3 is the solar plexus chakra – our ego, hopes and passions). Words like art, baby, and sex have a 12/3 numerology and this energy is all about powerful combinations.
July brings helpful teams after June’s wake up calls. The combo of 5 and 12/3 highlights expansion and new perspectives. 5 is the Hierophant (Pope) in Tarot, while 12 is the Hanged Man.
People are questioning their saints. What if the good guy is the bad guy with better marketing?! Consult with your elders and channel turtle power, not hare-brained panic.
Re: the pandemic – you can’t expect sick people to have healthy thoughts. Exercise has the same vibration as ‘immunity’ and ‘I love you’. Strengthen your heart instead of letting fear tear you apart. See my COVID-19 related webinar from last year
12/3’s are Spiritual Artists, who turn pain into luminous works. Words like Charity, Freedom and Writer have 12/3 numerology, so July is great for giving back.
Those with 3 numerology (e.g. 3 life paths) and/ or who see 555, 333, 12:12, 12:21 etc. are lifting off now. Find your life path
Tip: Perception is the key to success. What if you saw yourself as a Mona Lisa? Would you value yourself more? Consider Photoshopping this to experience that shift – my effort is below, I’m sure you can do even better!
-What are your views of children? (Try filling a page with ‘children are…’) Is it possible that our kids are not the issue, it’s the outdated rules for raising them that suck?
The new children (born 2000-) know that love, not censorship is the answer. They respond to long chats and life experience rather than being kept in the dark. Talk to them like old friends and you’ll be amazed at their knowing.
-It’s never too late for a happy childhood. Who do you need to forgive, before it’s too late?
-Have you stamped out inner sexism? If I said ‘girls don’t need an education because they are here to serve boys’ you’d flinch. Yet we treat our bodies as slaves to our minds, by making them wait to eat, drink or toilet because ‘work comes first’. Let’s stop that rot.
Dates: New moon 9th/ 10th, Full moon 23rd/ 24th, Chiron retrograde 15th onwards (a great time to learn healing)
Loved this? Join ‘Why you chose your mother’ on 14 August. Bookings open now! Your 2021 forecast is also half-price.
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Related Links
It’s Never Too Late to Have a Happy Child(hood) – Healing Your Inner Child
7 Discoveries About Babies That Blew My Brain – A Psychic’s Tale
When Will I Have A Baby? A Spiritual Look at Conception, Miscarriage and Self-Healing
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