Angel Meditation Track – Restore Your Wings and Connect to Spirit Now

My Angel Meditation track is now available! Listen to a sample or buy my Meditation Triple Pack for $22, was $30. Read more

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the purpose of the track?
This meditation will help you to relax, clear your mind and energy field, and connect with Spirit to receive answers to urgent questions. Feel like an Angel in under 15 minutes! Frequency is the key to success, when it comes to building trust in your inner voice. It’s a relationship that not only lasts a lifetime, it determines your happiness in every other area. Leaders know who they are, and that’s why they are so inspiring and attractive.

How do I know it will be effective?
I’ve been testing this meditation with clients for many months, and it’s based on a process I’ve personally used for years.

Here’s some feedback on it from Beth: “Hi sweet Sarah! Love your Angel Meditation. My colors were red and yellow with streaks of blue and green…My halo was made of gemstones…and my angels…plural. ..were all angels of color. Very connected tonight. I’m amazed that each meditation brings about a different experience to/in/with me. Thank you. I’m so glad this meditation is at my fingertips!”

Who is it suitable for?
All ages and levels of meditators, from beginners to advanced. No experience needed. Just a desire to let go and connect to your purest guidance.

Do I have to sit up or lie down?
Sitting up is recommended if you are new to meditation, as it helps you to stay present and not fall asleep. The meditation also asks you to breathe stress out through your feet, into the ground. However, if you are more comfortable lying down, the track will still be effective.

Will it help me if I see 11:11 and repeating numbers?
Yes – I have been researching the 11:11 on clocks phenomenon for years and read for hundreds, if not thousands of people who are 11:11 See’rs. Meditation is one of the best ways you can harness this portal for change and evolution. It will help you create a bridge between the worlds, so you can lift to the next level of wellbeing and self-confidence.

What if I can’t see anything when I’m meditating?
Read my article on 6 Myths About Meditation – Why It’s Easier Than Your Thinking If you practice this visualisation (an audio link is in the post), this may help you get started with meditation. If you can daydream, think of your last holiday, or remember your first kiss, then you can meditate – it’s just another way we use our imagination to help ourselves. 

If you still find nothing is happening, try drinking more watereating organic food, having an early night’s sleep, or going for a walk first. It’s hard to tune in, when you’re dehydrated, hungry, tired or restless. Once you feel nourished, you’ll have more energy to meditate.

Please note: some people are better at seeing Spirit (clairvoyance), while others tend to hear Spirit (clairaudience) or feel Spirit (clairsentience). It depends on what you are willing to receive and how to learn, so don’t compare yourself to others, just focus on what you are receiving. Write down your experiences so you get more value from the sessions – good ideas are worth recording.

Will it make me cry? 
Some people do cry during this track (including myself), especially if it has been a long time since they gave back to their bodies, or if they are under a lot of stress. Please know, this is perfectly normal and very healthy – tears are a sign that you are present with your feelings and honouring them (instead of shutting them down).

Will it make me go to sleep?
The track is designed to be used either morning or night, while you are sitting in a chair (as mentioned above). Most people find it easier to stay awake during meditation if they are upright. However, if you prefer to listen to it lying down that’s okay. Just be aware that you might doze off, if you aren’t used to meditating.

It takes practice to keep yourself in the zone. Personally, I find this meditation helps me to have a better night’s sleep, as it gives me a way of letting go of stress. The colour therapy in the recording is an easy and effective way to intuitively reset your body. We often choose colours that heal our chakras (energy centres) without even knowing it.

1st – Base Chakra – Red (Tailbone/ Legs) – Action
2nd – Sacral Chakra – Orange (Hips/ Reproductive) – Partnerships
3rd – Solar Plexus Chakra – Yellow (Gut/ Core) – Creativity
4th – Heart Chakra – Green and Pink (Heart/ Lungs/ Chest) – Love
5th – Throat Chakra – Blue (Throat/ Hearing/ Voice) – Risk/ Truth
6th – Third Eye Chakra – Indigo/ Dark Blue (Mind/ ESP) – Vision
7th – Crown Chakra – Purple (Mind/ Spirit) – Divine Knowing
8th – Karmic Chakra – White (opinions differ) – God Connection
9th – Soul Blueprint Chakra – Gold or Silver (opinions differ) – Universal Connection

Interestingly, we all have ‘lucky colours’ based on our numerology lifepath (the sum of our date of birth) – for example, a 1 Lifepath person will respond well to the colour red. Find your lifepath

Who are the Angels I am seeing?
This is a general meditation, so you could be seeing any one of your Guardian Angels, or in some cases, Spirit Guides. If you specifically want to know who your Guardian Angel is, read my post on Finding Your Guardian Angel Using Numerology. Note: we can have more than one Angel around us, especially if we’re working on various projects. You can always ask the Angels who they are, or what their purpose is, as you get more comfortable with the meditation. Talk to them like the best friends they are.

BTW, there is no limit to how many Angels you can call in to help you – they are not restricted by space and time the way humans are. You can even call in 100, 000 Angels to surround you and they will send as many as they can…I write about this in my post 3 Ways That Letting People Down Can Raise You Up, which includes a ‘group Angel’ visualisation – an audio link is included in the post.

What questions should I ask my Angel?
It’s really up to you. As most psychics will tell you, closed questions tend to be less helpful than open ones. They give Spirit a chance to show you the big picture. For example:

Closed question: Is he in love with me?
Open question: Is this relationship part of my life purpose? What is this person here to teach me? What am I here to teach them? What is the next step? Read more on Soulmates and see my class Love is Always in Your Hands

Closed question: Will I be rich?
Open question: How can I create more financial security in my life? Am I in a suitable career for my life purpose? What is still blocking me from receiving my good? Read more on creating money and see my class Change for Good

Closed question: When will I have kids?
Open question: Is there a baby or baby around me? How can I increase my energy levels and fertility to attract a baby spirit? What do I need to heal to be ready for children? I have a specific post and video on this question.

Closed question: Should I move house?
Open question: Is my house giving me energy or draining my energy? Would moving house help me to stay on my purpose right now? If not, when would an appropriate time be to shift? Read more on address numerology and clearing your house energy

As you can see – it’s fine to ask detailed questions of Spirit, just be prepared they will not always answer everything the way you hope. They will tell you what you need to know, not always what you want to know! After all, a surprise party is no fun if you know about it in advance.

Some things are better unknown. Meditation is about building trust with your Soul and Spiritual helpers – like any relationship, it will take time to get to know each other. Be patient!

Copyright Notes:
Audio and Words copyright Sarah Yip 2017
Recording, Mixing and Cover Design by Kris Anderson – he offers affordable meditation recording packages in QLD
Cover Image used under license from
Background Music is ‘Breathing Light’ by Christopher Lloyd Clarke.

Thank you for your understanding and support of my work.

Recommended Links
Class – Develop Your Intuition and Banish Self-Doubt webinar

Meditation Triple Pack
6 Myths About Meditation – Why It’s Easier Than Your Thinking

5 Tips to Rapidly Relieve Anxiety During This Global Rebirth
Workaholics Anonymous – The Gifts of Rest

Want to learn numerology? Check out my 11:11 Patreon groupclasses and meditations.

Connect with us
Seeing repeating numbers or at a turning point? Book a reading series with me. Around your birthday is ideal, as that’s when you change personal years.

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