Why Kids with Special Needs are Gamechangers! – Interview with Holistic Teacher Sarah Buckland (a 42/6 Lifepath)

Autism tips! The Holistic Teacher Method was established in the Blue Mountains, in 2018, by Sarah Buckland. She developed a new way of engaging in learning for children with a disability that was gentle and therapeutic in nature.

This interview covers:
-Sarah’s gentle, light-hearted and effective way of working with children (mainly under 7 years old) with special needs, aka gamechangers who are not afraid to rock the boat.

-How not being heard as a child inspired her to help others find their voice.

-Sarah’s 42/6 Lifepath (The Lover/ Visionary) and how she’s healing her Third Eye (6th) Chakra – keeping an open mind and seeing the beauty within. At her lifepath turning point age of 42, she moved from Sydney to the Blue Mountains and started really listening to herself. Find your lifepath using your DOB

-Why autistic children need to tip the numbers in their favour/ have a big team, to ‘beat the odds’ in a traditional school system.

To quote Sarah, “What I find works with (autistic) children, these are sensitive children who require a very gentle approach. It’s my job to meet the child where they are at in their developmental journey.

It’s a difficult job…but I take it very seriously…that is the job of a teacher. When you have been given that responsibility, I ensure that happens for the child and the family.”

I look forward to hosting Sarah again soon for a viewer’s Q&A!

Connect with Sarah Buckland (The Holistic Teacher)
Website – The Holistic Teacher
Facebook – The Holistic Teacher
Instagram @ holisticteacher_au

Subscribe to my Youtube channel for more interviews like this one!
FYI I help families and parents to connect with their highly conscious and sensitive teens, children and babies for greater love and joy.

Keep an eye out for my parent-child numerology webinar video/s, I’m currently running online workshops to create material on this important topic. Sign up on my homepage to receive updates or email me if you want to be notified when it’s launched.

True story: Today, I had three 6 Lifepaths in my diary to talk to or do readings for. Amazing synchronicity 🙂

Related Links
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