The Spiritual Meaning of Conjunctivitis – Where is Your Vision Stuck?

Spiritual thoughts on the meaning of Conjunctivitis! In numerology, every word, name and address can be reduced to a vibration (see the system on Find Your Life Path). CONJUNCTIVITIS has a 62/8 numerology, so it’s about creating (or rather, avoiding) visionary (6) partnerships (2) that heal big picture/ karmic patterns (8).

Possible energies of this dis-ease:
‘Seeing only stuckness’
‘Painful to look outside’
‘Tears of dis-ease/ contagious grief’
‘What eye/ I see makes me sore’
‘I’m not seeing enough of (person)’
‘Need to close my eyes and rest’
‘Inflamed by what I’m watching’

Treatments: Eye drops (Chlorsig), compresses, wipe with colloidal silver (using disposable cotton circles for xample), change bedding, can be an allergy, consult a GP and naturopath if extended.

Background: our family of 5 have had round after round of viral conjunctivitis for months. We only got rid of it after asking for help, clearing out the bedrooms and using colloidal silver as well as Chlorsig drops.

I believe illness happens at different levels and considering the spiritual meaning of conjunctivitis can be useful in chronic cases.

I noticed it got worse when my sons watched screens or went to kindy. Perhaps it was a type of ‘information overwhelm’.

Spending quality time with them restored our spirits and immunity.

8 energy is about ‘what goes around comes around’, which seems fitting for conjunctivitis!

It takes effort to break the cycle of catching others’ discomfort…

Btw I also tried wet chamomile teabags and wiping with diluted eyebright (herb) to soothe. I would have gone to acupuncture, however the contagiousness was a factor. Vit A may help.

Love to hear your thoughts on the spiritual meaning and associations of conjunctivitis. For me it had a lot to do with not seeing straight and refusing to look at our future home arrangements and finances in this turbulent time on the planet. As I found the courage to face my fears, the ‘stuckness’ vanished and I stopped feeling so attached by the outside world.

I talk about this in my November 2021 forecast video.

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Related links
The Secret to Skyrocketing Intuition – Water and Your Third Eye Chakra
The Spiritual Meaning of Eczema – Do People Get Under Your Skin?
The Spiritual Meaning of 9 Common Diseases, Part 1 of 2
The Metaphysical Meaning of Teeth – Are You Biting Off More Than You Can Chew?

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