My Beautiful Family! As Souls, We Pick The Best of the Bunch
My beautiful family! My mum in the centre (a 26/8 Boss lifepath) taught me how to speak up, say no to bad deals and question everything until I’m satisfied. I’ve
My beautiful family! My mum in the centre (a 26/8 Boss lifepath) taught me how to speak up, say no to bad deals and question everything until I’m satisfied. I’ve
Your weekly forecast from Sarah Yip and Kate Denning is now up (42min)! Watch it now on Facebook, YouTube (see below) or Instagram. This week I interviewed Kate Denning from The Spiritual Realm in Brisbane.
True crime (trigger warning – family violence). In the late 1800s, 25yo Blanche Monnier fell in love with an older man, so her mother and brother locked her in a
Kaye Vlachos is a rare and insightful being who has mastered the worlds of both physical and energetic health. A former top football (soccer) player, Kaye is now an energy
Here are my Royal Family predictions for 2020! Please, comment on the Yahoo facebook post to support my work. I’d love to write more for them. You don’t find info
An interview with amazing Soul, Franziska Iseli, a 26/8 Boss lifepath in numerology whose wise words have shaped my confidence, and helped me to launch my career and family! Find
Happy birthday Mum! My mum Catherine is a 26/8 Boss lifepath, here to play Go(o)d and break karmic patterns. 26/8s are formidable authority figures, who sacrifice heavily to raise their
Are you a an 8 lifepath in numerology? Then you’re here to experience abundance, work-rest balance and ethical success! Here’s my tips for expressing your Divine power, based on over
Are you scared of spiders? Do you have arachnophobia? Ever wondered what spiders represent spiritually? Then this article is for you! Updated 16 Jan 2024 (this is an 8 Universal
How exciting! ARIA Hall of Fame inductee Tina Arena has just released her new album ‘Eleven’. I was delighted to read on her site that Tina not only sees 11:11 and 1:11, 11
Happy 8-8-8 Lion’s Gate Portal folks!Today is the second of the 8-8-8 numerology days in August 2015. The day, 17 adds to 8, as does the month and year (2+0+1+5). The
“Sometimes I’m an illumined guy, and sometimes I act like a jackass.” Dan Millman (in an interview with Spiritual Endeavors) Of the 120 posts I’ve written, this was the hardest and