True Crime – Blanche Monnier, Beautiful 26/8 life path locked up for 25 years by her family

True crime (trigger warning – family violence). In the late 1800s, 25yo Blanche Monnier fell in love with an older man, so her mother and brother locked her in a sunless room in their home until she agreed to back down.

Blanche never changed her mind, so they kept her there for 25 years, even after her suitor died. Eventually she was freed after an anonymous tipoff to police. Her mother died soon afterwards from stress and her brother walked free, to the horror of the French public.

Blanche was a 26/8 life path Boss in numerology, meaning she came here to restore justice and to break karmic patterns of disempowerment. 8s rarely change their minds. Their loyalty, determination and endurance is legendary and their life stories are always inspiring.

Although Blanche tragically didn’t have freedom, her story has impacted so many others (including myself). It is a reminder that suppression flourishes in an atmosphere of secrecy. That one person can free another or keep them hostage. That violence can be hidden in plain sight.

A long time ago, psychic Amanda Morrison (a 33/6 life path) told me I had an inner critic like a ‘crazy woman in the attic or insane flatmate’. She was right. I come from a line of women who had bound feet and/ or were not financially or socially free. Some went mad as a result.

I carry that potential. That’s why I do numerology now. It’s safer to live in the light where people can help me stay accountable. I am the first one in my lineage to out themselves as psychic and ‘witchy’.

Tonight, as I return to the stage after 5 years, I’ve asked for my ancestors’ blessing. May my voice be heard, may my jokes be funny and may I give my children and dreams a chance to love and evolve exactly as they wish to. Wish me luck.

Comment on the original Facebook post
(selected comments are below)

Michelle Henderson – You’ll have a wonderful performance I am sure! I have that crazy inner critic too! May both of ours find their peace.

Yurissa Ramdharee: Omg goosebumps, head to toe and back again… The word disempowerment really triggered me. I’m sure your comedy set went well!! Can’t wait to see it

Ruby Slippers: Thank you for this post, Sarah. I am a life path 8. What you say is true. I also want to note that while pure fiery goddess energy has its place and reputation as “witchy,” I have heard you speak and your soft, kind energy is just as strong, feminine, and “witchy.” Thanks again and lots of luck. 

Sean Vile: Wow. What a horrific yet beautifully inspiring story. Go, Blanche. Thank you for sharing Sarah.

Jade Davis: You will be amazing! This post spoke to me on so many levels… I’m a 33/6, both of my sons are 8 lifepaths and you had a hashtag 268 which is my birthday. Thank you for all you do and much success tonight! 

#blanchemonnier#truecrime#lockedup#familypatterns#breakfree #268 #lifepath8#numerology#thenumbersqueen#sarahyip

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