Kaye Vlachos is a rare and insightful being who has mastered the worlds of both physical and energetic health. A former top football (soccer) player, Kaye is now an energy healer and mindset coach who gets straight to the heart of your fears to clear them.
Watch our interview (41min) to discover:
-The link between physical fitness, decisiveness and abundance (financial and energetic). Money is attracted to people who trust themselves!
-The power of an 8 Lifepath in numerology to overcome all obstacles through perseverance, mental focus and deep presence. Find your lifepath
-Kay’s dramatic and emotional lifepath turning points at ages 8 and 26 (she is a 26/8 lifepath Boss, the same as Dan Millman, a top numerology author)
-How Kaye and I were both inspired by Michelle Buchanan at the beginning of our numerology journeys. Michelle is a fellow numerologist and Master 11 lifepath, who lives in New Zealand, I recommend her in Numerology Books and Blogs I Recommend for 11:11 See’rs in Australia and Worldwide I didn’t know Kaye followed Michelle’s work until this chat and vice versa!
-The importance of teenagers (especially teenage girls) being encouraged to play sport in their final years of high school, for mental health and academic reasons. There’s no question that sport is an amazing stress relief that improves concentration and helps girls with body confidence. If only more Australian schools understood this link!
-Why numerology and money are like languages you can learn, which will help you to reach the top of many fields. Until you are exposed to the positive sides of maths, it can be hard to understand their value. We live in a society so obsessed with figures, size and reducing people to statistics that you need to really dig to find the truth about mathe-magics and its power.
Connect with Kaye Vlachos, Intuitive Mindset Coach
Website: Soul2Soul Wellness
Facebook: Kaye Vlachos – Soul 2 Soul Wellness
Instagram @ kayevlachos_soul2soulwellness
Kaye is available for in person sessions on the Sunshine Coast (Caloundra) and distance sessions. I will be visiting her for more collaborations soon!
Want to know more?
See my Products page for many affordable recorded classes or join my Patreon for live videos and regular chats with like-minded Souls. I also post transcripts of my videos on Patreon (this video will be converted soon).
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