October 2023 Numerology Forecast – You Deserve The Best!


Welcome to October! We are in a 7 Universal year of Crown chakra opening and a 17/8 month of spiritual healing and abundance. Video with bonus tips below. f you enjoy this forecast, please comment 888Boss on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube for luck! I’ve also added it to my new podcast, a link is above – thanks Jessey McGuire for your help!

This is time for reclaiming energy, bold decisions and generosity. Come out of your witchy closet and be seen now. You were born to fly high.

Energy: September brought tests of honesty. Now you know what people really think, let go of self-doubt. Actions speak louder than words, but your intentions and a clear conscience are more powerful than any of these things.

As my psychic husband Kris Anderson Tarot says, you can’t squeeze apple juice from an orange. Get help from people who are doing their calling, not from clock watchers into shortcuts. That’s a recipe for hunger.

This month will bring success. Be sure to give credit where it is due! Invest in your health, home and loved ones – those that hold up your inner sky.

Numerology: 8 is the Boss, someone who raises the bar. October is about taking responsibility for your life and letting others live theirs. We are preparing for 2024, an 8 Universal year of Divine Humanity and Ethical Abundance. My forecast class opens for bookings soon!

The 8th chakra is about breaking karmic patterns and knowing your (Higher) self and purpose.
Visualise yourself at the end of a beautiful rainbow, with your body as a pot or pool of golden love and wisdom. You are worthy of the best.

Tarot: 7 is the Chariot and 17/8 is The Star (anagram of The artS). Great cards for overcoming creative blocks.

Who’s in the spotlight? Those with 7 numerology or who see 777 are in hot demand all of 2023. In October, those with 8 numerology or who see 888 will go to the next level of authority. Find your life path and personal year

Dates: New moon (14th/ 15th) is also a Solar eclipse, Full moon (28th/ 29th), the amazing Tiarnie Talks calls this ‘a highly karmic Eclipse season…on steroids’!

With The Voice referendum coming up in Australia, I truly hope generational justice will prevail. 15 October update – it looks like the Yes vote will fail – listen to my video for more ideas on how transformation could still occur!

Let’s connect:
28 Oct – Patreon numerology class on personal years/ life charts – join us here
25 Jan – 11:11 World Changers Round 3 starts – this is my women’s leadership program and applications opened yesterday! Email info(at)sarahyip(dot)com with your name, phone number and city and I’ll be in contact to chat.

Cheers, Sarah and the 11:11 Angels

P.S. I now have January and February 2024 reading spots open. For help sooner, please see Kris and my colleagues. I know you’ll love their professionalism and accuracy. THanks!

Related links and recent posts
Forecasts archive
Sample World Changers class! Be a Blessing Machine & Retire Happy and Rich – with Hong Curley
Stand-Up Comedy by Sarah Yip – Asians versus Scots at Piggabeen’s Got Talent 2023
Xavier Rudd – His 555 Earth Angel Numerology – A 41/5 Life Path Rebel

#bearainbowmaker #888 #8lifepath #tarot #numerology


Want to learn numerology? Check out my 11:11 Patreon groupclasses and meditations.

Connect with us
Seeing repeating numbers or at a turning point? Book a reading series with me. Around your birthday is ideal, as that’s when you change personal years.

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