Numerology Chat with Ian White, Founder of the Australian Bush Flower Essences (a 31/4 Lifepath Heart Healer)

Ian White is the founder of the Australian Bush Flower Essences (ABFE) and a 5th generation Australian herbalist. Over the past 40 years, Ian’s distinctive wellbeing products have helped millions of people and animals around the world and I am honoured to count him as a friend and numerology colleague. Funnily enough, Ian and I both graduated from UNSW with Bachelor of Science degrees – it’s a small world after all…

2022 update – Meditation Tips with Ian White video

In this fun- and fact-filled 42 min interview, we discuss:
-How Ian loves the speed of numerology because it helps him to understand a person in seconds. I note that that numerology has a 55/10/1 vibration (see the word analysis system I use), which is the same as ‘lightning’ (and Mother Mary). That is how quickly it can connect us to our purpose again. Find your lifepath

Black-eyed Susan Essence, road rage and Ian’s impatient go-getter nature.

-Ian’s 31/4 Lifepath Heart Healer journey and how age 31 was the year he took the Australian Bush Flower Essences public (31 is his lifepath turning point age as a 31/4 lifepath – numerology is incredibly accurate!)

-Ian’s 29/11/2 Lifepath Spiritual Messenger daughter (also my lifepath) and how Master 11’s need a lot of support and take things in new directions.

-How Ian uses meditation to keep his Heart Chakra open, but still gets mad at companies who copy his work!

-Flower essences to help the new generation of children maintain their innocence and telepathic abilities in this sexually-charged, busy modern world (Little Flannel Flower, Pink Flannel Flower, Green Spider Orchid – this essence is also good for parents wanting to connect with baby spirits). See my post on the new children and conscious conception (a webinar is coming out soon).

-Cognis Essence and the ‘hyperactive’ learning style of kids these days.

-The weirdest things Ian’s Spirit Guides have asked him to do! Hint: The trip they sent him on was harrowing but also resulted in the White Light Essences, which I’ve reviewed here.

-How flower essences are like a love letter of positive intention and connect you energetically to all the people who have made and used them,

-How the Coronavirus inspired Ian to release the Carers Essence and Boost Essence (I’m taking Carers Essence at the moment and loving it).

-Why you don’t have to believe in flower essences for them to work. Story from a domestic violence situation that was sent in to Ian.

-My story about Gaia Essence and my car breaking down…right in front of a tow truck. Nothing like a near-death experience to remind you that the Universe always meets you halfway.

Disclaimer: I was provided with bottles of Carers Essence and Gaia Essence but received no payment or commission for this interview, which was my original idea to help more people understand the benefits of numerology.

Connect with Ian White from the Australian Bush Flower Essences
Facebook: ausflowers
Instagram: @

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Related Links
Psychic Reading For Ian White, Founder Of The Australian Bush Flower Essences (includes his lifepath and name numerology and palmistry)
Review of the ABFE White Light Essences – Powerful 11:11 Healing Tools

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