New Webinar! Many supporters of my Patreon page have asked for psychic development tips so here’s an event to help you recover your (sixth) senses.
Update: Replay package now available for $33 (reduced from $99) with a 3 hour video class, 71 pages of illustrated notes (including 40+ colour photos and diagrams) and meditation tracks.
What: Online webinar via Zoom call (free login from PC or phone) This class is limited to 30 people, to ensure an intimate experience. A recording will be available to everyone who registers.
Why: I am running this class, because 2020 has been such a dramatic journey and many people are looking for certainty about the future. In this Universal 4 Year of healing your heart, learning patience and self-compassion, we’re being invited to slow down and listen. I want to show you how to access your own answers on a daily basis. When we respect our (intuition) inner voice, we stop rushing around, we have more energy and most importantly, we teach others to create from a place of trust.
When: 9.30am – 12.15pm Brisbane/ AEST time, Sun 23 August 2020. Please note, the class may run over time (15min+ depending on questions).
Investment: $99 pp, includes live webinar call, a link to a video recording and notes package (usually 40-60 page illustrated PDF). Pay via Paypal or bank transfer (email me for details). Opportunities for mentoring will be offered after the call for those who wish to keep learning. FYI, I keep these webinar calls affordable so that people from all backgrounds can participate. That’s part of the 11:11 way.
Who: This webinar is suitable for ages 16+ and requires no prior knowledge. That said, you might like to study my 2020 Forecast and Lifepath and Names webinars if you want a head start into numerology. A Children’s webinar has just been launched for $66, click here.
Here’s what we’ll cover (running order is subject to change on the day)
9.30am – 9.45am (unrecorded)
Log in, hello from Sarah, we can discuss how to use Zoom if needed.
9.45am – 10.30am (recorded)
-Introduction and group tune-in
-What is intuition? How does it differ to superstition?
-Why intuition is the X factor in fulfilling your Soul potential and lifepath
-The benefits of using intuition at home, work, when studying spiritual topics and connecting with your body and loved ones e.g. the new children.
-How intuition has changed and saved my life
-The biggest blocks to accessing your intuition
-Are sceptics made or born? Who benefits from you being a sceptic?
-What is an empath and why do they need to learn spiritual self-defence?
10.30am – 10.55am (recorded)
Short break and Q&A
10.55am – 11.55am (recorded)
-8 ways to develop your intuition and banish self-doubt, as researched and used by myself and my clients over the past decade. I am a former sceptic who was religious as a child. I went from science and government work to psychic readings after experiencing the 11:11 prompts and many crises.
-Daily tips you can use, including templates, downloads and references.
-Conclusion and group tune-in
-Next steps (mentoring, longer courses)
11.55am – 12.15pm (unrecorded)
Q&A for attendees, off the record. This part of the class may go overtime, however you are welcome to log off whenever you need to.
Related links
Happy 2020! The 11:11 Love is Rising – A Numerology Forecast Preview
Why Do I See 11:11 When I’m Not a Master 11/22/33 Lifepath? Intuition Versus Superstition, Explained!
Why Spirits Can’t Hurt You – 3 Ghost Stories With Happy Endings!
The Secret to Skyrocketing Intuition – Water and Your Third Eye Chakra
What 666 Really Means in Numerology – Trust Your Sixth Sense!
How to Raise Your Vibration & Silence the Critics – Make a Blessing Box
My Psychic Secret Weapon #1- Deniz Akan from Dimensional Healing
Tips: Please do not turn video on after we have started recording – there is an opportunity to chat via video after the webinar. You’ll also need to mute yourself during the webinar. It’s best to download Zoom beforehand and familiarise yourself with the dashboard before the event. Terms and conditions, including refund policy are outlined in the bookings process.
Note: This class was originally scheduled for 9 August, but ran 23 August.