Free Yourself. True teachers give you the why and how, not always the what. They don’t prescribe one-size-fits-all diets, solutions or politics.
They encourage growth, even when it’s awkward. Especially when it’s awkward. They hold your hand, but only if you ask them to.
They give you bigger and bigger challenges, knowing you are capable of more than you dream of. They move the mountain with you, sweating just the same. Revealing their scars and hearts.
They show their soft underside, without asking you to pity them.
They call you out when you break the deal. They don’t give you smooth, they give you extra super mega crunchy, to develop your appetite and get you speaking out.
So many world leaders are falling down now. Why? Because their houses are made of hay. Their money comes from lies. Their success trades on gouging out your pain.
What comes next? A rising of grief. A crying of relief. A turning of ears. An opening of third eyes and minds. New learning. New humanity. Children with no fear of the dark. Adults who listen, listen, listen to their future selves instead of rumours and fears.
I am in this for the long haul. Are you?
Seeing 11:11 means no one can stop you when you work from inner light.
Join my next group call on 27 Sept for more insights into 2020’s energy and how to make the most of the transition into 2021. Use code 2020RECOVERY for $11 off. A replay will be available from Oct.
P.S. photo is of me on a forest skywalk in Tasmania, I love the wilderness there.
P.P.S. I was inspired to write this after working with some great coaches on my biz and upcoming book this month. Cheers to Ellie Burscough and Paul Fenton-Smith in particular. Also thanks to our amazing family personal trainer on the Gold Coast, Leah Williams
Comments? Questions? Leave a reply on the Facebook post, many thanks.
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#numerology #thenumbersqueen
The Telepathy Tapes podcast about autism & psychics knocked Joe Rogan off No.1 on Spotify!
Happy new year! Please check out The Telepathy Tapes! A show about autistic psychic children and families, it briefly took no.1 spot on Spotify knocking