Forrest’s 11:11 Birth Story – A Piece of (Chocolate) Cake

Hello Forrest! Here’s the latest news from my facebook page The Numbers Queen – I’ve expanded on the posts below. 2023 updateRead about my recovery from anorexia to become a mum of 3

16 February
Forrest Galahad Anderson (aka Forrest Bump) arrived today, after a challenging 15 hour labour that started at 11.11pm last night (!) Read more on 11:11 clocks.

Amazingly, we arrived at hospital at 11.11am (not on purpose – we got caught in traffic), and our carpark was 1271 (which adds to 11 and has my birthday 27.1). Even better, my patient number added to 29/11, my lifepath. Find your lifepath. I called on lots of Angels (human & Spirit ones) during his drug-free water birth. It was hard yakka but so worth it.

Forrest weighed a healthy 3.28kg, which was a relief as I had been measuring below normal fundal height throughout the pregnancy. This meant I needed quite a few ultrasounds (which were not my preference but did give us peace of mind).

Despite many attempts, no one (not even me) guessed Forrest’s arrival date. As I teach in numerology courses, you can’t read someone without their spiritual permission. Clearly, Forrest’s psychic powers are equal to mine! I guess I’ll be parenting him using logic, trust and intuition, just like everybody else…

19 February
Post 1 – Forrest met his loving Nan and Pop today. No kidding – they brought Irises and Lilies for us. During labour, I said thank you and visualised* that during each contraction, an Angel gave me a flower for a bouquet…the flowers I visualised were Irises and Lilies – I hadn’t told anyone about this. Divine birth, Divine baby, Divine blessings.

Funnily enough, Kris’s Mum has just started seeing 11.11…*I also imagined pressing a big red ‘PAIN RELIEF’ button, to will myself produce endorphins. Thank goodness for a decade of meditation practice (see meditation tracks). Using inner strength, hot showers and support from Kris, I laboured at home until 6-7cm dilation. As doula Jo Spies says, giving birth is 99% a mind thing. You don’t have to be fit, although it helps a lot.

Giving birth was the hardest physical experience I’ve ever gone through. I’m glad I did classes with yogababy to prepare. Their Active Birth and Prenatal Yoga courses are excellent. Suzanne Swan the founder is also a 29/11 Lifepath, and yogababy adds to the Master Number 33 in numerology (for spiritual teaching).

I kept reminding myself that ‘pain happens but suffering is optional'(from Hong Curley’s book Freedom to Love) and that labour is a day but a child is forever (hence my affirmation ’50 years of bliss’). I also drew on the strength of the many friends who came to my Blessingway in Brisbane with Jill Genet.Post 2 – Here’s Forrest with Nicole Utley, the midwife from the RBWH Birth Centre who helped deliver him.

Check out his happy face!!! Nicole and I have similar hands, which suggests we think alike and are both psychic. Read more on palmistry. When I said this to her, she just smiled.

Nicole is a super clever 37/10/1 Lifepath (The Pioneer). 1’s are here to heal the Root Chakra, the chakra of birth, death and new beginnings. How appropriate. Without her help, I might have had intervention due to a cervical lip issue. Fortunately, she used acupressure, massage, wise words and humour to help me have the water birth I planned. 

When I gave up in late labour/ transition (this is common) and almost fell asleep, she said ‘Sarah, I’ve already prepared all the paperwork for Forrest…don’t you want to know if he has black or brown hair?’

The ex-bureaucrat and scientist in me was like ‘oh, alright then, carry on!’ Forrest was born shortly afterwards. Kris, Forrest and I are extremely grateful to Nicole and the midwives at the RBWH Birth Centre* for their brilliant help in hospital and with the home visits.

*I was so determined to birth naturally, that Kris and I moved house when I was six weeks’ pregnant to ensure we were in the catchment zone. Not easy, but well worth it.

Post 3 – How uncanny is this? I wrote a Valentine’s Day article on Love and 18/9 energy three years ago on 19 Feb. Quote “Love (18/9) involves climbing a mountain in order to complete a journey of growth.” Forrest was born on 16/2/2016, making him an 18/9 lifepath. That’s right, his life purpose (out of the 38 possible) is pure love. I always said to him in the womb ‘you are love, you are loved, you are loving’. Looks like he was listening.

Being a professional numerologist, I didn’t finalise Forrest’s name until after birth, because I wanted his name to complement his lifepath. Forrest Galahad Anderson adds to a 99/18/9 Destiny, which matches his 18/9 lifepath. His spiritual turning points (9 and 18 years old etc.) match the milestones in my numerology chart, suggesting we were always destined to meet in this lifetime. I didn’t expect to call him Galahad – Forrest telepathed his name to me while breastfeeding.

After a Google search, I discovered that Sir Galahad was the only knight in King Arthur to find the Holy Grail. I knew this was a good fit, as someone with a 99 Destiny is here on a mission (9 is about seeing the big picture, rewriting history and demonstrating compassion). More on choosing baby names, I also cover this topic in a name numerology webinar.

23 February Our little wise man Forrest is one week old and thriving. He’s so calm…and so he should be, after 55 breastfeeds in a week!! Here are the Tarot cards I pulled a while back, asking: 1) How will the birth go (Ace Air – challenging beginning – sure was! I still can’t sit down due to the stitches) 2) Why he chose Kris as Dad (The Empress – nurture – well, Kris is very loving), and 3) Why he chose me as Mum (10 Earth / Pentacles – happy family life and financial security)  

Kris saw these cards and said ‘haha he wants me to inspire him, and he wants you to fund him’…I’m like ‘if I’m going to be the milk bank I might as well be an atm too.’ Read my tips for DIY Tarot & 11 decks (I’ve used the Angel Tarot here).

25 February
Can you predict a baby’s gender? Yes, if you ask the right ppl! 🙂 Before Forrest was born, I asked several psychics his gender and they all predicted a male, before I’d even had a scan. This was no surprise, as Forrest appeared to me as a boy before conception (he also told me to hurry up!! :D) One of the psychics I asked was Amanda De Warren, Australia’s top animal whisperer and an incredible psychic medium.

Here’s what she wrote after seeing Forrest’s pic this week: “Oh wow. Your baby is amazing and is a very old soul. He is very musical and artistic and creative. He has been a warrior in past lives and is very strong willed. Please give him a hug for me. I’m so glad you loved my book. Xxx” Amazing. I started speaking another language during labour (maybe Maori or Hawaiian) and knew he was a fighter from the start. In the first photos of him after birth he looks Islander.

26 February
So, we’ve got a psychic baby. Forrest scared the cr*p out of me today – I said to him ‘it feels like I’ve known you more than 10 days’ and he started laughing. It gave me the chills – he hadn’t done anything like that in the several hours prior, it was a sudden chuckle. Yikes! I feel so responsible for helping him stay awake in this world of mixed energies. It’s like starting a new career :)Well, I am in a 1 Personal Year – last time this came round (2007) I changed from science to fundraising, started my psychic biz and did a year long personal growth course! Find your personal year or  see my webinar on personal years and 11:11

5 March
Post 1- Miracle alert! My sister and Mum are visiting Forrest this weekend. As my sis walked in the door, I was finishing a meditation where my Spirit Guides said ‘start planning your wedding, it will distract you from the baby craziness’. 10 seconds after I woke up Helen handed me a stack of wedding magazines she’d just bought. Our table number was 11!

Post 2 – Someone asked me what it’s like having a baby. I said ‘pretty good, I only have to read one person’s mind per week now!’Here is Forrest with his fave dolphin*, whale and turtle towel. He always appeared to me in dreams as a water spirit with dolphins 🙂 No surprise, he loves baths!!! Kris and I are very sleep deprived but happy. 11’s often receive strong messages in dreams, as they have a powerful subconscious mind.

That’s why I’m a fan of alternative healing like kinesiology, crystal healing, Reiki, Hypnobirthing, chiropractic care and techniques like Family Constellations. I had many treatments in the months before giving birth.

*Forrest, Kris and I are Aquarians in Western Astrology and Monkeys in Chinese Astrology. This means our Primal Astrology sign is the Dolphin – I only found this out when researching this blog!

7 March
Cheeky Forrest! I booked a well deserved massage for 10am today. Of course, Forrest decided he wanted to feed at 10.01am…at that moment Julie realised that her car battery was flat (for the first time in years). So while she and Kris fixed it, Forrest got brunch. I looked at him and said ‘did you use your magic powers to muck up that nice lady’s car?!’ ðŸ˜€ This kid is one to watch.

12 March
Took Forrest on his first walk around the block. I got cabin fever after staying home for 3.5 weeks. Walked to the nearest, err, forest for some fresh air. Amusingly, the kids there were yelling out ‘Sarah’ and ‘forest’. Saw heaps of butterflies, including blue and black ones which circled me. I consider them Spirit signs and got the shivers when I said ‘Hello, God’. More on butterfly messengers and miracles I hope you’ve enjoyed this roundup of Forrest and his friends.

Forrest’s birth was, literally, inspired by a piece of (chocolate) cake. I froze some yummy cake that Forrest’s Aunt Kathy made for my Blessingway, and used it as motivation during labour. I promised I would only eat it AFTER I’d given birth – here I am enjoying it! Boy did I have to work hard for that dessert…

Further Links
Class – Why Your Child Chose You ($33)
Class – Why You Chose Your Mother ($33)
Conscious Parenting Resources – lists many more articles
11:11, Forrest Gump and Choosing the Right Baby Name
You Labour the Way You Live – On Conscious Birth, Life and Death
Hello Charlie! My 333 Angel Baby Arrives – Part 1 (our second)
Ziggy’s Dramatic Arrival at the Gold Coast Birth Centre (our third) Ziggy is a 9 life path like Forrest
When Will I Have a Baby? A Spiritual Look at Conception, Miscarriage and Self-Healing
Children’s Lines in Palmistry

Want to learn numerology? Check out my 11:11 Patreon groupclasses and meditations.

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Seeing repeating numbers or at a turning point? Book a reading series with me. Around your birthday is ideal, as that’s when you change personal years.

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