Funny story about empaths. Asians sure are efficient! Check out this sign at Hong Kong International Airport. It shows you how many toilets are free from the outside.
On the subject of toilet humour, some of you know I’m a prankster (your sense of humour is your sense of human, after all).
This week, I was on a call with a client and felt something was happening. I’m super sensitive to feelings. She was on audio only but had muted herself I think.
Me: ‘do you need to go to the bathroom?’
Her: ‘actually I just went without telling you.’
Me: ‘you know I’m psychic right?’
Both: *cracked up laughing*
True story: I feel lots of things on calls, aches, pains, headaches, sometimes pregnancy. But once I mention these to the client the energy disappears.
It used to be out of control. As a child I really struggled. In my early days as a psychic, I would develop symptoms days before people came/ get really affected.
Once a lady came to my house for a session and I couldn’t answer because my tummy spasmed. I said to my husband (Kris Anderson Tarot), ‘ask her if her solar plexus hurts!!’ She said yes. Once we did some clearings, I could function again. Whew.
For the record, I am mainly clairsentient (feeler) and clairaudient (hearer). My soft hands are linked to the former, my musicality to the latter.
After things like that, I wised up and asked my Guides to just give me the cues inside sessions.
That’s right – you can negotiate with Spirit!! One of the many things I teach in my groups like Patreon and 11:11 World Changers.
Tip: After many sessions with Dimensional-Healing and Soulbyrds and Vicki Haspels etc. I have regained clairvoyance (sight). It’s never too late to heal.
There are millions of sensitives like me in the world. It could be you, your partner, your child or newborn…
I wish more of them knew about numerology, Tarot, palmistry, energy protection and healing.
So often, 11:11 comes to them when they are ready to come out of the psychic closet and meet their tribe!
Hope you enjoyed this post xx
toilethumour #fancytoilets #psychicdevelopment #1111Angels #numerology #thenumbersqueen #sarahyip
Comment from my Facebook post:
“Ok The Numbers Queen – 11:11 Numerology by Sarah Yip, i liked this post, but really I wanted to laugh! Because yesterday I was just telling spirit that I didn’t wish to have the nausea that I knew was not mine! Tonight I get home and read this post. Nice work team (yours and mine)!!”
Selina Jones Gulliver
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