Numerology for Marie Kondo! Born 9 Oct 1984, Marie is a (9+1+1+9+8+4) = 32/5 Life Path Spiritual Rebel in an exciting 5 Personal Year. At her childhood turning point age of 5, she began cleaning. Around 32, her adult turning point age, she moved to the U.S. from Japan and started her Konmari brand. Find Your Life Path
All 5 Life Paths are in the spotlight in 2021, a 5 Universal Year for the planet. 5s are healing their 5th or Throat chakras (intuition, inner and outer voices and truthfulness). The element for 5s is Ether / space – so appropriate given Marie Kondo’s talent for spiritual decluttering!
Marie has many signs of an 11:11 Starseed – she is into crystals and sound healing (tuning forks), seems psychic (talks to houses and objects) is gentle, passionate about her cause, adept at media (her energy projects well), is married to her equal and very connected to children.
I wrote this post after watching Marie for the first time on on Netflix yesterday and then staying up late to clean out my closet I can really feel the difference! It’s like my remaining clothes are sparkling.
When Marie tuned into a family’s home on TV I could feel the energy…it was very similar to a psychic reading. Her palmistry shows signs of high altruism, logic and obsessiveness, which she’s talked about in public.
FYI Konmari Method adds to 65/11, the same as Enlightenment (!) I do find that clearing a house makes life more vibrant.
At the same time, I think it’s important to remember Marie is coming from a certain angle, so applying her principles without flexibility would be unkind. Not everyone is naturally organised, especially young kids. Adapt Marie’s concepts for your family, please don’t get tidiness confused with self-worth.
Btw, between now and 12-13th Jan is a great time to let go of stuff, due to the waning moon…
P.S. Want to learn more? Check out Your 2021 Numerology Forecast, which includes a month-by-month planner and forecasts, affirmations and meditations for all life paths. Now on sale for $66 (was $77) until 12 February 2021 (Chinese New Year).
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