My 11:11 Breakthrough – Even Buddhas Get The Blues! How To Heal From Tragedy, With Grace

Wow, what a week for 11:11 sightings! As soon as I posted A Poem for My Critics (on being an 11:11 See’r) and Why Do I See 11:11, the clocks have gone bananas. In the past two days, I’ve seen 11:11, 12:12, 12:34, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55. My Guides must be glad I started a video channel on Youtube and facebook after years’ of procrastination.

***Watch this blog on Youtube (12min) – it has extra info :)***

With my husband overseas, I’ve been doing a lot of work before Charlie arrives in September, and before the next Mercury retrograde on 12-13 August. This post is about how 11:11 appears when you’re ready to forgive and take the next step in your evolution. 1+1+1+1 = 4, the number for the 4th, or Heart Chakra (Joy vs Grief). Seeing 11:11 is a reminder that ‘every one’ has come to Earth to experience love, not fear. Here’s a photo of me doing exactly that with a friendly dog I met in Hervey Bay.

In my case, this is my first blog about my father leaving when I was 14. I had never truly mourned his departure until tonight. This is also the first time I’ve mentioned it in 220+ blog posts. That’s how deeply I buried the shock. Hm, I finally understand that saying by Rumi, “the wound is where the light enters you.”


This morning, I was discussing how painful it’s been for me to restart blogging after two months (due to Forrest and pregnancy, work and my new marriage to Kris). Not only has my neck gone out (read more on healing your neck), I’ve been getting vertigo and insomnia.

Perhaps the Full Moon in Capricorn is part of the reason. In astrology, I’m a Capricorn rising, and my Venus is also in Capricorn. According to Tanishka, The Moon Woman on facebook, this Full Moon may bring to light any unconscious beliefs that we need to ‘work for approval’, especially fatherly approval. Talk about accurate! More on that later.

Anyhow – so my chiropractor, Jolene Cooney (a Master 29/11 lifepath too) suggested that I was doing too much computer work. Apparently, we’re designed to move our eyes side-to-side, not up-and-down, so too much blogging could be disorientating both me and my readers.

When I mentioned my latest troll, Jolene asked ‘Do you know your why? Why do you feel you need to keep proving yourself?’ Her words shifted me. I recalled that my passion is ‘freedom of thought and religion’, and that I much prefer speaking to blogging. I also ‘got’ that I’ve been acting like a little girl, who still doubts her worth. No surprise, Jolene and I finished at 11.11, the wake up code for higher consciousness.After chiro, I went to buy groceries, and was served by ‘Sarah 11’ at register 2 (hilarious). So I knew that Spirit was telling me to check my mental inbox. I went home to meditate, and had a big cry and shift, which produced the following poem:

Even Buddhas Get The Blues –
How To Heal From Tragedy, With Grace

The day my darling father left
The roller door came down
He closed the gate and said goodbye
Promised he’d be round


When you’re young, a trip means nothing
Time is just a word
Two years sounded like a weekend
That’s what my ears heard

The orchids that he planted then
Still bloom two decades later
But he no longer waters them
My mother is caretaker

Today, I realised sadly that
Twenty-three years have passed
Since my father lived at home
It’s been a nuclear blast

I kept a window in my heart
Hoping he’ll come back
The same way I thought Santa
brought my presents in a sackNow I know why Charles Dickens
Wrote his epic book
When you have Great Expectations,
They always get shook

Miss Havisham, she lost her man
And lay in bed forever
With one shoe on, and one shoe off
I used to judge her errorI truly thought she was insane
Until an hour ago
When I got that my old pain
Exceeded her shadow

The hurt is what explodes your mind
And gives your heart permission
To quest for Emerald Cities
And perfect your inner vision

Somewhere, over the rainbow
A little girl’s found home
With friends she’s gathered
From the world
Who also felt alone

You can’t find Oz without a storm
That throws your house about
And shatters the perfection
You thought you couldn’t live without

My mother learned to mow the lawn
While Dad pursued his calling
I instead, got angry and
Tore up my inner walling

The closure of that garage door
Is why I’m so doubt-full
Of being in the public eye
And playing by the rules

My Dad would always give me clocks
And talk about eleven
He gave me all the tips I needed
To access the Heavens

That said, it’s been 5000 days
I’ve lied and said he’s close
No wonder I keep triggering
Critics and their ghosts

You can’t expect approval
From the unhealed, I have learned
Those who still feel hurt and shame
Cannot share kind words

A weed is a plant out of place
Pain is much the same
A message looking for a home
It’s just love’s other name

Truly brave Souls forgive fast
They choose not to question
The why’s and the particulars
Of every single lesson

You wanted change
Well here’s the nut
It only cracks with time
You can’t break it by accident
The tool must be Divine

No one builds a Disneyland
Without a reason for it
In dreaming, Walt gave himself peace
And others, a kind story

My gift is a musical heart
Which grew when my Dad left
It’s not the neatest place to be
But what a fertile nest

My loved ones know
I’m not immune
To falling back on blame
That’s why we’re constantly working
To reinvent life’s game

Even Buddhas get the blues
So spill your anger forth
In safe surrounds,
You’ll find your sound, your path and
Your True North

You’ve got this
You’re from bliss
Now, to lift.

I want to thank Todd Anthonsen II, who added me to the MBTI999 (Myers-Briggs) facebook group today. As soon I saw that J.K. Rowling was an INFP and Walt Disney was an ENFP, I felt a healing begin. As someone who’s an INFP-ENFP hybrid, I love aspects of both these people.

With 2017 being a Universal 1 Year for Earth, we are ALL processing 1 energy just like Walt Disney (a Karmic 19/10/1 Lifepath, aka Pioneer). This is our chance to rebirth, forgive our parents, and reconnect with our immortality (see my posts on past life regression).

There is no death, only the end of fear. Seeing 11:11 is a sign that you’re ready for CHANGE (which adds to 29/11 in numerology). I can’t say the next step will be comfortable, but I promise, the treasure is worth it.

When you know that life’s on your side, everyday becomes a spiritual birthday. Keep growing and please remember, you are a Buddha, just in human form!

Related Links
Why Do I See 11:11 When I’m Not a Master 11/22/33 Lifepath? Intuition Versus Superstition, Explained!
Your 2017 Numerology Forecast – Will You Make a Fresh Start?
You Can’t Not Belong – Four Ways to Forgive Your Family (Especially Your Parents)
It’s Never Too Late to Have a Happy Childhood

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Seeing repeating numbers or at a life turning point? Book a psychic reading series with me. Around your birthday is ideal, as that’s when you change personal years. If you’d prefer a shorter reading, please see Kris Anderson, my amazing husband. We also read together for a unique 360 degree perspective on your life’s journey and way forward.

You can also check out my events, including palmistry and numerology workshops. Not in Brisbane or the Gold Coast? I have webinars too.

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Jane Hamilton
Oh Sarah this is so moving and has started to help me come to terms with my dad leaving at a similar age to you (i’m now 53!). So glad you are doing these live blogs as you are bringing your wisdom & special gift alive! The most beautiful weeds are bluebells and snowdrops in my opinion, they are spreading like our 11 family <3
Reply · 1 · July 11 at 11:16pmThe Numbers Queen – 11:11 Numerology by Sarah Yip
Beautiful you Jane – as I mention in the written post this is the year for family root healing and the 11:11 Guides are everywhere sending us hope xx may I pls post your comments on the blog? It’s never too late for a happy childhood x
Reply · 1 · July 11 at 11:41pmJane Hamilton
Of course Sarah you can post anything I share, anything that may help others <3 My mum was a 22 & did more than enough to be two parents xx
Reply · July 11 at 11:46pmSynthia Johnson
Beautiful!! I really enjoyed this video it was so current for me today. Really pleased to see you speak and speak so caringly and openly. Very courageous, being so gentle with ourselves when when are speaking about ourselves in such a way. To live and let live. For me I know that sometimes when I rediscover of myself I find it hard to let things go. These times are a very exposing time for me. I am forever grateful though.
Reply · 1 · July 11 at 4:33pm


The Numbers Queen – 11:11 Numerology by Sarah Yip
Thanks Synthia!! The 11:11 Guides are showering Earth right now with signs and healing msgs 🙂 blessed to know you courageous Star. Can I post your comment on the blog? Xx
July 11 at 8:39pm

Synthia Johnson
The Numbers Queen – 11:11 Numerology by Sarah Yip yes feel free to post. And that’s really good to know and have that reassurance, I know for me sometimes I’ve been a bit hesitant in my own exploration so it’s good to hear that there is that encouragement to just keep going 🙂 xxx
July 11 at 8:57pm

Want to learn numerology? Check out my 11:11 Patreon groupclasses and meditations.

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Seeing repeating numbers or at a turning point? Book a reading series with me. Around your birthday is ideal, as that’s when you change personal years.

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