Geez George!! George Calombaris has been fined $200K for wage theft of $7.83m. He will also no longer be on MasterChef due to a pay dispute (oh, the irony).
2019 is a Universal 3 Year which energetically starts now (July, a Universal 1 Month). This is a shift time for all lifepath 3s and 33s, including George!! The lifepath 4s get their turn in 2020. Many 4’s are already buzzing with ideas.
FYI George’s DOB 4/1/1978 gives him an 30/3 Artist and Communicator lifepath. At 30yo, his lifepath turning point, he opened his first international restaurant and life took off.
He’s in an (4+1+2+0+1+9) or 17/8 Personal Year of Karmic Balance*. When we go through an 8 Year (or have an 8 lifepath), we get to ‘play God’ and openly receive the rewards (or challenges) for our choices over the previous 8 years. Just look at the 8 – it’s like an infinity loop standing up, i.e. ‘what goes around, comes around’. Find your personal year forecast for 2019
2019 will set the tone for a total life change by 43yo, when he’ll shift from 11 energy (the spotlight) to a 7 energy (the monk/ seeker). No wonder he’s been talking about meditation.
*Adriano Zumbo (a 27/9 Old Soul lifepath) had a similar fiasco in his 8 Personal Year, which I blogged on. This 2017 post on Adriano mentions George Calombaris in passing.
FYI Masterchef has 44/8 and MasterChef Australia has a 11/2 numerology! 44/8 is the vibration of words like Commitment, Eternity and Happiness.
Master Numbers 11/22/33/44 always add drama and charisma. Many ppl at the top tiers of entertainment, politics and business use numerology and psychic knowledge to choose names and dates for success.
That’s why I’m sooo passionate about educating the public, so we can be awake creators instead of energy vampired ‘Muggles’.
Question of the day: Where is your capitalist approach (head) hurting your staff morale (heart). Is it time to repay your body with some overdue sleep, food and downtime?!
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